m.ma WWW Wilma Mum i mamas:le- Hr \un 'inhamr Wm mm H Dru Ml «mummy mun hr In. mm all) mmh and Hunt mu tudr flu Hm “that m thing!" in womanly nm gut-kw and m rd. luv a m w and sot-v l†G) mnolo'yvng can lETIERS POLICY (Jame “ï¬rm Mata ! 3nqu ummnv mmpa \ “Imus†Shaken Madam; mw‘m naMoHM "Du Make Danna: m\ rnmu m w 90% «002612 SIDS 64020†n 905-04017?! H)! Bum hm Mm FIN" WM! 000417 ‘ 53 S j Them needs In hr 21 new reality. mo. for devckmors. Taxpayers can't he expected tn mntinuc to efln‘tiwly sub» skim an industty that hasmadc mil- ltnm uf (Julian in proï¬t in Ymi Region. (inmlh mus! flay fur gmwlh It's Iimr «kw-lmwn paid Ihq-ir fair share. his! year. the region mum-d a hmhh tax that will mum"! $12 mjll'um annually umil 203! fnr hmpnal mpaminns. Munlripalitivs you. the taxpayers -â€" had tn begin contributing l() per cent of the capital costs of transit prof «as, lihtar‘u-s and community centres in 1997, Few.» could no long" he col- lected fut lmspttals‘. municipal admin- istrative buildings or cultural facilities. Builders have enjoyed years of record pmï¬ts. while mfnmtnmum has deteriorated and transit is (unloaded. simply unable to acmmmodate the demandq of thousamk of new hum?~ (mm pouring mtn our mttmtunitivs. Something has to give. Property and business owners should not he expected to ante up even mom tax dollan to continue to fund an industry that is seeing a chill fur the ï¬rst time in 20 yuan The cost of doing business in (me of ()maflo's fmtést gmwt'ng n‘gions is high; So be it. Municipalities collect development fees from builders to pm- vide and improve the infm‘ifnlmlfl’. such as mads and sewers. needed to support new growth. The panr say“; the region must gmw by 953.0(1) people and pnwide 32.000 more jobs in the next several The projected cast 0! pm» Viding iiifrastructure to meet thnsc demands by 2031 has mom than dou- bled to almost $1.8 billion. Building i‘lxhnstry reports released last week mntend a slagtmled hous- ing math-l will start to affect munici- pal economics sinae buyers can't aï¬oui m pay Lw-pcrccm higher fees for a home. developmem will he mduccd in the mining years. It’s a fact the fees haw riscn an awr- agc of 30 per com over tho past sm'eral W818. In York Region. thc fu‘ fur a sing? family hhme has climbvd to $32,313 fnym the $24.18! since 2(07. when the they say. arr (m'alzitmg unfaidy and driving potential hmn‘umncts out of the madwt. biomebuildor hssécialiuns am ham. men‘ng at _ Ioml gmremmcms acnm I!» (IPA over dowlupment fees. which. Blame. your municipality. the am. sman _indu_stry says (Lan'! afl'nrd to buy a view home in York Regen because of outï¬t-teach gates. which continue to rise? n4 , ’ _ @ï¬-Tribune Punï¬sfleï¬ Ian Proudme Editorial Growth must pay for itself last Assam-d its dewlupmem In his. letter. MI. Bell said he was looking fur politicians without tunnel vishm. In impruvc on our. d(Mntrm1 mm. wmmhing that has been talked Wc now hair big box stores. many nvw reskivnh. mow piua placm than I (“an mum. a radio nation. {WI hill nobody can ï¬nd and skalcboard facility. I think. ’ W2 \dsï¬mi thv flea market ('wry Sub urday. now also slim-d for the mating ball. We saw the lone trafï¬c light muve ("Marin mm. followed by H (when installed during the nextfcw years We played ball in the park and attended ï¬reworks displays on the spons ï¬elds. before they were torn up and teplawd by a road that no one wanted or needed. M swam in m.