Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Sun-Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 26 May 2011, p. 6

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Dumflwnon (mm: mama ,mscotw olmomthanlmcom‘ $1..» Wmm‘“ WMGIND .mnnlm NM m MM. W En. mm Same). m Mien. mm {comm-st Sun. 5m SMM,W Amwajmm Mimi!" m. ham (at! and com Amml‘lsw; MW Manger I'heSuan. Wmmwa mom. “Mam WW GmLMJM modqu ’Siifiv‘lfibune an“ Mn :M.‘ =n 9”“ mm X ' ’X .'l'1HIKi\.' -UHPNH\1\L 4M Mn .‘nl.’ Na“. 5 3m '4; mm .. I \h\'\ 1.41} II""‘H' I“; a.“ l am? hull Rep-m Main hmup flleflu“ um“ Stvplwn Mamie km to In («or m 50-!” $290 “a St W. ON l“ '07 «auctions: can “Mll‘ilflti'wflm whom-curvy LEITEBS POlICY III hzmrwjm dch MIIUIIU MIL! Bamullr HM I'Rumm w 905 A40 3b] 1 Emmlwu hm Mason | {$137454} 905-6411877“ ' F6 0“ o 5 y "I Neither party gives voters much Cmdit when election fodder is the pricc of beer and expanding when: you can drink alaihol. lo think’thcwo am among Ontario's most praising ismcs is laugh able“ l‘hcrt‘ an“ issues that extrnd beyond the partyt‘rmvd vote. though. lho l‘( is am also promising an extra $3.1 billion in health carv funding, ls thth as ht'tu't way to arttrm t vows? liwryhtxly wants lx'ttt'r health rant ‘ . And the NI)!’ t'amt' out early plcdgo ing to eliminate the HST lmtn (Plt'lei'- ity and homi- limiting hills. liwn Mr. llmlak «grow with that. adding the pledge. to his party's platform But thow kinds of inuwtnwnt won't tome without .1 cost and. w lat. specif- icS are lacking. When IS comes to the health tum spending, Mr. llutlatk is simply saying hv will mow awaw from ‘tunding wastt' and wmtmstmtmn ‘ t ( hn it really ht’ that (my? Vlhm's only one way to find out vote them in Unfortunately. plans art‘ offl'n alt‘r‘n‘d or t‘ant‘t‘llr‘tl outright lllKlt'f .1 mnndatt‘ and "remix nothing voters UNI do until tlit- nut round of vote bidding ht‘gtnx Both are obvious attempts to buy support for the October election. 7 [he liberals are also pushtng through a plan In loosen liquor by the summer. citing (M'm'h'clmmg public support. ‘Ih‘is 'ts plan anmuux‘u! by At'tonu'y Hem-ml (Zhrix Bentl'cy. who should be more cunccmed about the stdtv of nut crumbling munht mum While the oppositimt points to this as a lame-attempt to divert attention from. the Uberals' shortcoming over the past term. upponcnue also believe mtescanheboughtwtthtnamwm 'It wasn't long ago Primesstve (km servativt' header 'nm tlud'alt mused about the days when he mud buy a beer in Ontario for St a bottle. the Uhetals public emxlc you work )I’ walk. Clch out the lii.5-~[x-r~cem wage incmase over [nut years lhc ()PP got. This came on the heels of a 3-por-cem hike for ()PSEU members. support. In the so Aduafly. i ‘ Premier the Libemls Promisw, prome fivm all sides "I 4w "‘0 v MM?“ season uf giving begin 1. it has already slaned r Dalton Mdiuimy 118 (debuted two Ve. Editorial Ihc is be mlcbrated two 3 we wage elleallh) bv ()Dt'l 10mm nmc ‘ promises ad as came " thn‘at up 1; tilzlll QDIOOOVJOI‘IQ {811‘s (unless ape-hing the 10 "uses 125 n a pnnin‘ UH‘ “(Tia m' wuh m0 .1! HH‘HWI’!‘ v. rhvnmn‘ In mmm' Mgm aflul H‘llll) and '0 years nf “1h (unkm prning lhv L IHL UHtLNtflNb"' ‘IVt USED THE TRlBUNE TO WRAP COMPOST FOR YEARS! /.,.-,;.._._..,..‘-‘W._ . /, I'm thankful vwry day for 11w hmhh «arr M- haw I" ( mmda. I qucs‘liun :hv ugh! m alnlil) uI thv Fraser Imlituw. nu-mhcrs M the Canadian (Iluh. Mr Hmmach and mysn Ms Kelly 10 ml! llw awmgv (Amufian when kind nf hvahh um' wv nerd ‘ INK do all no um (u mah- i! bout-I fur cwrylmdv and no! inst for those whn an: able in pay. Let’s improve health (are for all to experience ' Happily. that's not the full picture. 