ADVERTISIM; WSW-'26†(W: lvm743'3353 ' m905~m~l778 ’ 5mm WWW m.wm WMm autumn»: York Rtpon Mada 4 «cup coummnm W“ MSW-mama. WWW mus-um sum/IMon WM- mma‘m “Wot ,mcm.m The intent of the deleytion and the mom than |.2()0 Mi- dents who signed the petition wen m )t to deny anyone RECESS nor to discuss the tequimments of a second indoor pool rather just simply a paquest to pre- serve a community momma. 1 request council and the mayor discontinue misleading, W truly o1 ' misinforming and misrt-prée W b d M M too can ~ 1" v 1 "um I’m-w Wyn-In wn Al sum-n mun-bulimia wild-aluminu- MAM-Madam fluvï¬un-Mm mo unwound mflnmhmv U’HURML AlH’kalMNh 905~M026|2 h-Ihnl' LID-743 “5‘ ‘ Q'u. NI-N SW4 Sm m Punusu mum WEu.~m . "um-n mm (hm: Marl-brunt a Stephan Matilda “A III mucoan can manna-u. mun-n anon-a lETTEIS POlICY DI3TRIBUTK1N 005-64046†Mitt Hummus Mum Myhcad-smnlndllhnostpuked ‘ Sothisi'swhatsmoking'maflamt. ltddmysdflhln’kl'flpm It didn't really OCCUI’ to me that nuybeitgetseasienosmokememorc you do it just that this was one godoawful experience andone of the great mystertes of adult behaviour that seenwdtobopwvalentmmoeedays onmystmet ~rightupthetewim drlnhngthklAbelbeer orgmwtng ltwasAugustandlwastrytngout forahodteytetmandthcmwas-atry- out later that aftemoon. I took one uï¬. chided. then ï¬nally inhaled. “the pinam actuation people WMflhmuflwmeonehad [was so concemed my dad would smflsmokconmeonthewaytotlw rinklwcm hnmv and [00H show". he summbetwccnflrade 7 mdBJfr-iendofmimgmhis handsonsomccigamflesand hcmdlmddmnherkidwem up imomancicmmsefon we medlohmgwtinonammknmd "Why arr yuu showering befmr hockq?‘ my father stepping into thefvaghmmn m sq? what was up. ’ “Well. I. uh, before hockey? i have a hockey pumice? Oh. BEFORE my hockey practice. Ya. well. um. .‘ 1| Words being twisted Manurpwtlan 13 I would like to clarify the intent of the save the outdoor pool delegation as It upbeat-s to have been twisted by some folks and taking on a political spin that tsentimly incorrect Met reading the article with the quote ‘the project will con‘ sis! of closing and replacing the outdoor pool with a multi~fea~ tum splash pad...â€. 3 group of community residents gathered to save a mmm‘unity asset as it appeasedwewembsingittoa option There was no mention of a pool tank in the article. I was a goalie and I gut“ he wan: lETTERS TO THE EDITOR Hockey goalies, smokersal ways under attack into In Name of new school elementary - Watson Cedric was raised on a 50- am: farm on Tenth Line south of 19th Avenue. later. hebuught pmpeny at the comer of Main Street and Tenth Line and grew crops» It beam:th ï¬rst hous- ing debelopumm in the cam and. the Watson Suhdiv'mbn. ,I am submitting the name Cedric Watson School for the school being built on the Tenth Line south of Main Street. ' In 1925. l sinned at Slouï¬vllle Public School With Ml. Watson as principal. He remained as such Until 1956 when one onus former students. home Bead- way. took aver the. pmiï¬on. senting the delegatibn's intent. I've always had gm! respect for Mr. Wamm as a man and learning goalies are weird. At the practice. which fututed a lot of MA players perfecting their slap shots. apuckcameupundermy block- erandbmkeabonchmyhand. thing you look (ha! shuw~ er before m practice.“ my mothet sud. appmvingy. as tinny smart young hockey player would he am a broken handmapossibilityorthat l hadthis premonition that my hand was about Iobcbmkcnandmyhockeycarectwas about to have a setback ButRnt least the skin under my cast would be nice and clean andless stinky than it wnuld haw been had I not showered my pathetic sell. a supposed athlete who smoked at age ~13 and took a midâ€"aftermmn slum to hide it from My ttip home included a stopover at the hospital for x-rays and a cast. DAWN VAN-SICKâ€? 571 )U "V! L11: FIDYD FORSYTH \Tï¬l 'FFWLII Bernie O’Neill hispamms Did I everfael bad about the whole mingWeweIeCamolicsandhmnsfl Godhadpaidmebackformym. mqukiï¬nhbnMabwedhnndme mommahndhddmcdmtc. Despite this traumatic introduc- tion to smoking, that one might. think would sure mé off cigarettes for life. I did actually smoke when l was oï¬â€˜ at university. I couldn't really tell you why. other than that people I thaw“ were moi smoked. [liked them and wanted to he theit friends. sol smoked. too. I can rememba. after I had quit smoking. seeing hospital patients Stand- ing outside in winter in their odd hospi- talgowns. Wsatthcirsides. lcouldonly think.‘(3anlheynotpmvideamomfm these poor 2 to smoke? I mean. they't? addict . . And now they're ill. Where's the mmpasskm?" lakoquitwhenlwassdllmmyZOA-s andfeeldlankhdlwasabletodosa [wouldn't want tobeasmokenoday. Skullmtomegoabemahodwygum. mcymamhwdtymatseemstobe underconsmmanack. Over theyurswe‘ve seen them lose their privileges bit bybfl. butt by butt Smoking was eventually banned in workplaces and public buildings. res- taurants and bars. Recently it illegal l0 smoke in a car that had anyunc I6 or younger as a passenger. PUBLISHER Ian Proudwa Tribune The region is now pushing ever toxgher anti-smoking laws that would prohibit smoking near soccer ï¬elds or‘ ball diamond; walh'ng trails or bus stops. at even outdoot nncoverui nes- taunm patios. Part of me thinks that this Ls going too fat and that wmeonc smoking (ml. doors only harms himself. But smokers seem to lose at every turn and I‘m um: It used to be fashionable to stand up fut the principle that wwnmwm should nm be butting mm our lives. uniess what we are doing is malty hun: ing others That way of ‘thmking has gone up in xmnlw. (Whi‘church‘Stouffville council rejected the regional request Inesday. Instead. it will send letters to groups the! use its sports ï¬elds. asking them to mfra'm from smoking.) Eventually some politician will want to stop you from smoking a cigar on your own porch. And then they'll wan! to stop you from eating red meat or putting salt on your food or riding a motorcycle or going downhill Skiing or playing hockty or doing anything else that Idch spice to your life but whom you mlgn do harm to yourself. WWtBHnmmemam WWWW lmrm- m unlu- Ruhr! lazurtu Plowman lactic Smart Debora Kelly human. Daemon. Amrununo, Dus’nxunmn Nu‘ulé' Fltm’hw Dumrmn; ()rmnom Bum» 81ml