BY STEPHANIE WEST Your old shoes can 30 an extra mile in Tanzania. thanks to a, globalrâ€"ï¬ï¬‚nldng teenager at Stouï¬ville District Secondary School and some of his class- "13188 Footwear (grim involves high school, police Grade 12 student lmmn Bagha heard from relatives a school for charity in Mwanm Tanzania. _ that most 0! the chil- dren there wen: walking miles to school on bare feet Teacher Efy Geronikolos and the small group of students jumped on board. He joined the 'lhnï¬mvered Student Partnership group at his school and pitched the idea fut his Stomp Out Poverty shoe driw in Stouflvilla ' hmk/ï¬nfommate some ,people have it.‘ Imran said. “"0 help those who are in . often to realize how fo'nu- nat W. we have tO'reaflze ‘lhc students began making posters. morning announce ments and felting everyone they could about their drive. York Regional Police offered to pick up lhc shoe donations every Friday STUDENT OUT TO SHOE KIDS IN AFR|CA i‘li'ib une THURSDAY. MAYWJOH I SERVINGTKCOMMUNMGWWFMUI I 36 W1WGST without discount DAILY UPDATES, “VIDEO 8: PHOTO GALLERIES: YORKREGION.COM SERVICE. Stoufl‘villc Spartan Emily cum the senior discus event at the York Region high school track and ï¬eld championships at York University track Monday. For moré on starry perfonnances. see story on page 32. See additional photognphs on page 31 and yorkrcgionxom Barry's Gardens Rum Market will bealkmodtoseu ilspmduoeat the lbwntown Stouï¬ville mecrs' Market starting today. BU! the rules that guvem the maï¬a. including what yuu can buy them. are under New. Banned vendor returning to market The decision was made unani RATES Discount BY SANDRA BOLAN sbolanï¬yrmg mm moust by council mesday after- noon. which (wenumcd the fann- ers market committee's deciskm to deny Barry’s Gardens' application this seamn. Councillor Rob Hargrave was absent from the meeting and did no! vmc. "I'm very happy: It was what I was hoping for.†said David Barry. M‘Mhfl MWHMIK «M in a telephone interview from the “the byiaw for the market is Road farm, adding he that all farmers need to grow 70 will be selling produce at the mar P" 99'“ 0f 0‘9 Pmdua‘ 'h") ‘9" km today! and Dave doesn't grow any of them committee denied Mr. Ben- fmm my Madge" Pa"! Bm’k’f' W5 applicamm m be a wndor at mrlopemtot of Mount Athens this was fammmnmethwauw Broiks Farms. and 9.3th tlm committee denied Mr. Bar ry"5 application to be a vendor at this yeat's famwrs market because he did not follow the rulcx He had been a vendor since 2009 When the market upvned. II‘UIIHCI i'l'l 'i'l VICTORIA DAV Garden centre and Seasonal Department only. STAFF PHOTOISJOE‘RD WITTEVHN