STOUFFVILLE- 2700 sqfl. 3 bedrooms on 75 acres countryside facln forest, S1800 mm! 5.3. 905)239~ $22,647 «5742 STOUFFVILLE - Main Moor w/basemem large one bedroom. 6 appliances, CVAC, rden. parking. over- ooking ark, walk/ 60. 31 50+ 416- RENTALS Available from $900-$3500+. Call Paola Lawrence or Garry Hewitt, Royal LePage Your Com- WSW-7314111) IIARKHAI- beautiful 4 bedroom. near schools! amenities. Appliances. No base- ment $1400+. No pets. Immediately. (WW KENNEDY! 19th- spacious 7 room bun- alow, 5 appliances. inished basement. double garage. counts are 31600. (905 -1 HWY 48/ Hoover Park- 4 bdrms, de- tached. like new. 5 Ap Iiances. Garage. $1 .+ Immediately. 41W HWY 48/-16th Ave.- 5 bdrm. 3.5 bthrm, ap- pliance, 3100 sqft. arm-4634 pitall GOI Mall. New! renovated. Ha AC/ parkin . $1300 +hydro can 9 partly furnished. No Smok- iflgf pets. 905-836- NEWIARKET luxury condo for rent 2 Bdrm 1 bath. Close to Hos~ Now Pmnohlslng. 1n Stonfl’vllle/llxhrldge/Port Perry superb franchisee support. It’s a combination that’s been cooking up great results for MW franchisees since 1956. Together we've built MW into Canada's second largest hamburger chain (by number of locations), with over ego restaurants, owned and operated by people just like you. If you've got an interest in the quick service restaurant industry and want to be associated with a brand that customers truly love, this may be the opportunity for you. Now is the time to join our growing, thriving,100% Canadian-owned company. For more information about running your own successful restauram in partnership with MW, visit us at awfranchisecom Whlstlor village. 1 bdrm loft. sleeps 6. Mar. 6-13": 8 13-2001. (905)841- WHISTLER Heart of HwyT/Aa- Furnished rooms. Main floor. Fe- males. Large room basement. S450. Sharing kitchen] bath- room. (905)471- HCCOWANI 14th- Self-contained base- ment room, with cook- ing facilities. Must de- pendable/ trustworthy. Available immediate- ry. (905)944-9822 STOUFFVILLE- Do- tached 24003qft. 4 bedroom. 2 storey. 5 appliances. Garage! opener. Private yard, deck. Cable. Minutes to GO. $1.800. inc|u~ sive. Without base- ment. (905)640-9955. 41632397647 STOUFFVILLE- 4 bedroom, 3 wash- rooms. Brand new de- tached house. 31600.4» (905)640- TRAVEL Deals! Ser- victng all your travel Spociglizjng in and ' hofldi 8‘3. ".341341’5. 7518 UNIONVILLEI Mark- ham, all rooms en- suite, full English breakfast. maid ser- vice. flee parking. Nick: (905)479-3136 . (KERN-9493 SEARCH from 1003 of Florida's top vaca- tion rentals. All Re- ions of Florida from to 8 bedroom homes. Condos, Vii- las, Pool homes - we have them all! Rates starting as low as 389/ night. On your next Florida Vacation do not be satisfied with a hotel room when you can rent your own private Va- cation homel Visit us WASH?!» v, luv vuulo. 'Iv‘J‘Y 7 m.w.Fam.nm.,uA.S1.soo.+ ‘MTIQLIE-ammakmmsiévs’i """ 3 Bodrm Demand. Fm. mm Ishnmm. ' majodrmlowncm, 2.5 baths. $1325.+ m-ammm MMC/Azsmn.m muumummmm FUR“! \bu’ve got drive and determination. We've got delicious food, a legendary brand and : 3 beam. Detached. Famflm IMPROVE Maw Sci- ence. Got tutored by experienced collogo/ university profes- sor.tSpocial review pacing durin holi- 1 M4 CERTIFIED teacher. English, ESL. s ecial education ua med, editing. pr readi . homework. All have s welcome. (416)899- 81:5 RELIABLE daycare- 18 years experience. Lunches/ snacks. McCowen/ Brlmle I Denison area. CP . First aid. (905)475- LlVE-IN Caregiverâ€" 6. 8 year olds and infant. Housekeeping. Must know Chinese cook- i_r19_ Call (647)248â€" °Ptovideasmtnd1i11fun1aï¬masyoumn.n1emore mfomtionthebettertfmrspune. °Alwaysirmdemepriceoftheitem °Usehlgetype,wfitespace,bordersorgnphcs-any~ Mflntwilmkeyuuadstandwt Wogetmflnmnapmemmymnadï¬xmdï¬de dayxThereammwmdetseverythy. 