llanmevesmblic School. Harry Bows rank: 508 out of 2.7330Imrbwblicdeamolic elementary schools and sound an even]! wiring of 7.5 om of 10.Audngo(stxismepmvum averm. moulding to the ï¬ner Institute. I Six of Whitdmrch-Stouï¬vflle's elementary schools placed within the top third of'the Fraser msmute's annual report card for 2010. ’mdrnagdy. the data that is being (used to) produce (xhe report was) not intended to rank omschoolagaimtamthetfsaid Ross ï¬rm-manager of public affairs and communth for the York Region District School But school ofï¬cials arem tak~ ing the msults too seriously. dwgadeBnMï¬BQAOhduca- tion,,quality and aocountalï¬l’ity once) teéts in reading, writing andmath. In 2GB. the ï¬rst yea: for the sctxxfltobcrankedbymeFrnscr dmtgointoaadlodapeï¬cmc.’ said Rob Dixon. principal at Schools don’t sweat annual report cards Sixï¬om Stoufl'mlle area in top third of province Stou/fville , ‘ w o r Sun -Tr1bune BY SANDRA BOLAN sbalan megxom ‘ Don’t trust the mail PA..-A 1.. L-.. _ Phl'f" :- ,_ WIMY1QIOH I WMWCXWW I MPAGESISIWGST Don’t trust the mail ‘ Come in for a FREE Evaluation mm 96337:"‘2302 DAILY UPDATES, VIDEO 8: PHOTO GALLERIES: YORKREGION.COM Spdngwudxeruï¬vedmdmeforlhmmonmy. 12mm! Erica Romaniuk. 13.to jump logaher the lump Rope fat Heart/Hoops for Heart fundraisgr for the Heart and Strokc Foundation at Whitd'mrch Public School Tuesday. SKIPPINB SCHOOL 57A" MOTOGUNE KOCH ISO-501 FINE IEW The entire is about 14 acms m sinhoweventl’Ierposalshovvsuwwom mplautmztngabmnzmacms. » Th1; proposal indicates the lands to the east of the potential sponsplcx. which are also owned by are being contemplated. for development. When'mnistar was contacted by The Sun 'mbune. we went? tdid the project was in its eadypreï¬mmmstagesandthetewem no 0mm commitments at this time. Mark Kmk-Holand. president of mm Soccer Club. did not wad! to comment. citing the need for mom infommtion The dub had 15(1) players last year. MayorWayne limmerson did not mmm a tequest for an interview by The Sutt-Thbumr An indoor slower facility with an outdoor ï¬eld may be built in StouMe’s Beacon Hill Bmineas Park on the nonheast corner of Anapdicat‘xrlmmiddxcamxï¬wrifleï¬xm- splaSputfleauï¬onChtmwaswbnune-dm dumMudquyWCorpd'Vaugmn. whiqh‘isadivflpnomnMAMflmp The cth for one fufl~shnd indoor sooner that can convert to four junior ï¬elds; one dédiate‘d training and junior lndoorsoooer fluid and an associated full- simd outdoor ï¬eld {or seasonal use. local mover enthusimets have cited lhv need for indoor facilities for many yearsl They now use school mnnasiums or go out of town for games during the winter. Indoor. outdoor ï¬elds would go up in Beacon Hill business park SOCCER FACILITY PITCHED .V SANDRA BOLAN sbolanayrmgvmm 11mm