souss run HAITI w MEN’S SH W FREE ADMISSION! DONATIONS BEING ACCEPTED I EDP THE,‘ MAPKHAM STOUFFVIIII HGSI’IIAI Mother’s Day Weekend (no: ‘51 MV ‘Ifrwmu I aunqru-un‘x‘ Jung/"01K ‘EI msmon SHOWS, DEMONSTRANONS, SPEAKERS, SHOPPING. FUN so MUCH MORE! / STAFF PHOTO IM MASON . U "a; UNEUREDBY’ Pierre Bordeleau (from left), Andrew Heathcote, lohn McGouran and Mike Burns appear on WhiStle Radio to play and present $3,400 they raised at a charity event at Latcham Hall i, H M 3 i I , ‘ last month to the Canadian Red Cross. 9‘ H“ IP.‘\ 1‘.’ . ‘ ,,~,(> Btomim In you by II‘n’ 905.4718766 80 Riviera Dr.. Markham