“Think was never embedded in out an turn] fabric hem. But "that is starting to shift. because it's all about making transit more Ms Wynne. who grew up in Richmond Hill. was also billed for the W! by Hm MP? Rm Mandi. Oak mum MPP Hequ hack. Rich- mond Hm Mayor Dave Barrow. Markham Mayor Frank Scarpitti and York Regional chairpetson Bill Fisch. Both announcements were made 'lhes- day by 00 Transit pre‘sidem Gary McNeil and Ontario 'nnnspomtion Minister Kathâ€" leenWynms. More immediate rch'cf is on board for (X) commuters ’who use the Ncwk'uk Road station. n a new SOD-space parking lot is planned, adding to the existing 1,500 park- ing space: Theexpamled parking lot'is equctedtpbeï¬mtsdbyyeu’send Newkirk station daily. Wu will cost $12 million and wurk is expecwd m begin this fall. with (hr station being operatiunal by catty 2013. The new station will be in the Gurmlcy area. iust north of Smuffville Road and east of lcslic Street. just west of f‘lwy. 404. the White hurchâ€"Smuflwllt'l Ktchmnnd Hm border. I A new 00 Transit (rain station and more parking spaces will soon arrive In Richmond Hill)! was anmmncedfmesday Commuters [Mug on the west side of Whitchurch-Slouffvillc will have another option when it mmvs In getting into 1bmn~ to in two yeam COMMUNNG: Another option for residents stafï¬ng in 2013 GOTransï¬qging rail stop in Gormley umr!‘ IV ADAM MC LEAN 2.300 commuters use the “And it's important we have the community hate. so we have a" sense of their feeling Speaking with them. I’m giad to hearthumore transltop'uonsam imponam.‘ convenient and one day. the must come. now‘that this new transit option is nearby] nient 0f Optionsf said Ms Wynne. speaking think this move will make a lot of sense to a at a podium 0n (hmflt'y Road West. in In! of people.†he said. ‘ ~ the Gorml'ey Heritage District. just Not only will the station help the daily mmms fmm the (IN tracks. A commuter. but as. Dr. Mnridi wan nnirlx 53 3“? Not only will the station help the daily commuter, but as Dr. Moridi was quick m point out. mnslmction of the new slalinn and parking lot expansion will create roughly MID new jobs. . STA†MUN)“ MAN ‘Tnnsfl was never embedded in out cilhnl hhtic here. But that is starting to shift, because it's all about making transit more convenient and one day, the most convenient of .1 um farm Kathleen annc INS mum: I!â€