1 mccndy received excellent care a! houl’hlakr Regional Health Centre In Ntwnmrkm. an ECG within half an hour ofamvx ng, h‘c‘an attack diagnowd wuhin an hm". angmgram and mm: install“! and hm k in rmnvcrv hv noun My hmlhcr. whn mum! an MRI. gm il m'th hm marks. mft‘n‘dl in a specialist m mu‘ mnmh. spinal sun-gen, in twu and four mnmhs in rehab. Editor in chief Kelly describes ‘a "fall'- 1113 systm‘n”, a. "chronically ill system" and goes cm to quote a Ms Carmichael who has decidch "\VC can't wait any longer. people am dying". Astonishing”: she also (yum-s bll~ I'mnaire ‘ Frank Strunm'h. who appm- cmly has duiidvd that our health (are wysmm doesn't fumjtiun any mum and says we need a IwoJiw SVStt'm. Ms Kelly than mfcns to the unhappy expert-me of two friends and so. I modin admn nur systvm ’5 not perfect. ' Nvithor (If Ub have had to at“ mu home's m dm'lan- bankruptcy. Yes. the Um ted 513th has good um- Iot some, but what M the minim». whn h mm m (‘tm-mgv! Re: Hmlth can) an ailing now. no! a ward mw. mlumn by Debora k'o'Ily. May2] unflilelv www’s Au THE F055 ABOUT suvme pmsm BAGS. FOR THE GREEN ems ~ ‘ « 'I'VE USED THE TRIBUNE TO ' WRAP COMPOST FOR C YEARS! r4â€"â€"â€"-â€"-- Letters to the Editor MAKE Tlr'FFORD 0"O0.0 SEW-Tribune 1 mm normally advocate one pmd~ um (wér another but sincc retyding is so inqu’am. I'd lib: to respond; Glad Easy-Tm Recycling (in-en Bags (“wilh ()duur-Suppmxing Gladigard“) work lmautifullv . I know because I fotgot to take my under~the-sink greens out last week and when I did (after 1.5 weeks). the contents were hmwn and liquefied. Yuck. but the bag held up beautifully with no leaks at spills Another bag nominated Ms Johnston her huuschok! will nm use the green bin until aquality bag is made aVailable Having wad nf Ms )olmslnn's disap- pnimmom m'th Ivaky thin given bin bags. 1"“ cm?! (his. We've actually had great success for many years now wing at much micka gram bin hag called Bag 'l'n Namm (wmwhagmmtumca). which Is 1(1) per cent (mnpostahk'lhkxivgradahh‘. Her "mum is “Strung when YOU nerd it? (an' when WI; don‘t?" I'm quite sum Sht‘ would change hm mind and start moon-binning again if she tried thew. W1- bought these bags frmn (,‘ustcn at a reason- able pricv. V! I“ Rn .V'o mnn' gmw-bimung. thanks In (ad)- lngs’. Ir"?! :0 (hr "firm by Michelle Iohnslon. May I 9. Earth worth mycling for Re: No mom Wit-binning, thanks to leaky bags. letter to the editor Michelle lolnmon. May 19. Puausnan Ian Pmudfom Pkwy Mama Earth thanks 6290mm St L“ 16? ’95;0000003 SARAH POKI‘ER SANDRA WON ."O." Emma m (Lulu ! whom Kr” v Busmm Mann Ruhr" but: rl ‘lim Mason?" the biggér m the pair said. not even cracking a gun. Swalldwing hard. I fossed up “Thought it was you." he sand "We. played pecwcc football tugmh~ 0t. Remember?” Marv imgmnamly. hvrv \w' U'Idâ€"fashiom‘d. fan) m fmv mm taking place \sithum thc an Facebouk m dassmmcsuun MUâ€"word 'lwmcr limit. .\ coup} solid handshakes. warm mules faded memorm u! back m (hm l was feeling prom darn g ahnut myself all over again, I couldn't haw pickt‘d my mcr football huddlc‘s mu 0! a p( lino«up. but. snmt‘htm. l we“ recognizable. standing m a (r on one at tht' huxumt spnh m namm. (30 figurr Iim Maw" 13 whim 0] HM' ‘ ’l‘rihunr That was 40 years ago and L400 kilometres away. but I did mall the guys now in from of me. l'hey wg-m. and remain.» hmthon. the stars of the team. 1hr Dynamm-rx. (03(th by their Vince lnmbardi of a dad lust middling my thumbs‘in the lobby of Toronto Eaton (Lenâ€" trc. checking my walch and await mg the arrival of my fellow tourists from Slouffvlllc when it all went Y0u know that feeling whvn someone is watching you? I‘wu bud‘y gems stared slowly in my ditcctinn then started toward me. Security guards? cops? Politi- cians I wrote mean things about? Should I be Iexting a lawyer? . Since I hadn't gone all Lindsay [Dhan iri a mall jewelry Mom and mere were no outgandmg warrants I knew. of with my name on them. my worry level was on low boil. I remember rck‘bmtmg a (‘ championship with that squad a feeling pretty good about mywlf. spite of having \rt‘n’ lmk- to do w that mlr. _' We crammed tum L‘ family and ( arwr-huimn minute-s nfchim hat. Old-school reunion stands out in crowd Dun-rum. Paonucnuu lath? Mum: With OH The "“"O‘OO Inn Mam n DI lu-t‘ luu. Ammum“ DlsrlI-n I u». .VK‘Oll’ I 1mm» Duw'mv. ()rrzunu“ Hum Kim A l‘op cum coupk unm m1 ( H) HI (H 1d

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