The effect of Bylaw ZOII-USZO u to Idd new defrmtrons for the tollnwrng terms used in the Byâ€"law: Cempground. Flat. Golf Course. Driving Range. Library. Prwate (.‘amp. School. Wholesale Sales and Distribution, Accessory Retail Stdre. feed Mrll. foundry. Printing let. Portable Auplult Plant. Asphllt Pleat. Werehouu. Cemetery. By-lnw 201! "8-7.0 further amends the deï¬nmon for the followrng terms: Gross Floor Area. Finanual Institution. Commercial School and Driveway, and amends the title of the deftnmon of 'Wrecking Yard" m " Snlvnge or Wrecking Yard". The purpose of By-Iaw 2011.118-20 Is to Amend Zoning Bylaw 2010 001 7.0 to add a number of new definitions to add clarity to permuted me: in the Bylaw. Bylaw 2011 1 IR 20 is one of: series of 'Housekcéping' Zoning Bylaws Which updltc. correct and refine thr provisions of Comprehensive Zoning By-law 2010-11810 By-law IOIl-lls-ZO applies to all lands in the Town of Whitchurch-Sxouffvxlle and tccordmgly no map is ntnched. PLEASE NOTE: The Town of Whuchurch-Stouffvfllc Munlcxpavl Ofï¬ces AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Mumcrpai Boa rd in respect of the bylaw by filing With the Director of Planning 8: Building hen/Ices of [he Corporation of the Town of,Whitchurch-Stouffville not later than the 223d day of August. 20!! a notice of appeal setting out the objection'to the by~law and the reasons in support of the objection. In accordance with Section 3409) of the Planning Act the notice of appeal must be accompanied by the Ontario Municipal Board Act prescribed fee of St 25.00, payable to the Minister of Finance. In addition to the fee listed above. pursuant to By-law 2010-]63-Fl. a processing fee ofSl 85 00 pet Ontario Municipal Board appeal. payable to the Town of Whttchurch - Stouffvxlle, ts required to be paid at the time of filing a Notice of Appeal. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-law. ts attached The complete by-law :5 available for inspection in my office during tegtalar ofï¬ce hours. NOTE: TAKE NOTICE that the Council “The Corporation of the Town of Whuchurch Slouflvnlle passca Bylaw 201111810 on the 19th day of haly. 201] under Section 34 of the Planning Act. 1990. " ‘ DATED at the Town ofWhilchurch~$louï¬villc this 30!!) day of )uly, 20H THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITCHURCH~STOUFFVILLE No person or public body shall be addcd as a‘pany to the hcanng oflhc appeal unlcss. before the bylaw was passed. the person or public body made oral submissions a! a public meeting or written submassnons to the Council or. in the opmlon o: the Ontario Municipal Board, that are reasonable grounds to add the person or publu body as a party. - Only mdmdmls, corporations and publtc bodies may appeal a zoning by kw w the Ontario Municxpil Bonrd. A notice of appeal may not be ï¬led by an unincorporated nssocution or group. However. a notice of appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the assouauon or the group WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE Town 0/ NOTICE OF [THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY’LAW W to facnlxtm the move 1000! new location and will re-opcn on W Andrew Mchcly. Dircctor of Planning 8: Building Services Town of Whitchu rch - Stouffvillc Ill Sandiford Drive Stouffvnllc, Ontuio LIA 07.8 Explanatory Note By-hw No. 20] 1-] 18-20 PLANNING ACT. 1990