1111: issue of expansion was not d'mcuxscd during (hr budget meeting. Pm of the strung foc‘ municipalities. mdmgmMaquIymEnmmuhdm despfte being parthfly funded by munici- "ldflnkitneedstobecomeanactual department or whatever you want to can it. ofthetovm." Mr. Emmemonsaidduflnglast wegtkhndqetmeahg During - last year's municipal eleui‘on. expuudhgthelbnrywasfmmandcenuefot many on diecampaxgn trail "Wewemhophgdwflbmymuldsuyat the fowfmm of the council's made: Ms Nor- dheimcr hmes told The adding dictan hasanavamntflnhaflmflmwn hallandpotmmllyanewsenlorsandweu- ness facility. “I thi’ï¬k it's time to addrms the library’s needs†Ms Noniheimer James knows jt is difï¬mlt for the municipality m continually pick up the pmvincc's slack when it com to fund ing, which is why the Whitchumh~81mxffvillc Public library. along with the hderatkm of 'me is out'of order with the other dcpnrtments.’ Mt. Bannon aid. Althougw council appmved the library’s request [or an “percent increase (9 its open' WMMMIHW , “We're in 3 «based society now Information is criti .' Mr. Nordheime‘r James said. The [mama is ï¬ne if you want to ordaapbzabut ifyouwantgoodmedicalor legal advice. not so good.†, mm Despite the new hire. library stafï¬ng remains below the provincial average. which was 4.71 staff per 10.!!!) residents mm Whhchutch-Stmxflville Public Library's staff. ing level was at 3.0 pct 101110. according to Ms Nordhcimer lamcs. Virtual users an logyng onto the library’s sitetodocatalogue mes. aswellascheck program. download books and utilize its electronic databases ' voted apinst increase. . Aumrahad3.04e|ecuonicvisilspercapila. while Bradfmd West Gwillimbury. another town similar in size ‘10 Whhchutch-Slouï¬vflle. had 0.3 in zoos. ‘lminkduepeoplewhouseit, useitalot. But in-person are by far the majority ofomuaï¬icandldon‘flhinkdmisgohag to change anyume soon,†Ms Nordhexmer being in [he "hath pocket of dwelupers’. “I'm not." he .mczon celebtauonwfllbepaidbrwim what Mr. Enunerson has left over from the 2009 event. which he said is about $621!). Mr. Emmelson also announced he has dec‘idedtopulmoneymjsedfmmhisannual golf tournament towards a skateboard park. mWisminMemoï¬alPark. Library expahsion off agenda Mayor responding to accusations jToenhanceitandbflnginmekids.â€he 3mm w I. More than 20.000 residents have library cards. which is about 58 pot (am of Wchurch-Stpuflvflle's population lncaly, it mans a potential 339.7519 in the ï¬rst year, which would be spent on new colbctiom. onflne subscriptions enhanued programming and additional rommunity outreachsewims. Wtcï¬ulchSmuï¬V/ilk‘ has one of the busi- est “barbs tmund ' The bed attendance be! cardholder (1.04) also surpassed the pruvincial average (0.6) in 2008. The WhnchurL‘h-Stmlflvifle Public Library cumnfly‘ receives $51,588. which is haeed (m the (arm's 1995 population. ‘vaincial operating grants have not Wimdlcnï¬d-lmmnmeywem cut byalmosl 40petoem.' accordingto Ms Mrdheima James “The province, at pres- ent. funds only 2.6 pet cent of our library's operatim budget. we must reiy incmmimgiy on municipal funding" , ï¬rst: community outreach initiatives. whidl include {ping to local daycare centres on a basis. were also questioned by '3bu can‘t. in this day and age. say 1! ynu build it. they will come." Ms Noniheimm James told The Sun-“ibune “It's a good way to get to those whose parents hawn‘t made it a priority. That is a! the heart and soul of what the library does." In 2%. i! had 884,496 total uses. mm piled l0_lhe pmvincial average of 794.472. Ontario Public libraries is lobbying the pro- gmemmenl to mcmasc its operating grants (mm $18.7 million to $43.9 million met Since the toumey's inception, the event has grossed more than $250111) for over 17 schools and organizations. Several mher proj‘ ects also shared lhc proceeds. MI. Enumrson plans on having a publu‘ consultation with the park's users to ï¬nd out vyhat they want in it. No dam has‘ been set 'I‘hisyear’stoumeywifl beplaycd lutyZUat Bamantnc GolfClub. v In 2010. move than 260 golfers raised mm 5301!!) at his lBth charity golf tournament. “I‘m no: asking f0! any money fmm the council 0! me budget at this time.†my»: ethical of yam given to pubï¬c Iihmry by turn men USAGE with ï¬les from It'm Thomas