As a result many farmers turn direcfly to consumers to thrive in anoften dlï¬cult industry. Aurora-based Ontario Farm Fresh Marketing Association helps answer that question for more than 300 member farms. “(Ontarkn society is now, three generations moved from having a connection to fanns," Farm Fresh executive director Calhy Bandit said."Notsolongag1. peoplehada grandparent or tmcle who owned a farm that everyone could visit. but that's no longet the case.†Dim-to-market farms now serve as a connection to agriculture BY JEREMY ml ignmaldaï¬yrmgxom Getting produce into any of the major supermarkets can be tough for an independent farmer - - ,v km, farms directly to the public face the challenge of marketing: how do they get people who want lhcir products thmugh the doors? Organization helps farmers sell to you offers producers chance to share ideas Ontario Farm Fresh ‘It deflrmely took a of years to catch on." owner Dave Passaï¬ume. 42. said. “It was My for many people. she “This is an increasing are: of interest for farmers because lnstcad of selling to Mmlesalers and los- 'mg touch with their goods. they am selling directly to people who can give them almost immediate feedback“ Organics Family Farm in Markham. the only certiï¬ed onganic fruit-picking farm in the (HA. mkcs advantage of Farm Fresh's services The farm also offers baked goods made a wood-burning stove. Fannsmatoffetatouflm oom- ponem am becoming increasing)! popular. so people can see when: meirfoodiscomingï¬omandexpc- ï¬encrliieonmefnnnï¬m hand. ‘Not so long 1130. people had a grandparent or uncle who owned a farm that everyone could visit, but that’s no longer the case.’ - “Farmers. are fairly isolated sometimes.†she said. “We will be working My on something not even realizing that others are doing the same thing somewhat: else. but sowhen weal] meet up. it's useful to share ideas." Althoug) it's difï¬cult to quantify howmuchhelphegetsfmml‘arm Fresnhesaldpanolhlssuwessls due to the organization’s ability to bring like-minded people together. “We have trafï¬c fmm their web- site and have attended their direct marketing seminars." he said. “At Farm Fresh. wally good ideas often flow_ and it’s a great opportunity to get flash idea from othcrx lust talking to people. you can ï¬nd out how they do thing diflemntly.“ “I don't like to blow my own born. but we have lots of older Europeans from the city coming up and saying they didn‘t even go! this quality back in the old country," Mr. Passaï¬ume said. tony! in the ï¬rst few years because the people just mum“! coming." Now in its third year, wma has spaced and many customers come exclusively for the bread. Members learn and ’grow through “the experiences of others provmoewide. Ms Banolic said. One reason his farm glows year (wet-year is the organization’s pm “It's vital to let people know why we should be buying Ontario pro- duce and Farm Fresh does that." That story gave Laura Hughes and the team a! Milton's Springs ddge the idea to make marmalade with champagne. Another successï¬u Farm Fresh member is Mr. Passaï¬ume’s broth- er, Man. 40. His 5‘th farm and Applewood. makes wine [mm unconventional fruits indud- mg stmwherries black cunants and WW!» Aflet one bottle was-sent over-the Atlantic as a gift for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's weddhxg. sales of Royal Wedding Marmalade beat expectations tenfold. teaching 5.000 units > She died Springï¬dge Farm’s Royal Wedding Marmalade as an example (if a gum idea that nated from a Farm Fresh meeting, During one farm fresh bus tour. a member told the group how the lavender: jelly he was making ended up in the hands of United States. hue-sidem Barack Obama "I would say the biggest beneï¬t is education of the public.“ Matt said of Farm Fresh. STA" PHOTMJOEID WITTEVHN Dave Pusaï¬ume of Organics Family Farm and Ontario Farm Fresh executive director ( ‘athy Bartolic promote Organ ics baked goods at the Markham farm. he said. The": are legitimate mamris why grocery stow chains don’t stock more local produce. he said. “The big Claim have their supply chain in place year-Immd. 'lhc'y can't just stop getting strawtx‘m‘cx {mm Caliban for the Wm weeks whik' Ontario arr in 59mm." "We have the option of gmng directly x0 the customers to makc that retailr dollar. mm the help of rarm mean. we am and more every yvz Fresh has been were for us to act as a mouthpiece. Vs’hcthm that iswilh the media. getting other farmers online or creating promu- 60ml material. they're always there for us." an Fresh allmvs ilmdqudem farmers to work mgr:ch as a group. However. Ontario farmers can ï¬nd other outlets, he said. momma! aid he said D Formoreinfomuhonon Farm Fresh. visit omriofatmfreshxom D For more infatuation on Organic; visit madame] b For more infatuation on Appbwood, Visit Wmmm Hi I doing that mon‘