. 7" †r 4’43 I HARM“ E-THEX sum" 85 HANDHELD 1 EP3 ‘ 0 Great for camping, hiking and any outdoor recreation 3% SAVE $160 use. ‘259†43-1“ “4913 BRAVETI’I 3|. DEEPFBYER WEE. ‘69†use. ‘69†The three men were charged with break and enter and possession of propeny obtained by crime. The break-and-enter took place on High- gateDriveatabout 1:30pm. andnoonewas home at the time, according to York Region Police. the incideni. Three men, one of whom is from Whitchurch-Stouflville, have been charged with stealing jewelry, money and computer equipment from a Maxkham home on Dec. 18. StoufMlle man charged In Markham break-In - You're in luck; Whitchurch-Stouflville. Garbage will be collected two weeks in a rowas'mrtlelsland RecyclingtheTownof Miltchurch-Stouflville’s contractor. realigns its routes in northern York Region. Garbage will be collected, on your regular dayduringtheweekoflart ll andagaindur- ing the week of Ian. 18. After that. it will return to the every-other-week schedule. Green bin and blue box pick-ups are not effected Waste collection calendars are being mailed out and all Whitchmch-Stoufl'ville SERVICES: Christmas trees picked up Ian. 18 Bonus garbage pick-up date added §uspects were arrested shorfly after GSTPST FINANCE I1 That's when the shspect sped up and drove into an unplowed parking lot and lost control of the vehicle. No were sustained The oï¬cer, wï¬o was travelling southbound at the time, turned around to pursue the sus- pect_vehicle and stop it. The oflicer ï¬rst noticed {he suspect vehicle when it was travelling northbound on Hwy. 48 atahighrateofspeed A 20-year-old man from Whitchurch- Stouflvflle was charged with dangerous oper- ation of a motor vehicle and evading police in theeaflyhoursofDee l9afterapoliceoflicer tried to pull over a speeding vehicle. Drlvertrlodtoevadeofflcor onHwy.48:MRegonalPollce Alltreesputonthecurbcannotbeina plastic bag and they must be decoration-free. Ifthetreeistallermanskfeetjtmustbecut into smaller pieces. BynowthatChristmastIeehaslost some ofitslustreandtheneedlesarestartingtofall off and get stuck in your socks, but you have to hold onto it a little longer as it will not be picked up until Ian. 18. “All they have to do is look at the cal- endar and it tells you what to put out,†he said. households should have one in the very near future, if they have not already received one, according to Paul Whitehouse, director of public works for the town LEASE l1