3100 Hamihon Beach. Air Altergen Reducer. Won, never opened. Suggested retail price $123. (905)727- 2 mountain bikes, excellent condition, $100 for both 416-669-9571 2 year 0†Ikea Kura Twm bed with campy. See pg. 245 in new catalogue for picmfe. (905)910-0068 2007 caravan silver spoiler (new in box deflector, tire v P195/75R14. 41( 6016 3 pc new leather sofa with recliner. Only two weeks old. Original price $3000. asking only $1700. (905)471-7673 6 piece bedroom set, f0! $1530. sefling at $450 onty. (905)2370311 AIR hockey table. A1 con- dition. Full size. rarely used. Moving, must sell $150. (905)475-8286 AIR hockey table. Excel‘ lent condition. $75 obo (905)715-2786 BABY items- Evenflo 6X8!- saucer. bouncer, wooden crib/ 1oddler bed etc. Ex- cellent (416)561- BARNEY rideon $7. bike racks $8-$10. ultra steel foldable workbench 22'x25-1/4'x31-3/4' $20 (905)887-8171 BASEBALL cards. over 4000 cards. excellent con- dition. basebaH magazines. collector baseball from 1980'5-1990'5. sacnfice $125 for all. (905)478-1318 BEAUTIFUL 2 tier ï¬ber- glass waterfall/ tountaun 2x2x3ft‘ spotlight, pump brand new. Asklng $150 (905)898-2675 BEAUTIFUL oak Interior Must be seen/ satva ed Pedect for den or 0 ice 416-616â€"9708 BEDROOM furniture. dou‘ Ne bed. head footboard dresser 8. mirror. best of fer. (905)832-8383 BEDROOM Sel- colonial. incl dresser. mlrrOf. desk and single bed frame‘ $500 l0! set 416-669-9571 BLEACHED oak bedroon set. 4 poster bed. 2 srdr tables, big dresser w/mrr ror. $1900. (905)642-3571 CAMERA, digital. new Fuji S1500. case 8. charg er $175 (905)763-6017 ver rear 30x, bug vector 416-723- side BLEACHED oak dining ta- ble (66'x42') plus ex- pandable leaf. 6 padded chairs (beige) good condi- tion, $395 obo. 905-770- BUFFET/ hutch $500 Dark pine table 5 chars $500‘e-mail sandrebillOsympatlco ca photos,(905)475-5982 CABINET- stereo. Luke new. Rosewood, made m Belgium. Storage space. tempered glass ($00!, Must go.(905)472-9442 CARPET, Oriental. Jaldar Bukhara from Pakistan, 9x12, hand knotted with fringe. Thick pile. Excellent condition. (905)642-0965 CENTRO Grill $50 Call 905-850-4614, CHAIR and ottman Dark gleen. A1 condition. Very comfortable Moving, must sell $50. (905)475-8286 CHEST of drawers, maple 5 drawers. $100, 41BGQ 9571 COFFEE 8. end tabte set in solid wood 8. rodvlron with bevaled glass inlay Asking $500. 905-775-6686 COFFEE and end tables Deltcrafl. Drk wood Tradil bonal styie. Must sell. mov mg, $100. (905)475â€"8286 COMMERCIAL size maga- zine rack $25. Swwelinq TV stand $25. Citizen 21 TV $55. 2 round tables 520‘ (905)853-9940 COMPLETED bedroom set. Queen size bed chest of drawers. dresser with mrrror, one srde table $500. (905)868-0104 COMPUTER desk and Mack faux wo< cellent co 37hx63wx29d (905)715-2786 COUCH grey fabric ortable and s COUCH Green Ieathe dmon. Very and sturdy {905W15-278‘ CRAFTMATIC bed (single dition. $65C CURLING suitable f0! cuds, $8 {9 4( 786 w hne hal 9053895415 DENIM drapery, 2 panels 40(w)x81(|), $25 (905)8954537 DESK- 3 drawers 8. cup- board, 28'x29'x55. Price $400bo. (905)853-5066 DINING room sucte, 4 chairs, table with exten- snon, china cabinet, wood and lass. excehent condi- non. 00. (905)884-1411 DINING tame and 5 chairs Queen Anne, cherry ï¬nish teat $500 000 ?%5)M2-15M Introducing Katherine “Kat†Downey I GELL: 1'905-71 7*9197 ohpmananao'mt- Pre~Planning Director DISHWASHEW Kichen- Aid, under counter, black ModeltKUDIZSCH. manu‘ al and guide, has been pr stOrage, immaculate $500 (905)472-1845 large 3257 DRESSER- 8 drawers. 0 white, 72'x28'. good COr $50. (905)832-4440 ELYPTICAL buke, Espnt. like new. $300. spmmng bike. 32004166699571 .cage- black meta $70 obo (905)713 GOALIE equipment Bnan's pads 31' chest pro tector. pants $350 (905)836-1634 GRACO stroller mm Infant carnel/ car seat Excellent condition from pet free and smoke free home HOME gym- m weight machine Best offer Fre‘ bike to buyev 4154 6661-6991 Free stamnary buvev 416-948- )f LARGE truck box- good PASTA maker Moulmex REFRlGERATOR- box lor sale Askmg $4000 electnc Brand new never danre Gallery Pr Please emall used Asking $30 ModelllFRSQBZSl mlchelles llowersalwe corn (905)478-1318 Slde doors stalnll 0Hexl,4l6‘455-1357 flâ€"râ€"ï¬ ~ Hi all lealures 7- - .. Ant. AA? .1n 4n‘r LOUNGE chair. sohd woo< mm thick CUShlonS Askmg $50 (905)478-1318 LOVE seat a ( gold $50 sota kitchen Eme/ 4 416669-9571 PIANO- Iovely app‘t 5 Mason Rksch With ber $600 905-884â€"2773 @RMEQAL um†casMAnqu Gun 4305-8508 www.chégolridgqfla.eom age PET safe I (905)868-82 PIANO PIANO. Ka urano, De'dumw wom over 100 y! $700000 (905)642 1| wood- 2x100 thread oz years 0k! Sagnslcotours, 3 Q4584 each (905)471'f JF ROYAL Albé nngs SHIRTS 2786 SKLAR Peppler Chester USED gas hrepla he} SOFA SOFA SPANISH )f WE WANTED WASHER WASHER :zua f6