- outdom pool and now wondvr it 11's staying orgnng. Out family has seen a number 0! changes in u_mn during these 30 years. We managed to ancndva few the old Qtlil‘I-St'l lathe mum park before it was demolished. Wt: cwntuafly bought a plate on the cast side of StuuMle in 1%3. but the menmn’vs of that place will live on fat- tz-vcr. It was haunted. you hum 'Ibdhy. I suppose the place wiilrbe known as the Bmwnshergcr Auto Mall. ’ We rmde lhv nld Banlewrgt-t farmhouw on Hwy. 48 in Ringmmd. It was a muuk-rful three yam. and mu daughter's ï¬rst six months of life were spent in this house. - March I was a special day for our family. 'lhiny years ago. my nuw wife and I W'IWKi from the Big Smoke 10 swuffvillc. ' (hanges to park, community aren’t helping downth Ry: Why mm town ofï¬cials work with Inuier peoples“, lam m w «11' v tor by Bill Bell Matt}: 3. OKAV... . NO MORE GREEN » BEER! After that. a new skrgan swings to mind: [and of Makehcï¬cvo. It begs the question. haw is the tmmry deparnncnl gning to ï¬nd the money to pay lhc hills? Here is a suggestion: Check out the meawa dcpamnent's 20!] operating and capital budgets and its 10me capital forecast. Re: ' name. small town. Ian. So. itchutch-Swuï¬vmc needs a new slogan? Its oid one. Country (Jose to the City, is dead and does not tell paupk' who we really are. Makeâ€"believe slogan ï¬ts We had our chm to vote in change in the last municipal election. I knowl voted for change. I hope Mr. Bell and l were not the only two in town who did. but il um! seems that way. "hearing down facilities close to the dmmtrmn core and moving them kilo~ meth away to Bflhesda'ufload is not the way to attract people to the cone ofthe town. either is makmg it next to unpossibletosimabusinesxsoom msidents know it exists. ‘ . about since I‘ moved hem and before that. I'm sum b Whatdoyouthfloftheseissuesov omen? E-maillemrstot'heeditovto Warn HAVE YOUR SAY, STOUFFVILLE MARGARET I. MAY †VIUL'IH'HLI DAVE BROOKS cm: km N l r Those who disrupt man meetings. send angnymmh lvr tors. spread unlnundmi gtnsip and spend lhvir lives disturbing are more zeroes than heroes, ‘ I see snow in the {Nu-km“! fur‘c cast. Whn rare-x? Iim Mason is with" uf Nu' Mm Thhum’ Residents who we a pmhlmn and do something ahnut n .m- lucal heroes. in my book. I‘m-y‘rv the pidnecrs whn haw- madr Hm a wonderful plan: In IM‘ in m move to Same goes fut residents who take take the time and have the muragc to write letters to the (‘ditqr That would be me. We can complain about tt from November through Aprtl thul-lheh neglect to thank God when it turns around. That's us. It's a lot like community We Whine about town council deci sionsand moves by local retailers. organizations and sports teams at the hockey n'nlt or Tim Hortons. often without all the fa’cts or any thought of doing anything about it, That's also [13. to those of you who did your homework and wont to the town mccntly over iSsues. tnclud- ing the closure of the outdoor pool. a rural t'ellphonc towet plan and safety concems for pedestrians exit » ing trains at the Stouffville Station. I M can adapt to the weather. by trading wian liars and snow-shuts for ragwps and nip-flops. at law for a few wee-ls a year up here. Weather? Not so much. unless yrm've got the coin to g0 where the weather suits your clothes. as anoth- er songwriter once promoted. â€"f llmmy Bufl’cn Most of us spend few too much talking about climate Beauty. we can alter. Jimmy Buf- fcfl. with a haiu‘ut. facelift or big honking pair of sunglasses. The :4er is hem I wish you were beaunml. with lim A1050" Off The Top . DI IH‘IUIL Mnnuunn. Dismal: mm NM 011' Hmc‘hw Omanom Bum ï¬lm A lhunun,