and bonus! ;;1 exom‘mng By Jason Dolong STAFF WRITER Nowmcrkot watt WRIST 8- POCKET WATCHES s9. I». TOYS, TRAINS, DOLLS A! A†v JEWELRY GOLD 8- SILVER PW ; Abovo; Roadshow spociolist, Tony E'nright, talks with 0 tomin about tho gold iowoiry that tiny brought in. Buddy MILITARY "EMS 8. SWORDS we ROADSHOW COMES TO NEWMARKET , NEXT WEEK! * I wanted? Temple netois 01158 eweuy an >odges HOOU'S Id b( )lihm )tdoved zewehv and Moms SING The Roadshow en odsh heR 0V9 Ir N an! lothes, pho: bro ker 90 58 wo k m0! de beiove I DUE H If 3F CD Hg" 39's RH PVS >uraqes any/One plonmng o m bit medoh ' 40 YEAR vol ootd c “oneâ€; CH8 rd gold, ! fair 0K8! 50! c “U.S. 8. CANADIAN COINS MADE BEFORE I964 ARE THE MOST SOUGHT AFTER BY COLLECTORS. COINS MADE BEFORE I964'ARE 90% SILVER, AND VALUABLE BECAUSE OF EITHER THE SILVER CONTENT OR EVEN MORE VALUABLE IF ONE HAPPENS TO BE A RARE DATE.†' ke? w pk) ex! sets mode by honel. American Hyer $0 8N 8 K00! ode bebre 1905 we wanted: Troir 07C) dB PAID ADVERIISEMENI o iorge sum. Dows oiso Stressed H 3'8 1m [elated Mnckev M0use WSHOFS can cash in on antiques 1th-e we ï¬bers have the potential to gle any othet chowder toys >0 iOH‘y those that we Bowcofl the demo nd Huh! now ppe, Ebe lest D14 1ND me of the 200 odshow's rough >st of me wmd 'ihon oys rhe morewoluoble if one happens so b« Fu‘lel eiplomed, "Wé help people 5c. coms lo: uhï¬ue dates We buy 0“ ty the Roadshow-fvom single Nems 1 beds. See you at the ROOdShOwV' V When specuolist Yom Fuller w01 he‘enpyed mos! obow wodung of :h he was quick to answer_ "Old cons a rors. Coins made before toys rho! come to n shape, but can 5 vokmb‘e because of eithev the oscimoted wflh coiled hechonge in my pomms' 910' on; [dates and arrow Once, I he! ‘ soldfor 3300' Net'bo Zulie! went on to exoiom tho: e 1904 me the m Of 05 mg 05 I CC†remembt 0M ECU >Hf as, 90m, odshow are szobeo 1n )HW