in mum "to WI! WI)! Ramos murmgaensxs subspars tum (Mm tune Aquaba x1), mm ‘ Reqstnflm Mo 26860 0! WING mm Regulutm No 26w matheme «rawmr (b m (antral hodmzzs mm-bepcacm maï¬anamr poolsanduqusmrmmmmameof W0 bteedmg n m ' I‘m-361463. 1'": 1-56-2524!!! York R0900 051m 3(5001 erd at I‘m-15H“ 0! ml! mMmu/m Ymh (amok Diana 8x hood .8th WEB-2711 U! W! mm Prevention an! autumn an- me best ways to 0mm youtsefl' mam mm from West We mus F0: mph and common sense metamom that shoutd be taken. (mm Yon: Region M We: ' man-5053. m: MHZ-9933 0! MW ORTHODONTICS Tippct Richardson [1d, came in with lowest bid of $30,075. Which will be for out of the new town hall capital according to a May 3 repon to council by Raycmfl. director of leisure for §’ E ï¬g Five contractors for the move.whichisexpectedmtakephoedur- ingthelastweekoflulyandtheï¬rstweekof August. Although the movcisjustzmmetmsrkmn the mad. it's going to take move than a few buddies on a Saturday afternoon. a cube van. case of beer and some pin; to complete. Thenwoveisexpeaedtotakeubtoeight daysandwillumflon‘fs. “The public will notice some advices wit] bedelayedornotavaflablebutitwmorflybe for a short period of time." said Dave Cash. CAO fox the TM (1! thdlumhï¬tmmflc. Wgoalistonï¬nimizemeknpmonme public" Civil wcddings will likely have to wait a weekand thetownhwebsitcmaypdown for a day or two. but the municipality is disruptions to its administrative services will be minimal during its move from 37 Sandi- ford Dr. to 111 Sandifmd Dr. missummet. SERVICES: Eight days this summer Minimal disruption when municipal ofï¬ces move BY SANDRA BOLAN ibola néflyrm 1K0". Themnt runs from 11 1m. to 3 pm. The bike rodeo is being held in mnjum tion the ï¬n hall's open house. Along with mum. and dcmonstm dam-there will be a barbecue Abicydeomrscwfll be set up in theWeL don Row ï¬le statiqn parking lot for kids to practise their skills just in time fm (he start of the season “11’; both fun and educational.†said Joanne lamm chairperson of the Stouï¬vine Com munity Pbfldng Centre. which is hosting the Childlen will have their comml and mad safety skills tested during this year's Bike Safe: ty Rodeo Saturday. Approximme 90 people are being mow-(xi down the mad to the new town hall, which is (look Canada building. The mfonnadon of [he fal‘ility from a physician equipment and suppty company to the town hall is budgeted to cost $10.15 million. rm of Whitchurch-Stouflville‘