COMING UP: Hospitals beneï¬t from horse event N Humphrey loved leading fellow horse. riders through the trails around his Vandorf Road tack shop and then feeding them a home-cooked meal. He also believed in giving back to the Whitchurth-Stouflville area community. so Mr. Humphrey combined his two loves by charging riders $5 and donating all the money to oxganizations such as the Com. munity Association for Riding for the Dis- abled, the Canadian Cancer and the Palliative Care Network onork Region. Al’s love for riders, charity lives on through ride Norma Humphreyismdyfordwï¬fthannudm Humphreyme Ridcluly3l tnben eï¬t the Prinass Margaret and Markham Stoufl‘ville hospitnls’ foundutions. BY SANDRA IOLAN sbolanflyrmgxom The riders have raised more than When Mr. Humphrey died in 2006 from prostate cancer. the riding; feasting and fundraising could havc.comc to an end. but his wife Norma decided to carry on her husband '5 tradition. This tuly 31 marks the ï¬fth annual A] Humphrey MemorialARide. "It is a wondermltribute to his memory.†Mrs. Humphrey said? Every year. the n'de’s organizing commit- tcc chooses two charities. This year's chari tics an: the Markham Stouffville Hospital Foundation palliative care unit and the Prin~ “A†"070609! KOCKEIKNE ODY “She’s amazing. It‘s hard to believe that she was given up on and she's come back so well.†Mm Humphrey said. “I know there's a s ' a attached to stem cell research. but it's t blood. Stem cell research today is done with blood. not an infam's umbilical cord.†ccss Margaret Hospital Foundation stem cell research fund. Although the rides are a ï¬nancial suc- cess, nothing is deducted for expenses and everything is donated, Mrs. Humphrey and the ride committee want to keep it that way. so this year they have instituted a minimum $100 donation he made by rid- ers. along with the registration fee: “We're not asking for $2.000 like cancer research is asking for. 'lWo thousand dolâ€" lars is a b! to anybody. We think $100 is doable.“ Mrs. Humphrey said. “It's just to ensure we're raising ihe must funds we can mse. This is the second year Al's Ride has sup- poned stem cell research and it is because of a personal connection. According to Mrs. Humphrey. about seven years ago a friend of hers was sent home from the hospital to die because her diseasehad no cure. But a doctor in Ottawa. she said. treated her friend with sxem cells and today. that friend is alive and well. "I really don't think S 100 is out of line. All you need to do is get 10 people to donate For people inn-pasted in \mlmnwrmg. contact Norma Humphrey at 905~ï¬4(')-2(H l or $10 each.†‘lhe three to fdur~huur ZS-Rihimcm- rid:- lhrough the York Region Forest starts at 8 a.m. with a hmch slop scheduled halfway Ihmugh a! no additional cost to the rider. Water for the horses Will also be pm vided. Registration is $45 until In 25 and Sm until luly 30. There is no same-day registrar lion availabie. Postwide entertainment, along with a beef barbecue dinner will be ()flered fur $ l 0 per person. Â¥ For more information. gown www When Mr. Humphrey died in 2006 from prostate cancer, (ï¬e riding, feasting and fundraismg could have come to an end. but his m’fe Norma decided to ca rry on her husband’s tradition.