'Useorlystandardabbteviaï¬untoavddconfusim. - Mostianafl Immsssmpmymad IAIHHI mm @mm or career opportunities, hummfahawhopagsedaway' me13,2(m. lm'sgreacstgiï¬ism mmmmm Untilwcnwaagaininfleavm lomAlaandKayleigh McGAW, _Joh_n_~ _ln lqviï¬g memory of a CLODD, Elroy - In loving memory of a‘ dear husband. father. grandfather and great-grandfather who passed away Jammy 13mm. ' Sopmymmgshavehmpcned Smywwuecalledmy Somylhingsmslncwithyw Hxiywbemlcï¬loslay Evuydayinsomcmflway Manniesofywoomcourway Wmmmmm Sadlynliuedbng'febrmmdfmuily Pa 9' “Mamba: MMIWMIN ‘5]qu lam-n “mauhyurm. NoSIlupeopleninuepioa Weimllaflmwoodaalm Wmm [MEEEEM mm bf . -. ...‘_....., Bidders are advised that. unless otherwise permitted by the Region’s Purchasin By-law. no bid shall be accepted from. nor shall any contract e awarded to. any Bidder with whom the Begonisengagediimesolvediimon. l Sealed proposals. clearly marked with the Proposal Number and hers'ngDabdemewlbereoeivedbf WSmGalJcth'ledor StqiesandSeres. FrartoeDepartment, The Mmpafly" or R Bgflm Newrnerluet, Ontario L3Y621 The lowest or any proposal will not necessarily accepted. The Region reserves the right to award to other than the lowest All Queries regarding the proposal shall be directed to Garth Stiebel. Senior Purchasing Analyst, Supplies and Services Tel: (905) Bill-4444 M1688.e-rnai: garlhstiebelOyorkca ‘All Company information (name, address, phone and tax) must beprovidedtponpurchase/pidr-tpolthisdoument. Please state document number when purchasing or inquiring -L-..IILZ.‘r\. _ , , , , I A set of documents may be downloaded from on or after Januar 12, 2009. Subscribers to this service can download a copy 0 this RFP at no charge. Non-subscribers will 1be required to pay a tee set by Biddingo. Submissions of documents obtained from the Biddingo web-site will be oonsideredas'ORIGtNAEdoaments A non-refundable fee of thirty dollars ($30.00), GST included, is required for each set of documents. which may be purchased from the Finance Department. Supplies and Services. tst floor, 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket, ON L3Y 621 on or after W12. 2009. Proposals are invited from qualified firms to provide External Fle- cruitment Advertising and Employer Branding. all in accordance with the Terms of Reference noted in the Request for Proposal ‘-_l.._- Glen Crescende WMieSdml ifan Academy ' ntemaï¬onal Pmpskilslm. 1mp.m.(|oaalï¬m) mam WWI! ‘ andEmpkyet HEEPAMEOHEEW Req0e3tforProposal Meetethvgschoolstodiscws: Emm opï¬ons for your childk Mm. BlLFISCH,Reg'meni t-Tribmw-Wlmmrlew13 PIANO- Baby Grand High polished Ebon Like new $2.40 647-831-9126 can HOT tub/ spa- 2008 model, fully loaded. full wartanty. New in plastic. Cost $8,000 Sacriï¬ce $3.900 Cau- “$779-$563 HOT Tub Spa) Cov- ers- Best rice. Best Quality. All Shapes Colours. Call 1-866- HAY- Round bales for sale. 4x5. 340} bale delivered. (905)649~ CARPETS~ l have several thousand yards of new stainâ€" master 8. 100% nylon carpet. Will do living room 8. hall for $389.00. Includes: carpet, pad, installa~ tion (30 yards). Steve 905-890-5552 BARGAIN. Sliding mirror doors. Moving from unit to garage. Clearing showroom 8. stock. Many sizes. Delivered installed, 416-618-8m5 frazing all at at ordable price. Estab Iished over 18 years References available Marion 905‘640-7915 Denise 416-636-1600 Audrey 416-402- 7474. S T 0 U F F V I L L E Branoak Co-op. 1 space available, geld- ings only. Friendly ve- nue. well-insulated private barn. attached arena. riding ring, hacking and excellent