“ ‘v Singer/songwritâ€" er Bob Davies ‘ - will receive, the 20] 1 Music , mm m m, OR 7-!!! . ASST VARIETIES, '2 X 355Ml Town, Ontano ~ award Wednesi dayduringa con~ cert at Stouffville United Church. Don Quarels. last year’s recipi- ent. will mnke the presenta. tion. The 8 pm concert marks the beginning of Strawberry Fes- tival week. For more informr tion on the event and M1. Davies. see lim Thomas’ column on page 7. sun mum mt moro ’ V DOUle 81201! OR ; OR P0055 PADS \ ' StNGlE ween 3 lA‘S-BA'S‘ HYUDDRI 1 (IARGEPACKSb ' 3 DOUBLE p SAVINGS wran 5, Autos OR mu Inns: VITAMINS “A T o ‘ . . 10X REWARDS POINTS ON ALL HALLMARK 2011 Samxtmaumam Executive Company Car PRODUCTS FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 3488’ 07° so You just can’t buy better. M W“ '«w : t x w» 10X Reward Points on all Rexall Products US$91! ifv ’é‘ ' ® (a) Hvununr f 35.37:.†f‘Kv,i:{â€Y‘|d†BL†A “VJ!†(“1 Hugh“ ‘VVIR‘ titt * 'v’ - t " fa)(j1‘,â€"8H:-~,;v 1’ f 1’ ,7 0 «Wu IHVIeH'H‘ w mdm C(‘HT ; ‘ n ‘ H {W if 540- 324 DELIVERY "*‘v \iti‘s; U x v H w e ‘ MW swath!» an .6 Si 77 49° " e g 1 y ’ "‘P'h‘n' 9‘u'm