The rates charged by different insurance companies to insure the same driver. with the same car. for the same coverage. can vary by hundreds and even thousands of dollars. And with so many insurance companies providing car insurance in Ontario, odds are you are not currently insured with the company that offers the best rate for your driving proï¬le. This is where can help by providing an independent, unbiased rate comparison from over 30 top insurance companies to find you the lowest rate available for your proï¬le. Even better, once your lowest rate is found. can connect you with a licensed insurance broker or agent to seal the deal. It's Fast. Safe and FREE. What If My Insurance Company Finds Out I'm Shopping? Unlike most of its competitors. does mt sell insurance. is n_ot a licensed broker or agent. and is not owned in whole or in part by an insurance company. This allows to be completely unbiased when providing insurance quotes and keeps its focus solely on ï¬nding the lowest insurance rates for consumers. By contrast. most websites offering to “compare insurance quotes†are owned by or afï¬liated with insurance brokers or agents and are therefore only capable of quoting rates from the limited number of insurance companies they represent, typically no more than 4 or 5. If you're like most consumers. you worry that switching insurance companies means losing your “loyalty discountâ€. The truth is that switching insurance companies may cause you to lose your loyalty discount (if you had one in the ï¬rst place), but that doesn’t necessarily mean you'll pay more for car insurance or that you can't save a bundle in the end. The fact is, some insurance companies may provide a small discount on your premium if you've been with them for a long time â€"- but that small discount can quickly become irrelevant if another company has a rate for you that is signiï¬cantly less than what you're Currently paying. After all, what good is 5% off of an annual rate of $ | ,500 (a $75 savings) if you could pay $ l , l00 (a $400 savings) with another company? Sadly. the misguided fear of repercussions from their current insurer is what keeps many consumers from taking action and shopping around. The truth is that your insurance company has no way of knowing if you are shopping around for a better rate. In fact, even if they did know you were checking out your options, you cannot be penalized in any way for trying to ï¬nd a better deal. How Much Do Rates Really Differ Across Companies? How Much Is Your Loyalty Discount Really Worth? Don’t Be Fooled By Others OfferingTo “Compare Quotes†Shopping Around Still The Key To Saving On Car Insurance ’ Loyalty Can Be Costly Clean Record $5.000 $2.000 $3.000 $|.000 I Ticket l Accident Your search engine for the lowest insurance rates finds this rate for drivers â€" for FREE! IIIIHIIIIIIII Rate Comparison $|,0|8 $|.849 $958 $2.2l 3 $2.552 $3,753 s I ,255 SI,S34 SL904