Council wihogiud Staff (0 ï¬le a gun; ap‘plxnlton with the Province for Healthy Communities fund ’(HCF) ind plemppmved “.000 {tom the 2011 Opening Budget 1; ihe Town‘s 15% Contribution to this program The HCF would allow the mumupalfly to address the (Min! need for additional youth programming with comm'unfly putnen to work townds establishing a slmng foundation of pmgnms to meet we demand; of a grouting youth population ' Council mpporlcd Sumnu (‘deu rtqutst I'm the Town in ram awareness for the upcoming ( anus and VHS ’Ihls May (.cmus population mfmmumn u used to album both federal and Provmcnl lunsfu payments pi-ovuimg the munmpalllv with rcsomccs to plum dcvdop and evaluate mu mapal programs and urvlccs For more Information. stafl «ports can be Rucqu Sybxmung the Town wchï¬tc mu» tow mm“ mm and sclmung m 714.. CW_ "Council Agcnd'u. Mmulcs It Byl-laux' '" M‘ M pan of thc Bud.“ andï¬udu Committee meeting scheduled for Tuesday. Fcbnmy 22:14. 20M. consideration will be given to all gram! donation applicnuom at upproumalely 4 00 p In Any comma“: and/or questions rcptdmg the Budget and Audit Commute meeting an be fotmrded lo ‘ Man: I Pourvnhtda. Dlmtor of thnceITreuum 905 MO mo or 905‘ 895.5299nt. 245 9: can} mmpourvuhsdiotovoofm.u. ‘- annry 22. 20†at 9 a m Holt February 23M and 20h haw 11m been assigned as additional Budget 3: Audit (Tommimr Meeting, if nucsurv C6sz of- !hc 20†Draft Budgd are IVIIICNC on the Town's wchsik at www.mst com nudct Town Hall/Finanutl union GRANT ommmn FOR YOUTH 9100mm Council will coincide a! the netting lauded for February ISth. a upon clnnfymg "5? ion“ requirements A (Spy of the rcpon mil be nvulabk Thursday. Februa’ty IO. 20!! hum the (Ikrk'g Department or on th: Town «but: www.mwmtm (0m Revmv of 20†Upcnlmg and (lapml Budge-h and the Ten Yul Futnast CENSUS 8: NATIONAL HOUSEHOLD SURVEY (NHS) MAY 20†BUDGET 81 AUDIT COMMITTEE MEETING GRANTS DONATIONS The Toer IS now accept"); applications for various partitions within it: 20]] Sprung I Summer 'operatton Houn ofvrork per week may vary ' o Summer Youth Program Supervrsor o Summer Youth Program Assrataut ¢ Day Camp (Iounaelm - Day Camp Supervisor .- - . Day (lamp Specral Needs (Lounaelor o Volunteer Oppofllll'ltlttl available with Day Camp and Aquatics - Aquauu' Instructor I Lifeguard L - Deck Attendant] Cashier ‘ - Curatorial and Programming Asustant - Whrtchurch-Stouffvllle Museum o Eahrbrt and Programming Amatant ~ Whltchurch-Stoutfville Museum . Parks Labourer (seasonal contract 8 months) - Parks Labourer (part tune summer) - Facrlrty Labourer For further mformatmn on these poutiom. please see our website at www mum)!“ mmfpubs up or rural! Insure servuesmownolws ca Please forward yuur resume in confidence. rdcnllfylng position applied for. M Fcbruary H to ‘ Executwe Assistant. Human Rcsnurrcs Servucs. 1mm of Whltchunh Stuuffvrlle. .l ‘ \andnturd Ur . 4th Hunt 0 Stouffv'rlfe. ()ntarm. I 4A '7)“ ’ ‘ fax: 905-600â€"9259 . nr Ella": LhHSPIHICOtOWHOfWS mm 20H INTERIM PROPERTY TAX BILLS ls't Installment Due - February I8, 20“ 2nd Installment Due - April 15. 201! RESIDENTIAL 8: COMMERCIAL INTERIM Thx htlls have nuw been matled. Ratepayers who have not'reerrved the" hills ~lmu|d umtaet the Muntcrpal’l'u Department as, soon as posstble Patlure tts rceer’ve a tax htll does not eliminate the responstbtltty lot payment ut taxes ur the penalty charges tor late payment ‘ TAX PAYMENTS may he made by matl. or tn person at the Town ()Ihce. t7 Sandtt’nrd [)me, 4th Flour. and at most Financral Institutions through tellers. banking machmes and by telephone and Internet ban klnjt Banking fees may apply After hours. tax payments may be made m the drop box at the tram west entrance door at 37 Sandtford Imve. APPEALING THE CURRENT MARKET VALUE -A_$§ESSMENT on yqur property must he done before the deadltne uf 31; 3011. Please direct questtuns regardmg amuments to the Munmpal Property Asseument (formation (Mutter 118664966722. Appeal forms are avatlah‘le’at the 'I‘own ol’ltees. ‘ 7 ’ V . VACANCY REBATE APPLICATIONS are avatlahle at the lawn UflICes during business hours. for any cummerctal or tndurtnal properties that have been vaeant for 90 consecutive day! The deadlme for subrmtttng the applkatmn for the 2010 taxatton year It February 28. 