Automahd Line. 905640 I910 905-095-5299 Operatorzmion-WOO 905-09514)! Fax 905on 7957 wwwtownorws ca (mum Eat)“ I V Storm Of , " WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE 37 Sandiford Drive, 4th Floor. Stouflvrlie. 0N L4A 7X5 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MATTER of Section 45(1) of the Planning Act and the following APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCElS): APPLICATION FILE NO: CA-llâ€"lé SUBMISSION NO: Ail/ll SUBJECT LAND: Part .of Lot 9, Plan 230 b ' 6668 Main Street. Stouflvllle as shown on the attached plan Minor variance to permit the additional use of this property for professional offices [rather than a Single Practitioner Professional Dental Office] APPLICATION FOR: INTENDED USE: Commercial [RELATED APPLICATION: None HEARING DATE: Wednesday, July 6, 2011 TIME: 2:00 p.m. PLACE: Fire Hall 51 100 Weldon Road, Stouffville The Committee of Adjustment has appointed the above-noted date, time and place for the public hearing of all persons who desire to be heardin support of or in opposition to‘this application. Any. person may attend the'hearing and make oral submission and/or make a signed written submission together with reasons for support or opposition. If you are unable to attend, any signed written submission must be received by the Secretary-Treasurer prior to the hearing. if you wish to be notified of the Decision of the Committee of Adjustment In respect of this application. you must submit a written request to the Committee of Adjustment. This will also entitle you to be advised of a possible Ontario Municipal Board Hearing; Even if you are the successful party. you should request a copy ofthe Decision since the Committee of Adjustment Decision may be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board by the Applicant or another member oi the public. Additional information regarding the application will be available to the public for inspection at the Planning and Building Services Department, Municipal Offices, 4th Floor, 37 Sandiford Drive, Stouffville, during regular business hours, except on the day of the hearing. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO OWNERlSV): If you do not attend or are not represented at this hearing,theCommittee may proceed in your absence and make a decision. DATED at Stouffville this 22nd day of June, 2011. Sandy Hammond Secretaryâ€"Treasurer Committee of Adjustment Automated Line 906 MUNIO ' 905 895 5299 ()peratm 908 h“) WOO 905 895 20?} in 905 ow '95! www townufws l a Committee of Adjustment E at . 2 36 TOWNOF ' I‘ WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE 37 Sana-raid pm. 4th nooi. StoquVille. on HA 7x5 IN THE MATTER of Section 53 of the Planning Act and the following APPLICATION FOR CONSENT: APPLICATION FILE NO: CA-ll-iB NO: ' BS/ll SUBJECT LAND: Part of Block 1. Plan 65M-2076 14, To, 18 A 20 Cardico Drive, Gormiey as shown on the attached hey plan. " APPLICATION FOR: v The Owner proposes to convey the land comprising approximately 1.22 hectares (3 acres) withfrontage †on Cardico Drive, as shown on the attached sketch plan, for employment purposes. The land to be conveyed is vacant. The Owner proposes to retain the land comprising approximately 1.22 hectares (3 acres) with frontage on Cardico Drive. as shown on the attached sketch plan, for employment purposes. The land to be retained is vacant. RELATED APPLICATION: None HEARING DATE: Wednesday. July 6, 2011 TIME: 2:00 p.m. PLACE: Fire Nail SI 100 Weldon Road. Stouffville The Committee of Adjustment has appointed the abovemoted date, time and place ' for the public hearing of all persons who .desire to be heard In support of or in opposition to this application. Any person may attend the hearing and make oral submission and/or make a signed written submission together with reasons for Support or opposition. if you are unable to attend, any signed written submission must be received by the Secretary-Treasurer prior to the hearing. c ‘ ’ If a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Committee of Adjustment in respect of the proposed consent does not make written submissions to the Committee of Adjustment before it gives or refuses to give a provisional consent. the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss the appeal. . If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment innspectoft-heproposedconsent'younwstmaheawritten requesttothe ComniitteeolAdjusmientattheabove-notedaddress. This will also entitleyou tobeadvlaedolapoeebleomarioflulkbelloerdflearlng. Evenifyouarethe www.mshoddrequestaoopyottheoedslonshcetheCommMee ofAdjusbnentDedsionmaybeappeaIedtotheOntarioMunkipalBoardbythe Applicant or another member oi the public. Additional information regarding the application will be available to the public f0r inspection‘at the Planning and Building Services Department. Municipal Off ices. 4th Floor. 37 Sandiford Drive. Stouffville during regular business hours. except on the day of the hearing. IMPONTANT NOTICE TO OWNERS): If you do not attend or are not represented at the hearing. the Committee may proceed in your absence and make‘a decision. DATEDat the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville this 22nd day of June, 201 1. Sandy Hammond Secretary-Treasurer Committee of Adjustment 4} 11’7\ .752 ig‘j'itu‘x‘ ‘ / l ‘ s. ,5 Jam; illig'si'ii†I moa'uotï¬aqu'm .numgi Ifâ€: