'11 Vatemns getting their parkway Mostar Street between Main Street and Hoover Park Drive in Stouffville will have an honourary dedication as Veterans Parkway. The request was made earlier this year by the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 459 to honour the municipality’s veterans. PAT ROBINSON TRUSTEE The legion is relocating its facility from PM; L CREDIT UNION www.reesorfarm.com Strawberries! Reesor Farm Market 905.640.4568 Excellent Supply Available! Trustee in Bankruptcy Auroramcadomm 15105 Yonge #201 «mzhurcm 905-727-2577 Richmond Hill 9555 Yonge St. #40! m denck) 905-508-9493 Sutton West 100 High m Middle) 905-722-317o Email: Pat@PaIRobinson.com Web: www.PaIRobinson.com Pat Rabinson June 25, 26, 27, 2010 The Gormley Polo Centre, Richmond Hill alps-Um Medium†U-Pick PVLOéHEART o OER "1’ a 10825 Ninth Line Markham New Maln St. espresso bar ï¬rst to get downtown Improvement loan Ninth Line to a propeny on Mostax Street, south of Southwire. A downtown business has ï¬nally taken the town up on one of its community improveâ€" ment plan programs. [NC. I We-Pick Cal/for a free personal disatssion‘ oHelp with creditor problems oProposaJ to creditors oPersonal Business Bankruptcy \ location 1-377-727-2577 Toll Free for any The Red Bulb Espresso Bar, which will open this summer at Main and Edward streets, has been approved for a $5,432 loan under the building facade andsign loan program. The money will be used to install a window and front entry door. “Mth respect to the front window and entry door, the renovation does provide an immediate visual impact. “The proposed four wide bi-fold window and from entry door, including the replace- ment of the existing ï¬xed transom over the doorway, reinforces the ‘boutique' appear- ance of a cafe," wrote Andrew McNeely, direc- tor of planning and building services for the town. (Advertisement) If you suffer from IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME, CROHN’S DISEASE OR ULCERATIVE COLITIS then attending this free symposium may be the most important thing you do this year. You will discover the true cause of these conditions and natural solutions and options you can use right away. Many are now able to drive, take vacations, hold a job, go to scth and socialize for the ï¬rst time in years. Dr. Allen Turner is an intemational speaker and lecturer who has been featured on the Dini Petty Show, National News and Canada AM. He will present a free symposium on Thurs., June 24th at 7:30 pm at the Stouffville Hearth Centre, 6219 Main St., Stouffville. Call 1-888-240-7371 for reservations. www.NorthPortTrailers.com Locally Owned Operated AUTO TRAILER 905-985-9330 Toll Free 1-866-985-9330 131 NORTH PORT no, PORT PERRY on The loan is half the value of the project’s cost and is payable over a maximum of 10 years, interest-free. Last June, council adopted a Downtown Stouï¬ville Community Improvement plan. The Red Bulb is the ï¬rst business to ï¬le and be awarded funding assistance in Stouflville. The plan encompasses a broad range of ï¬nancial tools, property acquisition/disde objectives or business partnerships that have been established to assist in the enhance- ment or redevelopment of a speciï¬c area of the municipality which is in need of assis- tance / leadership / rejuvenation. .- Sandra Bolan