Hockey player can move on with plea deal Pat wanted to move on with his life.†The guilty plea is classiï¬ed as a violation in New York State, which means Mr. McEachen does not have a criminal record and he is free to cross the Canada-United States border, according to the elder McEachen. Mr. McEachen also received a oneâ€"year conditional discharge and is prohibited from enrolling at Clarkson, where he received a scholarship and enrolled last year. He also had to perform 200 hours of community ser- vice, something the family anticipated and Mr. McFachen has already completed. sons, volunteered at the Markham Salvation Army and participated in events in Welling- ton, near Belleville, where the 19-year-old played hockey for the Dukes last season. During the past 10 mohths, Mr. McEachen helped out atthe rookie camp of the Stouï¬ville Spirit Ir. A team, f9: whorl} 1:18 _p_layed_tvyo s_ea- :Ihispastjearhasbeenatoughoneforthe McEachen family. “Pat’s always been a great student, a good person. Never got in trouble. It just caught us ofl‘ guard," Dan McEachen said. “Once you get over the embarrassment of it, you try to put yourself in a place where you're going to do good things and work hard." u And flat is what Patrick McEachen has been doing. Over the past few months, along with work- ing at the family business, he has upgraded a coupleofhishighschoolcredits,justincasea professional hockey career doesn’t pan out. “Hewantstogbtoa(Canadianuniverâ€" sity) with a strong business school," Dan McEachen said. For now, he remains a hockey player and GOING GREEN A7410 A019 138 sandiford Dr., (Unit 5, Stouffville ‘ 905-642-2886 or 1-877-410-2886(AUTO) courtesy car (by appointment) Yes, we do domestics! ‘ Hybrid, Diesei and Electric Specialist Up to date trained Technicians on staff come this September, Mr. McEachen will suit up for the Mississauga St. Michael's Majors of the Ontario Hockey league. He has two years of junior eligibility remaining. The Majors will host the Memorial Cup tournament, the national junior championships, next spring. One of the other co-accused also took the same deal as Mr. McEachen, while the third manacwsedhashiscasependinginl’ots- While Mr. McEachen is trying to move on with his life, the three men, along with Clark- son University, still face a civil suit, which was ï¬led by the girl’s parents in lune. The suit alleges the university was negligent because the girl was enrolled in the hockey camp, therefore, the school was responsible for her at the time of the alleged incident, which took place in a school dorm room. The suit 5130 claims the school fostered an environment that promoted and encouraged inappropriate behaviour between staff and campers. “Honestly, I don’t understand why they‘re doing the civil suit, but that is what they do in America," Dan McEachen said. “The plea bargain they were given, it was given for a rea- son. They dropped both charges, which were serious charges, for a reason." Derek P. Champagne, Franklin County’s district attorney, was unavailable for com- ment ‘They dropped both charges, which were serious charges, for a reason.’