Hu- [mm m Whmhunh SluuHullol’uhlu Wmh “(Partmrm m“ mun hc unnmcnung thc annual Spun; Mice! Swrcplng l’rugtam In dun all ann \Hu'h u! um! Jqumlnl 4mm; wmm manl and other dchru (wrathu permmmg) H yuu haw any qunuom rcgatdmg this year‘s Spring Mire! \wecpm; ngnm. plate umLul (muhm Hagguh‘ at cm MO I910 m «ms 30% 52% can 272 rusting plantsishwh which mlutrrr wnh grounds mnnt'flum‘c m a nnghhounng lc’m’pm mm! M tumch and maintained pnor In May, Nth of each year at lhcv WI†he rcmnvcd withum mmgc Wt apprcculc yum u) npcrahun (Juc‘mnm rtgudmg gmumh numlcmmr shuuld b:- dtrntnl In 2hr ('cmrirrv (‘untrulm u I 300 Ms" 4201 o Spring dun~up at, 1hr Sl'nuffvillr (‘cmclcty has begun We rcspntfufly request that you remove an wnnm wreath. H’lpnds and nth" mm; as won as pmuhk Pleas: be reminded Hut. as pt! Crmfluy Bylaw No 93414 Sutton D (M. pet'mm‘mn must he abunch from the Cemetery Admmmratm to plant on a l'otfplot. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO PASS A FEES 8 CHARGES BYLAW The Town of Whlkhurcb-Smuï¬vflk will contain a Staff W and ass-«WM hum "April I911}. 20" mtngtoeuablnhkcnnd chm-yrs forthcmomyd‘uuponmofthccouoltrgmlhngwuerand “nary W M: Ind. m coaaecflons 1mm beneï¬ting property owners m ,and around th: bunt! Hunk} d ngwuud. pursuant to Satnm 39] at Ihc Manu’tpd Ad 2M! 15 ammdcd. Th- mcmng will ber on Apnl I90: :1 "00 pm. in thc (Hound! Chlmbtn. «h Hr. 17 Sandifurd Drum. Smuflvtlk All mum panics are Invited m attend the meeting and make rm“: to Council :1: raped of this matter or :ltcnnuvely. tn submit a law: to the Town (“Jeri pnm to the comment»! of the Comm! Mann. A copy of the SM upon and Mom! by law (an be obumcd'fron the can Depamncm 0: lb: Engmccnng and (W Prom: from Rh: Town‘s website mimmfws ca ‘ Hen: dim any «laments. qualms. o: comma to Tmy human. Pmpct Man.“ 905 6401910 or 905«895-~$299 m an my bmmnoumm (a . Council cum, . 315...:qu um. «b Hm (I 3 TUESDAY APRIL I9TH ‘ COUNCIL MEETING AT 3:00 RM. TUESDAY APRIL 19TH PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:00 RM. m “CW.†SWEEPING OF TOWN STREETS STOUFFVILLB (IEM ETERY NOTICES WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE FM.-' :- a Fm mun- mimmalum an Ihc (yrccn Hin pmgum‘ 1nd mmhostahle bags. plun- mntau the Regina 01 York at 1 866 665-6752 or greenbmflvmku or vnsn that webs": at wwwyorku; As of May m. 20.11 thc use of compostahlt bags m the Green 3m pmgum wall hr Imhdalmy lm’ all bony-holds m Ymk Region tn'rwmg \ urbwlr (Srccn Bm (ollnnon ‘ I Ccflifkd gompoltabk In†wall dimple!) a (Tnmpnsuhlc Inga un tl’lc packagmg hp“ hap arr elm (umpmuhlr but thcsc do not require the (Tomptuublrlngn For more mlmnutum nn hulh (hr 20!! and 200-8 surveys. pic-av: «Less tin-Town wchsitr and click III: 20“ (.‘nmhmmty Survey llnk on the Mme pagr. You run also mum! (an Sumnfl. Manager. HR at 3"“ch lmmm‘u. lawn of Whitghurch Smuffvtlle. 905-640-1910 0:904 8% syntax in“ You :11 he called for a telephone term... As part of the Town's commttment to continuous quality Improvement. the Town :5 tnterested in your feedback on mumelpal services and suuestions [or enhaneing our performance, The 20†survey will monitor progress time the 2008 survey. and cover other topics such as input for updattn‘g the Coxporate Strath Plan Between May 9th and 27th. you may recetve a call to participate m a telephune survey that will take about [5 mtnutes. The survey I: being conducted by an Independent research fmn tulle DPRA Qanada. ludtvtdual responses mll be kept confidential and aggregate survey htghlights'wtll he mule lVIllIblt to the publtc by luly. It you are not contented, you have other options to partmpate o (,Iovmfttenung Mdy 9th. the tummy mll he antlable through a ltnlt on the Town's website at wwwtownotws (1 Alternatively you may fuck up a survey at one of the buttons belotv and return your feedback uring the enclosed postage-pend envelope- - Mann I-pal Ofï¬ce. ‘7 Sandtford Dnve. 4th Hum, ('lerks Department {Mondgy to l-ndav. 8130 am - 4:30 p m l Lehovn' Leisure tientre. 