Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Sun-Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 24 Mar 2011, p. 4

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hours. water payments may he made In the drop box at the from west (alum: door "(the Municipal Office (37 Sandlfmd Dun). Fm inquiries. please (onuct tht Treasury [)cpntmc‘nl. an 9051.“) 1910 or 905 895 “3290 ulcnsmn '316, W The Town WIII lo louse; «(cpl cull! ("do hr mum of you water menu. ‘ WATER btlls have now been mailed Pot those who have not [canch that hulk. contact the ’l‘tcuury Department as soon as pumhk Fatlute to tccetve a \ntct bull docs not chminatc the (CSPOHIIbIIilY for, paymcnt of watt: 0: the prmlty (huge tm lat: payment ‘ WATER PAYMENTS may be made by mail. at most Financial Institutions. banking l‘lflthlntS. by tetrphom ind mtctnet at m pawn at thr Town Offitc. 3? Sandtfmd [)nve. 4th Flam After Councrl mll be (murderth a Staff Report and “stunted By law at ttr Apnl 5th. 20” meeting to temporarily (lose Park Drrve to vehtculer traffic. from a‘potnt south of Latcham Hill through to the tnterseetron of Bu'rkholder Street I Booth Drive. The purpose of the Temporary Street Closure u to accommodate vendon with the. Ferment Market to ret up and operate thetr booths at this location The proposed Temporary Street Closure would on ur each/Thursday. extending from May 12th to October 6th, 2011 The Temporary Street chum would occur between the hours of I2 00 noon to a pm cult Thurrdey for the referenced perlod of time Copter of the Staff Report Iy-law will he avatlahle [or revre‘w by members of the Public as of 12 Noon on Thurtdey March Slst. 20“ at the Whitehurch~$touffvrlle Puhlrc Ltbrrry. and. the Clerk's Department. Town Munktpal Officer The Staff Report a: By law null also he avetllhle at “that true. for review and download from the Town‘s webrtte lvrww townofmu‘l by (Itching oh the (iounul- Agenda. 'MIIIIRS a Bylaws Kort and tollow the Inuit The Public ll welcome to attend the Aprtl 5th (‘ourml Meettng to address Counctl and to speak to thtt ttern. or alternattvely, to whom a letter to the Town Clerk pnor to the tommemement ot the (;ounctl- Meetrng. For further t'nforrnetton on the proposed Temporary Street Closure. please c'ontect Andrew McNeely, Drrector of Plenum; a Bulldth Services at 905.6404910 or 905 895 £299 1270 or we email at andrew mc-neelyOtounottu u TEMPORARY STREET CLOSURE FARMERS' MARKET Park Drive - South Of Lalch‘a'm Hall to Mirth-Older Street Thursdays, May I2 To October 6. 20” April 5th. 2011 Council Meeting 7:00 p.111. Town Council Chambers 37 Sandiford Drive, 4th Floor “ WATEREILLS DUE DATE ~ MARCH 25, 20M (funny to an on Rose-m GM: TV starting on Match 28 and Mad through” the week It was great fun for the youth. who am: out and filled the program to «90ch Mk you‘to all who helped makc this Tntn your staff to be even better at Customer service fat FREE' Hawk-IMFth ts on Innovative. outline customer tenure tntnmg tool wtth 6 onlme modules. whn-h take a combined mu] 0! 60-90 minutes to (ompIete A (.Tcrttfiule ul Recognitton and mmmemontwe pm are awarded to all who mmplete modu|es Let's be a community that tun keeps getting better at customer semce. sign you: uaff up for tummg thts month Sponsored by Town of Whttchurch Slouflvule. York Regton. yorkworks. and the Whtu hutch \tnuffwlle (Slumber of‘Commetu Fund out man a: «gum at kww‘hosptuhti'f 1m“ Vendor apphulmm are now being accepced‘ {0: the Dowétown Stouffvtllc Farmers’ Market 2011 season. Appbcation forms can be found It www.townotwsxa/farmttsmukct asp App‘huuum fm tull xenon vendors an requested by April 22. 20” Application: are to mbmlned to the “’ Cletk's Department by. > Friday. April 8. 2011-! #:30 jun. Attention: Gillian Angus-Tull] 905-640. I9") 0! 905â€"895â€"5199 (I! 211 gullunangusualllfltowM)wa a For mate nnl‘ormumn regardmg the mandates of the (ommltlees and appmmmenl IImelmcs. v13" the van thlllc mam townofwuu. If further Informal" Appluanon fmms and wmmmec descriptions are available at the Ri‘hfldmn- M‘mflfl' Town offues and m unous Town faulmc’s Including the Public 9054395 5299.9" 3-39 “Maw ’ Vim . , a 9 Sum find Wan-rum": Naming Commute AMAZING RACE}- STOUFFVILLE EDITION LOCAL BUSINESSOWHEXSAMMANAGERS For more information. plan 5:: mi: website at Imp: {'4’ww.mmfw1cu»obs up 2011 DOWNTOWN STOUFFVILLE FARMERS’ MARKET - VENDORS MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER (Iallrng afll luds' Write a brref story (max [00 words} ahnur why mu think “'3 Important for people to license their day”. Have your pnrenr/ guardian submir your entry along with your name end phone number no later than April 6th to the Town Office or emu} colleenxhrkch‘ rovmofm (a The winner will receive a Famrly Pass for a tree 3!“!!! at the Lebovic Leisure Centre and will have (bear nory publrshed'on a fulun' Tm P1! Contest SE to WIS his I? to age I3 rucluuve Enjoy a pancake and ham brunch‘ topped ml with locally produced Ifiapl‘c syrup Thu year the brunch Will take place In the Vandorl (‘lommunm ('cntrc - Woodbtnc Avenue. (I05! 56 00 f0! Adults. 33 00 for thldrcn at 8-30 pm The hope u (ha! residents and local bu;lnrssc: participate an well Don‘t stop at turnan off the hghts Than about whu tlsc un hr done you round to mince your foolpnm The list as cndku and your actions wnll makgflgidxffierencc. On March 26th» :18 30 pm. join thc Town and hundreds m‘ mxlhom of people around the work! by turning off your lights for an hour to demonstrate that our indundual achon Is Important and adds up to mail: a bigdnffncme It- Is as simple as “Rim; 0“ I swmh â€" Intctally. All lights 1n ann. where potable. will be 0“ km on: hour hcgmmng “_ Sunday, Apnl IO. 20” ll 00 am â€" Z 00 p m Welcomtkflru aflprh'dlhuddxiowmt WI!th aumqwuw. The above Request fm Ptopoul documentanon ts available at the Munmpal Offices. Clerk's Department. 57 Sandttord Dtn’e 4th Floor. Stouffvil’le Request for Propoul submissions will be accepted until 3:00 p... Wednesday, May ll. 20". For further Eliot-etio- pleue see our website .1: m.townofw3.a/Nde.up The'Corpomtmn ,0] the Town 0] Whitthunh-Stuufiwlle reserve: the right to accept or reject any piopaml and also reserves the nght to aeeept other than the lowest proposal ' -â€" PANCAKEWNCH N THE ‘ wancuuncmsrourrvuu MUSEUM REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL WS-RFP-ll-O? RURAL CONNECTIONS BROADBAND RROIECT; CONNECTING RURAL ws DOG TAG CONTESTPOR KIDS! EARTH HOUR I40n‘

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