( humid A Sm. W 5mm, Guaya- Advouu. W M W m. Duh- ml and Warm .Gmm‘mmw WWO" hmcmm WWW!on Wampum «mm 100m MW mamm_m um nun-mum. . W [mum Clad-thaw 51mm! [he Sun “than? “hm your in cm A] «tuna-tom 'nm'u huh- flun OI]! hunk Ind RI. mt'lulh' «I mm Winw umhfl, nuns and nun-u "rhythm m 9m :0 [WI «1 nm a ind m «III kn ‘ In! My only." ( ‘arric M-rflulam 1W4“... Mikz sum-u. "61‘!!le awn HA m U muontymtcon Fun, mama“ [ETIERS POLICY msl‘lmnmn 905-540 26 I z 905-6002“ 2 m. 9056408775 ADVERTIMNQ 905-60026le ind: 1400443455.! n WS-UIO-GTM Emronuu “MID!!!†lim Mum I's‘ had In blhlnt’ss in Ottawa lune 2. ‘ with Prime Minister Stephen Harpet emphasizing the top priority of “mu strong, stable. national government" will be the ecmwmy. A poll last August by the Canadian Medical Asvmiation showed 71 pet cent of Canadians lhink government should focus oqually on'health cam and the economy. - . Nim- in ID Canadians don't see real solutions being offered by gov emmem. which was the case in last month's fedora] election. The (kmservative. Liberal and NI)? leaders couldn't be prodded imo legitimate debate. instead thry all vowed to (tnntimae throwing money ata failing sy‘m‘m. One friend hm waitvd more than a month m we a doctor about swam abdominal pain. while anmher's daughter waned sewn houm in emot- gcncy after prolungcd nausea. only to be told diagnostic imaging services wem now closed. Another friend’s ITAvoarnld nmh You'd be living In a bubble not m know pmlifvratv xpvnding has madv the system worse. not boiler. I wriu' this after a night out with friends. their frustration and (‘onccrn still ringing in my Pars. Sanydra Bulan's article about the naming rightï¬ fnr thp lekum centre brings a. touchy 'tSSue to the fort. but leaves seweral questions hem if unstated. Re. Itlxnrir naming up for debate. May 12. l 'lhink public, facilities should never carry the names of corporations. but should always hear names that reflect the community and "public ownership". 'IWenIy years ago. I was delighted. to ï¬nd nut Whitchun‘h-Smuffville has a streetcnaming poliqr. dating back tu 1hr 19305. then talu's Don’t sell naming rights “When and haw. as a commu- nity. did we deridv to sell nam- ing rights to' municipal facili- ties?†This question needed to he wdmsutxi in a public way before gung a: the nuts and bolts of to whom and for how much. When it was announced in 2001 thccenui? would be receiving a developer's name. I was concerned and disap- pointed. My ï¬rs! question wax lETTERS TO THE EDITOR Health care an ailing cow, not a sacred one old mph sweet naming out of the hands of deveiopci‘s and ï¬ves primâ€" ity to historical community references I think that policy should be extended to muniti- pal facilities and parks. if. as a comâ€" munity as a whole. we decide that selling naming rights is a ï¬nancial nweamity at just a good idea. then Swp 2 would need to be a that setsnul the how, how much. how long and anticipates the pos'wihility of ethical issues. . To sell rights without- a publicly developed policy in a purely ad ,hoc way is pretty much guaranteed to raise brows. speculation and mm. occasionally. anger within the community. It's mnclcar from the article what (my councillurs' positions a'ne. ' I would love In mad the views of other readers on this topic. Perhaps we can get the discussion mlling to encour agé a less haphazard appm‘ach from out council. cw was taken m emergency by ambu- lance at 6 p m. after being hit by a car. then sat alone until I eun When ht" ï¬nally called his mother, she felt she had no Choice but [0 take him home. appalled by the trcatmcm ~ m. math or. lack at treatment. We don’t need to we the laws! ha- wr Institute phyVician survvy m Imnw lung waits are the nur‘m; we wait an average of 16 weeks to see a specialist after a referral; a ï¬ver-(rem Incmasv since the ï¬rst survey m W93. Why Chen 1% health (are Hill «I ï¬at‘rvd cow. when many of m we a chmnk‘ally ill svs'n-m in llt‘l'd uf «I dose of cummun sense? Speaking 3! Ihv Canadian Club last week. Aurora auto magnan hank I N WW . I , mm STEPHEN SWORD . mag-r \‘H 1 r Débovra Kelly Publicly ï¬nanced care should be delivered by private companiés meet- ing siandards of quality and account- ability and also providing care to peo- ple willing to pay fox it. Smmach shared his clear~eyed View: “Our health care system doesn't func- tion anymom. We should have a two- tier'system." Leaving health care ma'nagement to politicians focused on reelection has fuelled spiralling cosLs and inef~ ï¬clency. he said. Why are we threatened by the idea of cutting waste, improving quality and valuing custnmers? Dianne Carmichael isn't; After buth her parents' illnesses. she felt compelled to advocate for patients and do something to strengthen a tom in crisis. Face it. thousands of Canadians already cross the border to do just 'thaI‘ Our own province even fonts the bill for medical diagnosis and (are in Hum-d States fm wmv pativms. 1110 foran Ncwmarkm resident left .I \m‘n‘ssful carrot in wealth manage- ment [0 become pmsidem of Best [)OC- Inn Canada. a Wading medical advi- mrv ï¬rm. In a speech to the Economic Club Decca-Mew :s ecmc last month, she argued inaction and _Ma6mup manna W.MLM l6? mmm Punusmm lanProudfoot . protectionism h system. “We need to ï¬x the problem. but we are own worst enemy â€"«â€" we'rc ferociously proud of the system." she told me. “We can't wait anv longer. ponpk are dying," she said. withuux a him 0 drama in her tone. “I don't have a pmblem vmh a two- n’er system N we have elements of Mo-lier almady â€"â€" but I dn haw a problem with what we'm seeing now; people are getting desperate. penple are vulnerable.†The CMA poll found 80 per com of qs are worried about the qual~ ity and cost oi heath cam We want change. For Ms Carmichael. tht' need fur chango is urgent. hm wv can't rvly on politicians. First. we haw tn muvv 0n from the vndless debate ahum puhlit versus privam Who could haw imagine-d ka be saying that about our own pmm health mm system? Mr. Stmnach will tell vnu chang- will require a “rrvnlun‘nn†pmpoilod by all of us. EDUOI m Cum Debora Kelly Rob!" Lazurko Pl)me lath? Smart Dumas fnslerod Dunn-mm Nicole Fletcher 0th Oman; [tarry Wart Daemon. IWMRegu two-net