Fitness centre may move - into wellness complex BY SANDRA IOLAN sbola nii’yrmg. com me am Leisure mum's ï¬mess facility may move to thé new KM" hall. Relocating the ï¬tness centu- wmnld create more multipurpose room space. while at the same time utilizing some of the H.100 squaxe fee! of available space at the former Cook Canada build- ing the town is Innovating and mm Into its new home. Thetawnomc‘esareexpected to move from amp (he Imperial anmeme- fordDrivnnatdoortotheChok btlildingmissummcr. The ï¬tness area would be a pan of: larger seniors/mums 'We would be a real leader intmofourappmadltoa wellness centre.“ said Dave Cash; CAO of the Town of Whitdmmh- Stouflvilk during last week’s leisure services master plan update. “Our vetsio-n (of the wdhless centre) envisioned a new 55-plus Gentle. along with compliment. tary functions such as the ï¬tness centre. meeting space. space for health service pmvidets. either York Region and/or private din- ics and practices. that would V" m pug: R WMRTJOH I WMWWSMWUI I unmaname WE LIKE MAIL, T00. E-MAII. LETTERS-TO THE EDITOR T0 JMASONQYRMGJZOM Stouffvilk Spirit mam Caggiuhduringthc Spirit's 6â€"2 win over the Mukham WIum‘u duc‘Stouï¬yillc'Arem Smdly. The red-hot SpiritUpflsdwmnd-phanbympqhtsinanIHLSccpapzzbtmore. THAT’S “IE SPIRIT .' ONE DOZEN FREE ROSES! Wuhalmqu Putdmcnlmormom.‘ WWII-m u halt-Wth Minnow-H ImumwM-ï¬upï¬nm . “minome manna". The outdoor pool is old. but a landmark and’cven a selling feature for some people rimming toWhitchurdI ~Stouffvifle. - Which is why Councillor Rob Hargraw is holding a Save Our Outdoor [fool meeting Feb 5 at the lnbovic Leisure Centre from 1 to 3 p.m. Earlier this month. council was informed by town stafl the Stouï¬'ville Memorial Park futility needs at lens! SWJDO in repairs for it to remain open. ' HARGRAVE HOPES TO ’SAVE POOL’ ‘izt the residents determine the fate of tha; pool. not leisure scans." Mr. lila’rgmvc lnstead bf recommending going ahead with the repairs. staff advoqated an acces- sible» water park-type of facility be con- Machoplansloopenmepmldm summensno hasbeensetasidefmit in the budget. ing to Andrew McNeely. director of planning and building serviqcs for thc'Ibwn ofWhitchde-Stouflville. 'I think it’s up to the taxpayers? Mr. liar WMnodngbeï¬amdwian. 7mm in Whmmrnadeawamnfthc pool‘s .Rm'dents say on fate of Memorial Park Councillor ."1his is no! sitting well with me. Hm reminds me of what they did with (he luhngâ€" The facility is heated in Mr. Hargmvo’s BY SANDRA BOW sbolunfl’yrmg tom w man. page v