LEARNING: Pens, papers, textbooks conspicuously absent. in some high schools 'zarmurï¬yrmgxum "How many think history is boring?" The classroom of Grade 11 Students erupt- edtngmansandmllingofeymbuthis- lorytcachuMarkMethkwhohadposedlhc questional dwheginnkgbf’thcmxflyeax. 515m He. Ion. laddus- tat lectures and monotonous But School teach at had mhingelse up his sleeve. thmmcnormanwlsoflwn- in: â€"â€" pens papa. [enmth 'lhe badtpecks amleft umpcned on the And today. in his second-60m clam boredom is noticeably absent. Not absent: sn‘ndent interest. The mom bumswithpasstonatedismurseaswstuâ€" dents than opinions about Mtether the war- time‘ were gemxide. This is the and crimes agmnst ' l’gtumnity class “we six history teachers dime, logo "paperless" â€"- one of several appmaches high schoolsam taking to adapt to let-centu- www.mhqummsnflmtsmbtmg laptops or are incorporating the latest design sottwue or video games and programs Inawofld ofMtter-fuelled MiddleEastern upr‘strus and temng TIC duvets nabbed by cellphone Images. more and more educa- tors bdieve ‘hmd-t‘nsand" does a dmrvwe to today's youth. instead. they are lessons into their digital wodd. That old approach to history -â€" ‘memorizing dates and names ~â€"â€"~ is. well. history. “Tune to up now. UK". says thetr twcher. pointing to the clock. 1213.“? Time to go†The students exit at a snail's pace. con- tinuing the debate in the haflway. ‘1 can't imagine a history mum any Other way.†NikitaWatlia. 16. say-s. later. The Markham sttxienthas ongoingdisms- storm with-her parents about the my digital lechnnlogy hm replaced paper and books and her backpack is strangely empty. arguments homered with anmer-gena~ Al Markviuc. studcnm cluster around round tables takingâ€"some mmcthan uthets- hm nooncseetm to begooï¬ngoflThat's because Mr‘Melnykhnmadendwdminwmin- mes, they mus! produce something to (khan! in from of the class And they do pmduce: N 0 M0 RE ' ‘RAPER, IN NO MORE J BOOKS-fi’ BY KIM IMZOUR NewmrknDr."l.M;DmimnHighdednuduuSanhShmiï¬ï¬dem:pesheande I2 peer tutoring'chssxmtcsworkingon their laptopsMonhigh schools are encouraging computer use in dassnnd pitching pupa. pensmd textbook. ‘ ated‘researdlpostedonmeï¬mnboard. “mmdimtemkuycaflupwpptmng quotesanddoulnmtsoncmnpinm ' mques- tion if the pmdomimuxr of pro-Armenian information on the Internet is a symptom of Westembiasotitsdumnauonofmewb. Asmeywssbackandfumxadiaymanay offactsmmmbumhmebeflnngssiyuflmg McMOIMNOoneIeapsuploleave. "lime to up now. UK". says their tmcher. pointing to the clock. "( 21mm? Time to go†The students exit- at a snail's pace. con- tinuing the debate in The Marihun mndembas ongoingdisms- siom withth parents about the way digital technology hm: replaced paper and books and her backpack is strangely empty. “They don't take it They don't see it 19 mm They're not sure it’s legit.‘ But she her grades prove it; they have gone up this year. Ha dad sees one beneï¬t ~â€" he's enjoying her new conï¬dence in kitchen-table debates Three years ago. Markvme's history depan-v Essays. lasts. evenexamsammnconmm- putcr.markstabulntcdandreadytobchandcd outastheyleavedieexmnnm ~ 'I‘hamld approach to history-WM-' mgdatesandnmnes~ixvmllhistory After alanMdnyksastfmcyevctm-edmkmrw details such as when Sir John A MacDondd washrm.dwycanmbtfnanminseconds ï¬omdnecompulenmt’smomhnponamto hmbhymmmcdedsionshedid. Colleague Rich Macnrumn isocploring other ways to use technology a! his New "mic! by! school. Dr. I. M. Denison. Them. digital devicespmvide newtools forbnjld'mg hmskillsinsmdemssnuguimwimtm- based communication. - Students use Garagebami and m pmduce podcasls and movies. special eflefls and stop~mouon photography. Web 2.0 tools suchasBiansIadmmellStMespwe through comic strips and video dips and graphic novels help with comprehension. men! pitchedthe papa and dove imodigital Eachofthedepamnem’s 12 cwmeshdsits own website. with all course medal online. Lemmas are shortened and Men up with Youmbedipsmdmxestspeakeraandpmi- ectsaretaihredtomcleamermsingtoobmdm asvidemand Photosth “It's hypérfeï¬ciem and their marks are better than when they’re tested on paper.†says MnMelnykheadohhedepamnent. ~ Senior students try out won! games with Grade 9 pm on M and M “A†M7087!“ WM“ D MILD, PM 3: Kant pmnary students spend ' mmoandM' J. p MM}: “gamma “Inflogmum . P mumgfls: Dignitth Mpsspmaiéd students ‘ D FEIQJAII‘: (M‘W‘and (halenqes Debatoyfldmmonsdangm Daltflllkmmmgommmwm wlpayiuiul? ‘ ‘ W3 m dass York separate hoard umsiders Aurora‘s SI. Maximiflian Knlbe â€"- one of the region's names! sdxxyls -â€" its smmrlmv for letcirnmry learning, Students use software to design kitchens and create audio-visual equipment they can build. l-bspitality students tempos and nutrition online before crcaung menus. m‘tnnspomu'on technology class. cumâ€" puters reward: automobile components and car troubles ate diagnosed with a mpmsn Gated $10100 scan tool labomtory The idea. says pdnapal Domcmc Smgha. is to integrate modem technology through the school day and allow students In explnrr options With the tools of their generation But few students bn'ng laptops to class and they can’t access WI Fi of sour rit‘y conoem Yet other schools. such as Sir Mulock Secondary In Newmarkvt. St. Augustine Catholic in Unlonvillc and St. Andrew's College in Aumta. have pushed lhv digital envelopccwn ï¬mhcr; studt‘nts n-ly hn Iapmpsand access") the Inn-met W Samuels. IS. a student a! Ma-rkvilh'. thinks it's all good. “Wt gel infonnation so fast these dam I don} think some panic in high?! pmitmm waltz: that.†It's time. he says. to forget standanlilul tests and forcing students to listen while .1 teacher drones on. ‘lf you want a new gun-run lion of smarter peupte. you should make the chart to see what technology can do." me mwrkréatar mm for #1019 report back on which apps work best b MALMI: DMJLMTI: A seven-pan scans on how today‘s children are leammg m new ways mm a? W'A'N' I THE SERIES “Winn to the leuhon Students at Bevedey Acres PS. use GEN â€"Z