Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Sun-Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 23 Jun 2011, p. 4

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Council approved the Town‘s 2010 audited Pittman! Stntements; the Auditot'e Report no the Budget and Audit Committee. the Mllan Paint-um I Mann-em indicators; the detntled Statement officumudleeerwhndfiendthe detailed Statementot UPDATED LEISUKE AND COMMUNITY , SERVICES MASTER PLAN (20“) (’louncil W in prhcbk. the updgted phn tho! will provide dmxflon {or the «finned dadopmcm of mmuoml. cultural md voluntch W Initiative; Staff was requested to bung “mat-ltd basins» plant back Io Comm! in the [all of 201 I. 2010 ANNUAL REPORTS (Joana! received bod: the Annual kponfo: the Town of Whnchunzh» Stouffvilk and the Annual chon for Pm and Emmy Sent“. For men mm. «If reports can be mm by waiting the Town webuk www.mnofmxn and selecting ‘ . a... I Hindu By- law,“ “I. . WAT-El BILLS - DUE DATE 4- )UNE 24. 2011 WATER bills have now been mailed. If you have not received your Irate! ball. contact the Treasury Depamueut as soon as Failure to receive a m bill does not eliminate the mponnbilny for payment a“ want at the penalty charge foe late payment Hen: we below for payment opuom during the Canada Post [about Dupute Tm will no longer accept credit tank [at payment at you water accoanla. ' PAYMENT OPTIONS DURING CANADA POST LABOUR DISPUTE The l‘mvn of Whttchurch~8touffvttle would hit to rumnd madam that they at! "would: for ttmcly'paymcnt of tu hills. water bills. fines and fiber warm-x~ ,. WATEI JILL-payment. due km 2430:: RESIDENTIAL TAX dut (tam trmam um hangrd Payment options W: In person. Town Hall )7 \andtfmd than 4th Hum dunng regular husmcss hours (Monday Fnday R N) am 4 30 p m) opaymcnt by cheque wunr night drpustl at thr wut (ntranu' tlutng ML Donaldsl 24 houu a day Honda to Sunday - Paymtnl at one's [manual Institutmn Ibv phone. banking machine or (m 11nd Pm minimath “finding these payments. plane law a manage a! 905.040.1’10 or $054,552.92“. no Staff will make cvrry cffml to «wood to yum Inquiry vmhln 2 .3 tau-men days. Pu authorized payment tor Wain and Taxes NI’IMID unchanged NOTICI Main Street (tron Ninth Una to Stuff" Strut) from 830 am to I0230 a.m on Fnday luly l. 2011; Put Drive (Inn Mall: Stud to North Entrance to Labovlc luau" Cantu) from Noon on Thursday lune 30. 2011 to 6:00 p.m. on Sunday luly 3. 20M; ' Inkioldu Street (from Entrance to chovtc Lctun Centre to Booth Drive) from Noon on Thunday lune 30. 20!! to 6:00 pm. on Sunday July 3. 2011.- ‘ Iopth Drtvc (from Part Dttvc to Thka Blvd.) {tom Noon on Thuuday lune m. 2.011 to 6:00 pm. an Sunday luiy 3, 2011. Main Street (from the out “do 0‘ the ralhvay tracka to Staffer Street) from 7:00 a m. to 7:00 p.111. on Saturday July 2, 20”; Civic Avenue from 700 am. to 7:00 pm. on Saturday luly 2. 201 l; Vehrele parktng m” be permuted on one side at Booth Drtve. Church Street (Mun Stteet to Fredenck Street). Duchess Street. George Street. Hawthorne Avenue (Tindale Road to Baker Street). Lott Avenue (Thielctwood Blvd. To Smutfer Street). Maytree Avenue. Park Drwe (Main Street to Manitoba Street). Stuart Street. Thtcketwood Bouknrd. Ttndale Road. Warntter Street and Wheeler tircucnt Sign: will be clearly [routed and any vehteler perked contrary to the posted sign my be towed. Residents arc mumugcd m answcr a survey by Friday lune 24th (Int mll pnmdr nmgh! and valuable l’ccdhacl m ann stuff dealing with lhc uperazmn of (ht Downtuwn Stnullvtllc Farmcu' Marla! le Tmmk hhlcdivr u m ,umltnakc any necessary changes In Improve the pmfilc and npcratmn nf the Market. for the bench: mils. patrons and wnduu WWW Inwnulw (inputs are auflahlc at the Muniupal CHILL 17 Sandtford Drive, 4th Hum, Phnmng Bunldmg Scn'u'es Dept. m. a! the [about Lumre (.Lenm. 10 Burkhuldu Stunt. Smuffvxllc (Lomplctcd survey forms can belturncd huk mm the Town at Ihc'sc locations Fm further mlmmatmn. umlau Ann: Ruse. Dawnluun Lo animator at 905-64007“) or mm rosewmwnnlwua, . DOWNTOWN ST'O’UFFVILLE FARMERS' MARKET RESIDENT SURVEY §UI\€ “TOW AWAY ZONES'l VEHICLE PARKING ON ONE SIDE OF THE STREET ONLY IULY ~2. 2011 7:00 tan. to 11:00 p.m. I\Jl able on-hnc nn 1hr Tuwn's website at uk on Far-mus' Market Survey Icon The anticipated standale for the ICCOOSHHCUOD as September 6th. 2011. with completion in the fall 0001! The Lawn Bowling Gteen Reconstrucuon Prokct Includes 0 expansion oflhe cunem green size to full regulannn green o Installation of drainage system c Installation ofa mvirriganon system o * additional lighting o new bent gnu sod If further Information u required. please comau Mike Richandaon. Manager. Flcililles and Parks 3! 905 640 mm or 905-395-5299; ext. 239. The Corponflon of the Town of Whitchutch- Sinuffulle reserves the fight to accepa or reject any tende! and also run ves the ugh: to accept other than the lowest tender. TENDER WSW-4140 LAWN IOWLING GREEN RECONSTRUCTION Tender documents an Available n the Mumcnpal 'thccs. (Jerk s Department. 37 Sandnford Dtivc. 4th Floor. Stouffvxlle‘ Tndm 1m to crafted on“! 3:00 p.n., Wednesday. Indy 6. 20“. Ptokct Overflow: The (imputation of the Town of Whitchutgh-Smuttwiie is soliciting Expression of Interest undet (Juli to: Bid W8 EUI it 28 for the Naming Rights of Whitchurch~$toutlviile Leisure Centre in accordunce with the Town's Letsure Sen/ices Pulley for naming of parks. facilities and buildings. This bhiiding is to remain u the Town of Whttchurch-Smuffville indoor [CLICJHUH tatilitv located at 30 Burkholder Street in Stnuffnllr To be considetcd {m the vendm list. please submit wui letter 0! intetest. clearly indicating the mmpany name, addrr“. phant- and fax number by 3 00 pm. low] standard time nn Wed ncsday. luly 13.20” to the attention of Town Clerk WS.E01«I 1-28 Town of Whttchutch-Stout’fullc 37 Sandtfmd Duvc, 4th Floor Stouffvnllc. 0N {AA 7X5 All inltt‘tfltd panics submitting an an mfmmatmn package containing attangcmcnlsa No solicitation of considered. ANOTRER FUNDRAISER OPPORTUNITY FOR THE NAMING RIGHTS OF WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE LEISURE CENTRE EU]. will be lmwardcd dctnls of con'tnbutiun third parties wnll hr

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