With accessories. Bloch mam cabinet Madam ï¬shISSO‘ (“$959258 ,Y, Sinai $15. (905ml cm, at: new, 3100 use (905)727-7259 {gallon aquatiun +§§apd radian lndepondént' Talo- _ 09min)! W 1W_W +all' equipment. $200 (416)882-3734 6 gold! taupe kitchen chairs, good gray/ beige w/black fabric seats. $30/ chair at $150 W6.416-371-3693 m. (905)640-6183 mm: stain glass m 40w 4'3' x 1'6' exceuem (905)4713335 umoue tobphono WWW.“ mmmmm each.(9%)6¢0-6183 2 lovmau mu good caudal;my $125. 7 Solid Oak Chairs with Floral Pattern. In Great Asking 880/ ‘r. 416-999-1015 AB Lounge 50. Manual and cd induded. (905)235- ADIDAS Climaproof La- dos Golf Shoes. Size 8. White Tan. Wataproot ‘ nave! used. mm new in tnx.S45(416)882-4653 Alfl Hockey Tame excel- lom oomitim used very lit- m. (sosmn ANTIQUE cedar chest 25x21x48' $375, exoelIent tion. Sets from 1920's to late 1%0‘8. 905-773-4650, polytrmOrooorsmm 7905mm an_tique an 3250. '(9os)471- “05%!!- ..Top Cam. $40 ï¬n. $70. (416)840-7313 AVIATION W TdoxDeM1000'HwDo- fender One piece mic. BEAUTIFUL wedd'm dress. Size 10. Wom ones to: photo shoot. Eâ€"mail pécs availameï¬oo obo. (905)235-1058 BENTWOOD rocker. ex- cellent shape. attached brown foam cushions 315. (905)727-7259 plus 4 me cabénets (906)474-0397 BLACK ceramic stove sell at at bottom and ot June. 3800. (905)472- 1243 («3773-2603 uh, .Top ouch 875 (mum for Condom. 53 BEDROOM Suite. Queen mm, dress“, 2 nir- rors, rm table armoiro $450. (905)294-0801 BELKIN G travel router. new in box $35. (905)727- BESTAR Ofï¬ce Desk $100 (9%)773-2603 Paid 31200 4 mm a! the Mid; sacriï¬ce 380!!! (416)659-0829 Foam ear cushion. Good BLUE Topaz Sflver Pen- .M 59' WI WW9! bic zirconia (416)271 6088 mmmmï¬m BLEACHED Oak Dining Table 3. 6 Chains; Exoolom Conditim (expandable with Ieat) - a: (905)7705732 gsking $425 DARBY white refdgerator. Like new. used 3 years. Fits smau space. 59'h x 231. $350 0! best offer. 905-326-4770 'e shaft. Gm! 416-882- IEN‘S Nike Dtiver (10.5 Reggie! 'qux wIZ leafs Hm dd):- 175. 4 m 150a. got: bad- all m 175. (905mm DOIBLEdrmmeir. DRAPERY- r mated val- mmm 55'Wx288'L.“0 ELLIPTICAL! Tempo 645E! 20 levels. 14 m. LCD display. $400 pick up ELECTRIC Hybrid Bike. dual drive system: pure power or pedal assist. blue/diver. $800. 905737- ' ‘ t fireplace "EgRéOSWï¬rgnh. (905)830 1139 Fm Le Parka ladies coatwlhlinot. Pbmooiour MSWL ' Inuit Art mM.(905)72-7259 HRH mattress- boumt $1 . asidng $695 000. still in plastic, 30yr warranty, high density barn. pilow top. (416)723 GOLDSTAR (905)605-0995 Markham (647)449- Personalized Insurance Service 7 PUSIN‘ESS - LIFE 64 Sandlford Drive, Until: 905-642-2745 FREE" bins- GE 42 cult. freeze" new omditim. $70 (m5)657-3216 GLASS and Bass coddai and matching side table. excellent (905)8891831 GLAS8_ ï¬ning table 8 6 dais. Modotï¬ look. bled base. $600 obo ( )715-3278 $40. iron dubs; um ark: (905)832-6463 Goucuwamaagn a. 3 wood am 3579 Good GOLF Clubs. Adams woods, easy to use newer ' . Make an of- fer. (905 726-3528 GOLF Clubs- Mizuno - Irons 4-9; SW. PW. Putts: Bag Some woods availabte. (905)294-4935 NDUSTRIAL fan 41'! wide. exoeuent for many con- struction uses! Ca" 647- 883-39590Ny350. HOT Tm 7/8 person (92 x 86) Great Condition!!! 32.500441661913535 LAWN Mower- Sears Craftsman rotary lawn mower powet propelled. Good Man $100 (905)895-8917 LADIES Taylor Made Bub- bIe 2 Driver. Graphite Shaft Ladies Flex. 9.5 de- rees. Great Condition ?416)882-4653 LITTLE lees Treasure Chest Sandbox with Lid. 45'x33'. used onty 1 sea- son. $45. (905)773-3791 LILLIPUT Lane Cottages fasale.