SPORTS: High school spring squads Olivia Bolender highlighted the girls’ contingent after ï¬nishing 0nd in the senior triple jmnp. third ions imp and fourth W! Dump Otherhnpressivepafonnm- escamefmszrinDobsomwho wasfommmmeiumorgifls'm~ plejun‘tp: Laura Monkï¬fthmidgâ€" et girls‘ discusandsmh midget lmntfolleeanich sixth midget gifls7 discus; Kaitlyn O’Brien sixth midget girb' 2.00m: 11“ Odunlami sixth junior girls’ tri- ple jump and Dcmi Chalkias sixth senior girls' 3.m0m. The Stouï¬ville District Secondâ€" ary School Spartans track team tuned up for next week's York Mon omdoor championships an the Sacred Heart Crusaders hack Classic at Elobicoke Centennial Stadium last weekend. Greg Barker earmd a pair of top three placings after winning the midget boys‘ discus thmw with a (055 0! 37.56 menu In the senior boys' division. Michael Bourgeois was ï¬rst to cross the ï¬nish line in the 3.0mm with a time off): 12.50. J‘heYRAA championshipg are scheduled f0: Monday and Tues- day at“ Alsoememdinlheshotput. he finished second. He“was also third in the tmys' 15mm and established a school record after being timed in 4:17.18, Track team tunes up for regionals Stouffville Secondary's senior. junior and bantam boys' rugby teams made it a clean sweep when they took to the Dr. IM. Denison Secondary School pitch in Newmarket for their respec- tive York Region Athletic Astio‘ciaâ€" tion tier one matches Wednesday afternoon. flue defending YRM champion senior Spartans received two tries and three converts from Curtis (Irago and two tries and two con- mmâ€; We cmmmullv strive for aumtmmdc curlkm’r This requlm passion and cummnlmcm Our passiun is lutomoblles :nd our commumcm Is In our cusmmcn and fnends. Our goal Is to make wmr autamotivc repair expemnu fn‘l-ndly and sweats-flu] Yuu. as n whx‘le nwner and amt-tor. don't know all Iht I‘m Ind out: of your car or [ï¬ght truck. That's whv you have n page 10 under and \um .nmmmlnwm tn msm‘t wnux «huh and stuns hunt (-nd and hmaka kaf; If our nupn Hun and lawn. n'u‘al unit and \hm k rrplm rmvnl H mm 1*an we ulll \upplv quuhlx “UHF-r dun its m \lth uilh a I‘M-tune \‘rll‘d'fl'\ \Nv v.1“ alsu dH-LIHHH Installahnn In an midmcmai H" UH N am tmm end Mr brrak repaln are nwdcd \sc hmhn dun nun! Anmhvr I"? n†ku' n-panx Spencer Cram of Stouflville competes at Sacred Heart met! last weekend. Ryan Kernohan scored a try and booted one convert for the Spartans. now l~l on the season. Brendan Callaghan. Dillon Mjay and Ryan Wynne each added one try. Mattt Rennmi kicked one extra point. 11w Spanan bantams. who compete in theYRAA junior' tier two citcult. improved their meordtomMnswithoutaloss after defeating Dr. LM. Denison 32-15. QmmenCoetsee xecorded two tries and a convert for the Spa:- tans whik: Caner Laird. Matt Avo- lcdo. Brett Preston and Ben RN each had one try. After hosting their rescheduled Red Hot Tournament games yes- tetday. the Spartan juniors and bantams will also play host to Huron Heights Secondaq School Monday. wDzn’rid Amy and Pat aner each contributed two tries while Kevin Dcvogel and Pat laflan had In the junior match. the Spam tans won their ï¬rst league game of the season with a 24-7 decision. one apiece. Now 2-0 in 19 e play, the Spartans are sc ed to host Huron Heights Secondary School Monday 812 pm. verts from Kun Batty in a convinc- ing 60:7 m - Michael Hayalcawa F'Lih hu'hxnf .mJ ngxhhni In .«H hrhix 4! Irpmm .uhl dmunamln x \u h.t\(‘ S‘u‘ mmlpnwm kn: mlrdgc and 4-1 \cah «v! c‘xpcncnu“ In H‘pun \mu «avruplxuuui .HHMHHIUM' xxthu \\ hvthrv :h A nunflr EIJn- ‘er Hui Him I“!vl\\;v‘li H-\' n: Jug!th Irumy \u \HU Hm'dvfll' up 'u \var \Iyuhnh 1! \cm hmu‘ JIM xpll‘HI‘Hï¬ 1hrâ€! 'n'vaMt' f†Ht“ \sk 'u! \nmh H! H. “Hume the bu“ \hm‘ur\ (hi: busmvxx h-mn .Iu ham h: hp“. \I.m.L.\ u ivy-Ln m luv-d \.I’|Hi1.x\ and \HIMLM fwl hum?“ lz'wr V \ HIM“l‘\"!\'\‘30"1.h\.|‘\v)'il,e"’§l‘ \pmlm s.“ ‘uhui \uqu I run-H If I um:- um’ ‘an u “but? [‘d‘NHH‘Lï¬Hd ununsflnx‘u! uunr mln der 0le paswm m In lrjmn wul: H'hu it In 1hr buzth dundmds pnuxhlc Out uimrmmwm ;\ (u gnc um h-m \ulun} unturnth wnhz- 0! [he Inphvu «.gith gmnunuxx and uJIT'anmN (“VHF .md hrxnld HMNL mum (ha! .Ul' bur and AH wnhr mlh Ihul an n! llu' hlxht'xl quaish \thn hm add lhcw tun «gumsn‘x h-urlhu, PJ'sva: .md IiiHlH-HHR‘HX Huw (arm? amnmwlur‘ u'lnxri'VMriiun: .h tln‘x unmumvssh ~lzuu“ in! pcflcx w -n Sandy's Auto Scn'icc Ltd. L76 Bullock Dr. Unit 8. Markham 905-294-3868 Prior to Thursday's game. the Mennos added Kay and Connor from the lanes Pools team that fold- ed last Maxi Both players. hail from Stouflvflle and played in Oshawalasl seasonalsoplayforthe Waterloo )uniors on weekends At the plate, the Memos gener- ated just two hits, frum the bats of catchers Dale Boadway and new- comer Robert Kay. while striking out 10 times against winning pitcher >r Andy Shelton. Cringan scored the Memos run. I the Mennos madea ‘ couple of eye-catch“ plays when 1 Kris Burkholder made a diving catch I in right ï¬eld and newoonm Mark withouse threw out a runner at the plate from Ieft ï¬eld. _ ‘ The Mennos are scheduled to resume league play in Oshawa Tues- day against the Bombers In total. the anos' pitching rotation of Bannieski. Greg Dal- gamo. newcomers Bmce Cringan and Travis Connor suntandemd six walks. 10 hits, hit three batters and uncorked several wild pitches. INK MY. CONNOR Playing host to the defehding league champion chzbomugh Mhlcdcs at Bananth Thursday. the Mennossuï¬mdafl‘llossï¬ â€˜ Thestantothcmllomawaaty amDMIctFutbafllmguclcgmar seasonwmonetthtouï¬vflleMenâ€" mmnflmumnï¬zm about . Byron Baranieski wa‘sthe ï¬rst of [our pitchers utilized by the Mennos and took the loss. Mennos blasted (Subï¬-Tribune Tommmmrnwtomch you mmmwmmgrem mmmrmxjmmunmsasm Wï¬aflmmy' ammo Showroom 166 Bullock Db. k Unit 1. Markham lounWsmdehwudo! SMART SOURCE visit ZELLERS