What would you buy with your Source.ca gift card? Emotions run rampant. In All envimn~ men! of decisions are ultimately madted. For some. the result is pun'mhmpnt. For others. redemption \ lustioe for all. ' Ibrthoscwhocall itaworkplace. it'sfamil- ï¬at. For most unwed.- it's foreign. Activity in the high corridors is bustling. uniformed wwconstahles their \brk Regional Police mileagues. lawyers. crown attorneys and other ofï¬cers of the mun stride purposefully It can be anjntimidan'ng plane. a nepositouy of discrmifle and mum, when your perspeaive is directly influenced by your 'flmmumbedxyscheduledforcivfl. uiminal..famiiy.smalldaimsmbaflhearingx amsteepedmimï¬cialpmwol. It's an and bmine'ss dress. ludges wear black coun waistcoals with white cullam lawyers. awn anomeysmd LegaMidOmar- i0 duly counsel are suited with ties or stifled A defendant is ushemd into the court throughadoor nearthéglass-wfled prisoner's dock. He is handcuï¬ed; disheveled and his wide-eyedheadonaswivel.n)enflubefnm hcwascharged with assalflt. lleslcptina regional police station cell â€"-â€" a small mnwilhahardbenclltoiletandsinLA translator is made available. dedams. awaiting their court appear- ance. Sit pensiver orbaoe nervously. Conver- sations. salumflomand ambustpublicaddress system add to the pubic clamor. ‘lhe seamed. if accompanied. sham private whispers histiues of the pear and dents sit on elevations equivalent to their authoï¬ty. mmmdsmemugamerabnef consultation withaduty counsello baflmmdmnne forhisml is not available. | The next defendant is more fortunate. Hts is limited An Iranian Mahler den? phers the dwges ~â€" uttering [meats against his ex-wife w» and his meant. court-mad dysâ€" functional history, Including a 2010 suicide attempt. He has been‘ in the Litide jail since his arrest three days earher. Aurora aim]: nal lawyer Stefano Forum was retained that mom‘mg by the defendant's cousin and slurry. Markhmn psychothempih Alsanch Tabmsian. MsTabassiantakcsmestandSlrisqmried Ibe NewmaxketCounhmueisYork Regent scalofjusdoeflhemcoumoomhwases from White mutder. Hie defendant's hearing is put (wet to the next day. The amused. stoic and dejected. ‘5 remanded into mstody. He will spend the night in Ligsay's Central East (irrational Centre. about a wminule custodial dn've east. Emotions rampant at York courthouse MOTHER NIGHT IN IA". BY CHRIS TRADER rtrabnflyrmgxum by the iawyer and crown anomey. The coun , issatisï¬uiwimhetdmwaandmerelease. WWM and ball conditions. The 1 will livewith his cousin until his / nexthan month. LegalAidhwyetsWayneBmhumndehnguéantdwumpmdatenmofduty counsellors MthIgZNIOBOOclientsaday atdchcwmukzt courthouse. It's the ï¬rst time Ms has been in court. let alone undex oath on the stand. He: concernwasforhercmssin.a“kindandgemle mCMdmdmmmtomwi- hang" basempam Jslzablecashmm'ner andmkingmcmd The system is efï¬cient. absolutely wonderâ€" ful." she while waiting for he! relative's release. 'Duty course! recommended hiring a lawyer. Theysaid without a lawyer. then? could beddayslmueatedwimtespect.mey made'a translator W011 the stand. I mmonflncï¬lblc.bmmeygavcmcmhct options became of my culmm "From a pmfesslonal pempedivc. I View tth as a experience for my cousin. Hammalllexmeldon'lhawtogaonastand aimed at reducing ooun daay'shyao'per cc'm by 2012135: ymr. the numbet ofapmaranccs dropped about 7.5 percent to 8.7. about a 7‘5- pet-oem impnwemcm. ’ ‘ AZO-yeat-old who wanted to remain anon~ mwitsmrhisdayinmth-lemd ‘hls RB-ycnrold co~accused were arrested and charged with blunting into“ a vehicle. public mischief. bleach of parole and possession of a controlled substance in Januaty. The duo will represent themselves. clung FROM THE SOURCE! Value! at S‘vx‘i; $150 a. 351 WON1OF3GOFTCARDS (“n-uh} haunt From 3009 to NIOJZ3QS cases. 5.161de 3.682 family and 995 small claims cases walnut! at \bdr's courthouse, accordâ€" ing to Ontario attorney general statistiu. The day was munne for Mr. #0an who spendstwomdmedaysaweckmmemm- house. Ahhoughthe Nemnarket counhouse is oneofdlebtsiestmOmabewwslcm wutts andisconstandyflnmhesaid. "NIB! STAR PHOYOICHlï¬ TRADER ' DEALS ‘ COWS ' IRCXHURIS ' CIVILOGWS - (ONTESY gflyerlandxa' “They're anxious, frustrated. upset." the- lawyer and femur Toronto police ofï¬cer said. They dOn‘l understand.†OnalypwdaylegalajdassistsZWwAn dients m N’cwmanmt. Then dcpmxments he! p defendants navigate the complexities of cr‘um With high. volumes. legal and adopts an emetgcncy mom pmmssmg model. Ms Km h r en said . ’thn they mm. W? triage, help them through the process. help with documenta- than. get them heald.’ said “( Mn is a‘ con. tinual of assistarrcԠThe pressums are high. they "Nut mrytme can do this.’ Mr Buchanan "It malty is like an ER. A lot of the yuung lawyers cam lake the volume. We get a lot of personal Elimination from people You take that home sometimes.†hotmstonal positives exist. too "It can he been wrenching.†M3 Kitchen but it's rewarding to dinxt pmplc tn thv right We help people espeuafly when they‘re at a stage whet? they really med it." York Region men Attorney Paul 'I .m supervises the oomthouse's 35 pmvmcial law yen. He has seen h's share of defendams. “Sometimes we agme andsumenmes wv don‘t." he said. 'That's why we have judgux" “I'll plead he said. “I’m hnpmg fur an absolute discharge. 'l'he (men wants u m- ditional (dischary). I'll do the communm service houm Am Lnewous? Yeah. The waib ing maker. you nervous" There?!» a and palpable angxt among the accused. lL-gal Md criminal duty mansel supervisor Wayne Bufhanan said. legal aid kjw-ux‘ome’ meadow» with legal services in a uxl-cflecnvc and cfï¬ dent manna it's the second largest jusm-o agency m Ontario and one of the lanes! pru- videtsoflegal sem‘oesinNonh America. Mr. Btmhanan and mfleaguc (hing Yum Kitchen. the law Service (Jenn?- lawym‘ manager. are the ï¬rst line of defence for thnsc legal aid lawyets ohm but! heads with cum attorneys in what. can be an adva- sarial Madonship. they could not aflord “hot shot" lawyers and mm eligible for legal aid. They‘re savvy. 'Hw older man has been here before on charges of He's almost plone in the corridor chair. his keg oadllating skittishly. “I'm pretty sum there will be a happy end~ ins,†he said. “We’ve written apology letters to thevictim and the ooun. I'm conï¬dent. mm is the last time for us We're donc.‘ The mm mm mum‘s a boyish umous EXPERIENCE "I'm sure the expenenm‘ us filled wuh am) PRODUCTS