(905)554â€"1997 LOOK-TV Receiver $50 (905)773-3791 LOTS ot toys. stuffed ani- mals, keyboard player. jun 50! 919' t (905)889-1 1 behch IEN‘S Beginno! Go" Set indudes Matsushiba 1 (10 degrees). 3. 5 woods - Low Tome Graphite Soft Tour Irons. $1004 (416)882- Green with Leaf De' . sax m. :15 90533 IETAL CD Stand. Hume! METAL frame black chairs. Sturdy high back with upholsteled seat, Great $20 each (905)8959258 HILLS Pride oak doc! pack for around double wall oven X Windsor, $150, pictures available (905)473-2640 NEVER used black freez- er. 3185' Danby Millenium 21x33x34. Mint Condition! Seen elsewhere $200+ Weston Rutherford (905)553-2634 ILLS Pride oak doors. 1 lower 15x24. 2 mpets left. right 15x18, 1 upper left- hand 15x18 (905)473- OAK pedestal table 2 chairs. Excellent Like new. $600 obo. (905)715-3278 PATlO Set 9 pieces. 6 stacking chairs with cush- ions. table comes a n, umbrella. stand. 50 cunplete. (905)472-2143 QUEEN Size Bed and Ma!- tress. White Heawoard with Black Accents. Good 416-9991015 PEPLAR juvenfle bdrm $400 solid ma hany 5drawer chest, Magma/3 night stands. (905)882- 7926 QUEEN size bedroom sel- bed. mmor. armoir. night stands. Very good condi- tion/ $450 obo. (905)479- 1785 Beige Pattern Asking $50 416-9991015 RECORD LP collection as- soned hives and rock and some country excellent (905)471-8335 RECLINING Chair with RECORDS- 500+45's in sleeves 1960‘s to 1980's. $1eachm11for$10Also 200 Ip's same price. (905)7510794 tail $3000. sol for $1200. aeam odour with pink and 99qu rosebuds. (905)474- ROYAL Doukon China Re SHUTTLEBALL Indoor~ outdom all volley Yacket game, Played wnh jumbo nybn and foam shumebal and two checker bats, $10. (905)773-2603 SLIDING glass doc! and frame. 5' wide x 76 5' $600 obo (905)235 SONY NOIse cancemng heawhOnes NEW-m pack- age ~Retail $79 sell 539 (905)472-2189 STROLLER Great cond. Asking $50 080 Ptay Pen Asking 535, Change Tame Askmg $351416)882-1311 STUNNING Golden Oak WaII Unn with glass doors. 78'H x 60'W. Great Condi- tion! 51,000 416-319-3535 TABLE wuth Leaf plus 4 matching chairs. Whnte Go‘d pme. Good COdeOn $125 416-319-3535 TELEPHONE Tabie With THREE piece matchmg IN- ing room set - sofa. love- seat and char $350. (905)853-7229 attached doth seat. Length 34'. Depth 20' Ht. 24'. Very good condmon 550. (905)773-2603 TWINS breastfeedan pil- |ow. Excetlent condition. Uke new $50 A must for moms of twins. (905)715- 3278 UPRIGHT Piano Free†You Move Before May 10m Free!! 416319-3535 VIVA May monthly adult pass 2 zone value $150 asking $100. (905)775- WALKER, 'ustable Bed, Bar Grips, aised Tale! seat -Exceflem Condition - Best Offer (905)882-4517 WALKING machine Vita- mastel, powet incline good condition 3150 (905)294- WEDDING Dress! Brand New never used suze 10 value $3.000. sell for $700 cafl Erika (905)787-8130 WHITE 6 ft. Kltchen Tabie Selling for 8100 416999- 1015 WILDLIFE Encyclopedia Funk Wagnalls. Set 0 WORK out bench a weights. condmon 885.00 (905 0801 WROUGHT Iron Blanket Rack. Asking $50 416- 999-1015 WROUGHT Iron garden furniture: 4 chars. bench. 2 tables and cushions 20 pubhshed m 1969/70 Very good condmon $45 905-640-3662 ssrgssrgOgmaulcom pictures YONEX V-MASS 260 Dnv- er. 105 Degrees Regular Flex Men's. $40 (416)882-