‘ Green Party would legalize marijuana, tax polluters 00". Inwouldtakethesu bimonthe Conï¬ervaxiws wam to put into pdlons and dlwctjt [muck post- seumdary education because "if you dam. then they will end up going to prison because may don't He in order to accum- modate the gaming need for {Imam in post mmdary schools. «Mi. 'Ibmelkcm'fl. Mr. ’lbmelkmaki ls notthe only 01k Ridges-Markham “candidate oppqsed to_ cwqthg more jails. which is [what the Conservative mm‘mem has. pmpmed. Mr. "aims noted the incanzct- and a [nee education ye! a “pod citizen†has to pay for it. '"Education Mi ti), free. heukl. eligibility for the Issuance 0f a liquor sale,» lwcncc. (‘nptcs 01' all (mpct‘ums am: given to the applicant. The ml’urmamm may aim he maimed pursuant In the Frrrdnm d Injm’numm and Panama: nf Primn Arr Qucsmms ahnut this collection should he dimmed In the Manager. lM‘CIISlng and Reguxxrauon. Alcohol and Gaming (‘mnmnsmm of 0an at thc address. Icléptumc numhrn or qmall mam“ “5N hcluw The pcnoml mfnmullon gathered as cullcclcd under [he aulhumy 0‘ the Liqum lJt'rm r Art. The pnncipal‘ purpose of Ihc collection ls ln assess Reï¬rathn. Alcohol and Gaming (hummin- 0! Ontario. ‘0 Sheppard Avenue FM. Suite 2.0. anonto. 0N MIN 0A4. Tel: 416-316-3700 OR Toll-he II (We: LOCI-522.2876. '“ Any mun» munxspoluy may make a ' written submmmn (a lo whcthct the «m of the licence :3 tn them“: .m hava regud u.» the needs and Washes of thc Submnuiom must he received no later than May 3. mu. Hem include yum nm.‘aflress and mkphnnc number, If I pcmim as submitted to thc‘ Commasswn. phan- ndcnut‘y thc dcan oooud person Non: The ACK‘U gn-cs lhc applncanl copocs of any nhpcctum Anonymous ubpctiuns at: not C(lhukfl‘d AGCO Notice of Liquor Liconbo Application Pu: «GIG-3266555. li-mnfl: madman-atom.“ The following cflabhshmeul has applied lo the Alcohol and Gummg thmzsuon of (Marme a hqum hocncc undct thc Liquor Lnfrm‘e A‘ :7 Applkdio- for I Sdcl Lieu-to MAIU SUSHI JAPANESE nasrwnam IS RINGWOOD DRIVE-Z, SWUFFVIILE (Indoor and madam mu thmuwms m be «en! tu. Linan and 905-642-51 1 1 0 LOOSE m 0 “M00! .0 “PHONE†.0 h. n 3%%%%%" The Conservatives. according to Mr. Calandn. will not imple- ment any of proposed pro- grams until 2014 when the budget the campaign. the candidates have been saying they will implement a number of pm- gmms, to which they were asked how they wen: goitig to achieve this without dm deeper into the Museum have an education.†. ,Ms Hagan. a tutor for student.» with hnguage barriers and team ing disabilities whohas spent the pan Z3 yum workim fox Seneca College. pointed out having new buildlms is Neg-but the money Should bq spent on operating costs becauaevhw mote students enter the system no pmlsiom an made to immune the number of instruo tango it people thin". Cqmpaign Ofï¬ce: ()4 MM “N (Hwy . wWwJuitemelkovskiJiberal.ca Follow Lui on: lui believes in supporting . . . Vote Lui on May 2nd! View 5: N (Hwy :3 905940-4483 Er Meet 9( opposed to creating more it jails Region and said in 2004 his gov- emm'ent ptovided gas tax funding ' . . to alleviate Congestion. ' the NDP wants to lower the Ms Hmn said the NDP wants corporate tax rate to 19.5 per cent. to give mother cent of the gas tax is equi'led to be balanwed. Mr. “mm-1km said the Lib erals will stop‘corporate tax cuts. which will $6 billion. which they will then use to implement Iheflr early chï¬dhood teaming program. pmvide a post secondâ€" ary education tax credit of $4.0m. secure public pensions and install its home lemwation tax credit. Mr. Temelkovski is no! the only Oak Ridge» Markham Candidate opposed to creating more jails you get to 90. HOOD/student to heip with the cost of going to post-secondary education. ~ with emrgy-sawwgfhome renovations- [1 UN": LA“: An employment insutance beneï¬t to 'allow categivers six months off work and financial.st to help with coststo help care for sick loved ones. Enhancing the Canadian Pension Plan to makejt easiet for seniors to save for retirement. STRONGER PUBLIC PENSIONS LEARNING PASSPORT If you get the grades. GREEN RENOVATION Up to $13,500»to help HOME CARE ll wwwjacebookcomlluitemelkovski Gluitgmellovski )N l3F )(Q 4 Proposed plans to ease trafï¬c congestion within the riding was the only local posed to the panel; , ‘ Party legalize marijuana in mch to tap into the underground‘economy. which Hagan said‘will pmvide $5.9 billion more in spending next yarJBflbflllondxefoflwdngyear mdSlObfllbnmfomyeam. Mr. Hanna wants polluters to payb'yï¬nsflmdngacubonm “Let’s respect mother nature.“ Libé'ral “Blmding more" roads creates mqr'e dwdnpmqm and «mm» times not in the right place." Ms A Ms Hagan tékés public transit daily from her home in Markham to he; job a} Senate's York campus. Mr. Calandra reiterated the (buservative stance that his pany hag doubled the gas tax and made it penmmnt and its l’umnmir Action Pian is being implemented. which is creating roads and bridges througtout the area. to municipalities. bul also noted residents have to sun taking pub? lic tnmsit so the goveth will to the mmmunity and sum investinmsmom into it. Mr. Calandra. m .another :hange with Ms Hagan. noted S}! “I. pay M Housing Help Centre nus-uncul- urban-n..- Iva-cunn- 7hr: message Drum to v0u a HEART AND Mia)“ WTKLN 0' MARK) nit-sauna