Because tactical oflicem are now the onty York oflicers carrying the weapon. them am usually only about halfadoundeglayed acme the region at a given time. Wham odi- cem are confronted with dangerous situaâ€" tions. police believe making them wait for a Thscr to arrive from elsewhcm in the region \brk police have dischamed 'I‘asets twice thisyearanddidsotwicelastyw. Deputy OdeIHerrklgesaid. , ‘Tbcte have been enough decisions com- ingomofinquiriealnquests. mans-«even byourownlegalpeople~tosayma€san element of risk that's increasing to the alga- nizadon.“ he said. “Somebody is ping to say one day ‘You had the ability to do this. why haven't you done it yet?’ \M? wanted to stop that." Putting medcvicainofï¬cen'handsgives them anode: option thwdnwingaM» “Our people don't wan! to be shooting people," Deputy Chief Henidge said. And. hesai¢anyoflicer foï¬nd tobcabus ing the weapon will be disciplined. The 39MMpolicewill pumhme Mywcostflï¬ooï¬dtflhcpoï¬oeboard bummed!!wa to spend 5128.434. which will buy the devices and ancillary eqmpmmt.mchashdstas « Undu current guidelines. only from-line supervisors and tactical ofï¬cers are permitted to any users. “Our front-line people are saying ‘Our peers have access to this technoby. why doniwerAndthatwasoneofmemodva- nomWe‘ve‘gotmsupponourpeople.' YodRegiomlPoflcewiflhaMmorednn thee dozen 1m to flout-line supervisory oï¬cersmmnginSeptembet. " ThemoverprovedbytheMRegion PbliocScrviccsBoudyesteldastdieï¬m whammfomemmwium thinuipleitscadleofdmemlidwtedmrgy weaponbyZOlz. AmneycondmtedbymeYork Region» MGtoupsWYbrkpolbeismelzst face in the Greater 1bmmo Ana to arm ï¬ont-flneapeMsonwimmdevtce. WmflmmMDflmdeal- tonaswdlaflbmnmalhmmm It’s a fact of which “at Deputy Chid Bmoeflenidgcsaidhcwasmm ‘ ‘Our pcople don't want to be shooting peopla.‘ More Tasers for . York ofï¬cers jfanmuzziï¬yrmgxam BY IO! PANTAUHI 905-642-51 1 1 0 3H Stakhmtd ' [008E 8068 0 momma The Black hiquest jury also recommend- ed the province amend laws the! lestrict the use of Tasers to police units and supervisors. in the meantime. Ydrk is taking an “intermediate' step by handing the devices to supervisors. [1!qu ChiefHerridge sald. Police have tepeatcdly asked the pmvincc to allow trained regular from-line ofï¬cers to carry Teasers. but Queen's Park does not appear ready to budge on the subject. Depu- ty Chiéf Herrldge said. In a repon pmsented to the board tarday. coroner Dr.Wmia‘mLucassaidthe chief coroner's ofï¬ce believes Tamers play, a veryuseï¬nrolcinpouceuscoibmeand he endowes the weapon to from-line supervimm . The ï¬nal report into Mr. Dziekanski's death found oflicers were not jmï¬ï¬cd in shocking him. Hun proï¬le incidents involving Tasen. suchmmemdeuthofmï¬sh immigrant Ruben Ddchnski. who died after being shocked by pub at theVnncouver Inlet- natiomlAil'porLIndehebdh-vatobe mlshfotmaflonabmztdledevioewoddhave nudeiIchaWIgtobrgeaheadwithan mandadrollomeadier.hesai¢ Alsoinflxmxcingflwbme’sdedsionwas ammwmmmmnmmd: foxehudhsustoalloï¬oenpermiflcdto canytheweapon minrypmbeddmezommadtofleï¬ey GeorgeBlacLZlmhowdnotdendbyM polï¬oe 0mm: lesponding to 3 Markham Whilemeaervicedidnhctonmcrwom- nmetmdatiomDeputyQï¬efHerï¬Qeachm- edged equipping more olï¬cers with the devioehasbemondlebme’sqerflasm menrstwexehandedtomcticaibIflcemin chased. more [1011lein supervisors. along wimsupervisorswhoworkwidupecinï¬md unicsmchaadngsmdvimmorme m.wmfldbemnhlhetoga1hser mwaqonï¬ngmbepmydfldflerrflge canputmeminperfl. YorkpdicecunemlyownZflhsera Umeseoondphaseofmeplanislmple- memednaayuraMï¬Thaenmpm- ‘Our from-line people are saying ‘Our peers have access to this techâ€" nology. why don’t we?’ For our flyer «fictive June l7~231|l. Page I: Ultimach LSOO-PSI Powct Washer ("026050) md Page 17: 5.000 BTU Air Conditioner (“115651)me not be avmlabkm‘ I" stems. ‘ We apologize for any inanminu‘c this may haw mused CORRECTION NOTICE . Police widow confronts killer mmmmokovm‘toovms: "Hearingd'nï¬nalveidhhumflujury wasâ€"andstillisâ€"adiï¬cuhmdllnmt impossifle emotion to descrhc,‘ Mn Hun- untolddnepackedooumuozn'lhurdme woudnmflaughter.bmamldnotbefleve it. I was wetwhdmed with suction and pahmdhaveonryfehdmmomodm dmcinmylifeâ€"mcmommgomeZ. 2W7.Mlenlwasuidflmnobhnddic¢' She shuns beigflleled a W but. Wing am a whim um being MWWW.MS moduwudmemmmthuublu "Nathan liwa. youracdons and: me awidow.â€shetoki meScarbomtuxm whomsflï¬nghdmpdmmfsdod'vou During a senteming hearing meaty at the Newmarket courthouse, Sonja Hun- kelt's voice often shifted between sonow and anger as she described the impact the death of her husband. Den-Com Robert Plummhashadohherandmehduee chfldlemAmanda. led and Man. the also expressed her feeling about NadeedewZS-ywâ€"oldmnmpow aï¬cioerthde AYbrk police omcer’swidow felt asifher husband had died again when a Nemnar- ket jury convicted his killer o( mandam- ter. not murder. April 28. )[anmuzziflyr'mgxom BY ’08 PANTAUZZI Suhmtssmm to he \cm to: Lka and Registration. Mental 3nd Gaming (‘ommlsdon «(O-uric. 90 Sheppard Avenue Eat. Sun: 200 Mano. 0N MIN 0A4. Tel: “63264700 0R nun-nu II Oil-Ho: lMSR-mb. FIX: 416-316-5555. Frill“: lk‘tnï¬gï¬agcomxa The pcrmmi information gathcmd n colk‘ctcd undcr the of (h: Liquor Liana A! I. Th: principal purpose of the colk-ctmn IS to assess eligibility for the 135m of a liquor sales Ilccncc Copies of all objocnom at: gwcn to (he apphcanl The information may nlso bc disclosal pursuant t9 lhc Frrrdnm of ligformmIn and Pmu-mun 0] Privacy Arr. Questions about this collection shauld he directed (0 the Manager. Licensing and Registration. Alcohol and Gaming (‘omlnissum of Ontario 3! the address. Iclcphmr numhcn or c~nwl addrc.“ llsttd balmy "lb: followmg establishment has applied to the Alcohol and Gaming Commissuon of Ontario fut a liquot licence made! the Liquor [1(‘(nt'l Art Applicationl’OIISIuLR-mce LA CUISINE m: MA Mm: 6244 MAIN STREET SN)UFFVILLE (lnduor and uutduor area) Any Rude"! of the mumcxpalit) may make a written submtssno‘n as to whether the muanu- ut the licence 15 in the public Intcncst havmg regard tn‘ the needs and 'wtshea of lhc rcstdcnts. Suhmzmmu must he rcunvod no later than July IS. 20". Plum im‘ludc your name. addreï¬s and telephone numhvr If a petition Is submitted to thcfommtssmn. pleaxc ldtnllf)’ the designated contact person Note: Th;- A(K‘(‘) gives the applicant L"UPIC\ at any ohycctnmx Anon) mous objections are not cmudcrcd AGCO Notice of liquor Licence Application 'lnstead of retirement plans, I was faced with phrming a huge police funch for my 43-year-old husband." she said. adding my day is a constant We, sion. mxiety and post-traumatic sires; dis- When can fell the ï¬rst winter aher Da.-Comt. Hunken's dead). she drove to dleoemaeryandsbovelled snowfmm her husbaM‘s grave. Before Den-(Joust. Plunan was killed. the couple often discussed .retiremem Humming her emotional torment. M m Hunkm said she has spent many nights awake. trying to remember what her hus- bandlookedlikewmleaflveandnotinms Mr. M Who periodically looked duvm or stared at the interior of the prisoner’s dockdurlngthe sentencing hearing. showed noemodon. Flmiiy members and supporters of the Plunkctt [Imin and Mr. Iiwa were in the wummm by the hearing 11m neither Mr. liwa nor his family have shown any mm in the four years since her husband‘s death is 'unforgivcablcâ€. M rs. Pluhkefl told the coun. caused this emplinem' A sentencing date is set fot June 29 9B diagnosed with deprcs 3S?