2011. For those ratepayers who have not yet recetved their supplementary tax bill for that new rendenee. please not-e that you may pay ‘un aecount' to ease the tax burden hefnre these hrll: are named These payments MELT hemade at the Town ul‘t‘ue V Ruth Armslrnng. AMIII. (LMTI’ Ia; Collector 81 Revenue Superuwr The l-cbluaty mtclmg of thé WhflchutchSmï¬fujk Public Library Board Will take place on “Omanfdlnu‘y 10".; 7.00 pm LIBRARY BOARD MEETING SPRING! SUMMER 2011 or Email: chm paukï¬â€˜m‘vnnfws . nm We thank nll apphum: who applv for this position. but advnsc {hat only those applicants Medal for an interview ml] be contacted. In accordance with the Mnmapal Freedom of Information and Prntcmun ul Pr!ny Act. personal information is colleckdundcr .lhc authwm u! the Munlapal Act. 2001. 5.0. 2001. c ‘25. ts amended and MI! be uwd M purpooc of «We ukclson. a Community College Dtploma tn Executtve SecretanaIeAdmmtsttame Science. or equivalent tramtnglexpenence - Thorough, knowledge ofexecutlve administrative mix-ctr.“ records management practices. research resourt'es. governam‘e strutturex and legislative framework a Advanced commumcauon and tnterpersortal sktlls. abtltty to mteratt effectmly mth elected ofï¬crals. munu‘tpal staff. restdents husmessrs. dlgnttaries. other governments. and the media. abtlttv to hotld collaboratrve world»; and communtty relattonshtps - Superior customer service onentattort - Excellent organizational/mommamg. researth and prublcm-mh mg sktlls. 0 Computer sayvy mth word processtng. spreadsheet presentatton. Khedultrr; and database software; expertence utth court. the Internet and emerging metal media o Class 0 0mm license tn good standtng o Avatlabtltty to attend evening meetings/specter! events as tequtrcd We offer a wekoutng workplace. a busy'hands on" role w tth lot 3 ul st ope and dtvemty. and 'talary range of $51,368 ' 359.540 txplwe our lnwrt and um exciting opportunity at wwwttow ooh". wm Please forward yourresurme tn uml'rdeme. tdenttt‘vtng pmttmn apphcd for. by February H to ercr a dull moment in this 4 year umtrut, unnudrng wrth lvrm u! (iountilf In (bit high pmfilr positron you'll prnndt a nude writ!» nl exennlivc scururial, admrmsrrarwc and publn rrluhnns‘ u'HkL-x m rhc Mlynr Key responsibilities mdudr . Servmg as ï¬rst point of comacr on bchw'ot the Mavm s (Mm- c0r3amzmg 4nd mending rcupuonslcvenu and pulver hrrhlmux; rrspondmg to mvrmwm and preparmg hurting norm and fur smrannn mam-Hal; {or the Mayor. luismg wuh orhcr Mummers m ( mum? and (In:th offlcnls - Coordmanng matings. Scheduling appumlmrms, and LIL-{2g mwung minulcsinotts o Momlonng Lommunrry events/Issues and mmmumcazmns rcqumng the Mayor's'aucntmn - Marnta'rmng an inquiry sysrtm and overuang words managrmrnr for 1h: Mairog'a Office. ensuring mformalmyn snurmr, rrIarmg ru confldtnmlmattcfn I "at - (ï¬fe-aimg arrdmr é‘dumg correspohdcnce, bulltrms. cu olusrsling in researching mfurmalion and summarmng rrsulh u directed -.Plrtrdpaung on prayed teams and Adm/g as} rewun r m mmumtrm ask forces -,Lraisrng wrth the Executive Assuum In rhe (.hret' Adrmmsrrarm OffKfl - Provndrng admrmsrratrw assulamc to thc 'I'hwn ( lcrk Qualiï¬cations -Signmcaru 'mumcnpal cxpcrrmu m an-tlu‘unw madam} admiral-straw:- upamy. mcludrng cxpcrkmc wurkxng mrh rlnlrd offrculi \ ï¬nalth Auulam. Human Rtsnun n \crvu rs Town of Whit: hutch‘tuulh‘xlk. Sandlfmd Dr . 4th H00! 0 Stouflnllr. Oman.» 14 A F“: 905-640-9259