30 Bu‘rltholder Street ‘ {Monday to I hursday. 6:00 am to 00 p.m.. Friday. 0 001m 9400 p.m.. haturdav 8: Sunday. 8 00 a m 3 00 p m ‘; Please return the eh-pleted survey by May 27th. 20†The Town nl Whutchurch-Sloul'fville u undertaking a lull Community Suueybm assess mmmumly satisfaction with 'luwn servnes. ulenm'y lop of mud restdenl “SIRS and address pnomy areas for improvement Input received from the 2008 Community Sutvey revealed a high level ofuml'nctlon with Town sernces. and also areas for Improvement that were Iddlcfltd through comprehensive ullon plans: (10M POSTABLE BAGS AND THE GREEN BIN PROGRAM HAVE YOUR SAY!! NOTICES COMPOSTABLE C I...VIII C I‘vl Hu- [own I: pluscd to offu garbage bags and gloves to tmdcm gmup- that an Intcmtcd In paruapatmg m local clean ups in: inhth Wcuk l’nch In Wed 201111): lawn “fall aim arrange tn has-r garhdgr mlln m fdinwm; 1hr cvcm For morr Inlmmalum or m malu‘ ammgummx phase umtufl’ublu Works .2! 905m40~|9m m 903-89???“ n: M m l'hc build up of um] am! lnm follnwmg (hh Ihng-mmr rcqmns thr- dcan‘up m publu wads. Gldt‘wflkx wallnsn ulamh and houltvards Thc Tuwn WI“ mmmnnr 'hrw stifling In "11d April A“ Lullffl‘ art encounng to p-arl'mpalr tn swccpmg and the areas In and mound their l‘.l‘(lpt'l‘l('\ .- Help mah‘ .4 Uh your usuumcjs apptn med The Town of Whiteharcb‘Stonffville a currently seeking the follow: up Request to: Propoalt and Tenders. Please lee one website for further deteile'. All RFPITendet documents are IVlllaHf: at the Munmpal ()fftce,(2lerk's Department. 37 Sendiford th’t‘, 4th Hum MOVING SERVICES WS-IFP-H-II For the provides of moving services from the cunent Mulkipel Offlees to a new fecilny Reqeeetfor Proposal submissions will be accepted until 5:00 '10., Wednesday. April 20. 20“. SUPPLY AND DELIVERY 0}- FOL‘I WHEEL DRIVE BACKHOE LOADER WS-Tvll 08 Tender: will be accepted um! 3:00 p5,, Wednesday. April 20. 201 I ,PnblkWom Open»: Bucdatthc hequctatlonsCcntrcxou‘llassxstwuhthcmain-tcnamc and operation of the toads and munmpal mtustluctuk. upt’th' hght and heavy equipment and perform other rclatrd dunn For more details about these opportunmcs and appludtmn ptoccdures, please refer to the Town's web we at www.mwnut'm ta Contender these excellent opportunmes With the Town. 3 progresswe and grownng community. With a bright tuture. the lawn has been ranked as one of the Top Ten Untano munmpalmcs m whuh tn Invest by the Real Estate lnvestmem Netwnrk Fneilit'm Supervisor . l, Reportang to the Manager. Hellmes and Parks. you ll be rcspunslblc (or coordinator: and Supervnston ot an dSSIgl'Itd purtlnlm nl exp‘andin; muntupal lac-flutes. whreh Includes 'l'own Hall. arenas. pool. leisure centre. community (enttes. museum. lthran and venous ancillary buildings Flee Training Ofï¬cer L Reporting to the Deputy Fire (Thtef, you'll estahlxsh. orgamrc. coordinate and administer all trammg prugmms mtludmg maintenanceanddocurnentéuon You'llalsoassnstnntrrcsupprcmun and emergency response dunes as necessary SPRING CLEANUP TIME IS HERE! EARTH WEEK/PlTCH-IN WEEK April 17!!) - 23rd, 2011 In Hf~ HI