SamCarrickwaspartofa'IbamOntario contingent timtwonthcgoldmedalformemirdstnighttimeatme 2009mm Umier-17Hockey0mflengewidla5-l win WWWMWMMNHMBC. 'IheStoufl'villeresidentaMflrst-yearforwardwith the Brampton Battalion of the Ontario Hockey League oompiledonegoalandthreeassistsinsixoontests. 'Iheï¬nalwasbroadcaston'I‘SN. Likehisolder brotherJakeCan'ickoftheOHIJsSoo Greyhounds, Sam also played for Stouffville District SeoondarySchool. HearbmakanlfomovlooCllppors mSImSflckwanmumnment TheStouflville noviceAClippers advanced to the semiï¬nals of the 33rd annual Brampton Silver Stick qualifying tournament before falling 3-2 in overtime againstthe Oobourg Cougars i'lheClippelsreichedâ€"fllesemiï¬nalsafterposting victories over Clarington 6-1, Brampton 8-2 and New- marketB-l. . / “'Ihekidsdisplayedincredibledlaxacterandspons- manship throughout the whole tournament,†he said. “They showed gmat competitiveness . “It’s games like these that build character and team spirit'lhekids throughoutthegamewereemouxaging eachotheranditwasawesometoexpeï¬encethatteam bonding between them.†Despitefallingshort, (lippersheadooachPeteMajor wasproudofflxeeï¬orthisdmgesgavefluoughout the tournament. Gloyns. Connor Hicks, Colin Johnston. William Keith, McKayla Major, Aiden McKinney. Anthony Messina, ZavierRaza, QuestRodinandNathanWilson Garrick, Ontario golden at U-17s Also coached by Chris Burkholder and Scott Men- zies, other team members included goalkeepexs Brent MenziesandOdecGegRyanAldemAdamBain, Sam Bulkholder, lyler Davis, Michael Freitas, (Itmndler ST. 3T. AMES 1 P SBYTERIAN CHURCH lev. Inky-mm 6432 “am flue-W315] d]: ammo 10:00 a. THE AHCLICAH PARISH of - CHRIST CHURCH 254 Sunset Blvd., We The Rev. Canon Robert Shields The Rev. Jason Prisley, Associate (905) 640-1461 Services at 8 am 10 am Nursely Church School Sunday January 1 1th Friday January 2311! Floor Hockey - 7 pm Come and See! at 10am Sï¬ï¬‚llllï¬ï¬v‘iug C" umlhek 1 BY MIKE HAYAKAWA Staff Writer Whatadiï¬elenoeayearrmkes Duringlastyear'sMï¬tchurch-Stouffville MinorlbckeyAssociationnewyeartour- nament for additional entry teams, the Stouï¬villedippersAEpeewees advanced totbeï¬nalonlytobseinaheartbreaking shootouttotheMarkhamWamrs Competing th's year as minor bantam AEs. the Clippers and Waxers renewed acquaintances Sunday in the tournament Ukelastyeafsgammeï¬naloutcome reminedinquestionumilmeend. moresansfyingformedippers asthey skat- edoffwithadramatic3-20vertimewin John Anthony (Joscarefla deposited the game-wmningmarkerinmeenrasession BIG FINAL FOR OOSCARELLA Coscarellaalsoplayedakeyroleinfom- ingovertimewhenheassistedonthesec- 0nd of Matt Renzoni’s two goals that tied the some with just 55.6 seconds remaining integulation time. “The kids played great,†Clippers head coach Mike Humphreys said “We played m'mteameWaxeranlastyeal’sï¬naland lostmashootouLAndweVeplayedthis teamalottl'mmughmelasttwoyearssowe hmeachotherfairlywell." CérsonNelson, RileySulman and Zach McMahoneacheamedsingleassists Helpiggtopreservemewmwassome outstanding netminding from Alex McK- Humphmys. the president of Stouffville nï¬norhockeywasoonï¬denthisteamcould Host Clippers take 2 titles Stoufl‘ville squad waits year for revenge on Markham Sunday January 11th 2009 Everyone Welcome! 10 am Communion Pastor Earl McNutt Parkview Village ammunsm MW11,2009 Pasta-MW WWW Stouffville Pentecostal Church 7mm In mg the ï¬nal. tbeAinpeIs dis~ posedof Oshawa 8-1. Markham 5-2 and TNTl-O. contend for the toth tide. “We’veuiedtoteadlmeguystonever give up.'l'heï¬nal @mewent back and fourthButthistimeamunditwasourtum Also skating offwith a title during the tournament were the Clippers peewee AFs, who blanked East Gwillimbury 5-0 in their championslï¬pmatch. David MaikawaandAustinPeddle each hadagoalandoneassistforthedippers. In teaming the ï¬nal. the Clippers posted wins over East Gwillimbury 5-2, Markham 3â€"0 and Milton 6-2. Paul Henderson, Nicholas Lade and Hunter Davidson each added single tallies. Nathan Kirkness, Mark Gavrilov and lack Porter collected one assist each In other ï¬nals, Uxbridge required a shootout to edge the host Clippets 4â€"3 in the minor peewee AB gold medal game loshCarlinsooredtwioefortheClippers in regulation time and Jason Mistelbacher added the other market. Taylor Peterson earned two helpers while 'Il'itan Thompson and Ryan Daniels each had one After losing their ï¬rst game to Peter- borough 3-2, the Clippers rallied to defeat MeadowvaleS-OandGâ€"Ztoadvanoetothe semiï¬nals Facing Brampton in their semiï¬- nal tilt. the Clippers prevailed 4-2. InthemjdgétAEï¬nal,Welland downed WestLondon 3-1. SSE Wild London defeated Oshawa 4-2 to win the bantam AE title PEEWEES, MINOR BANI’AMS WIN January 11‘“, 2009 9:45 a.m. Celebration Service Pastor lay Sandiford 1 1:1 1 am Sunday School for All Ages ww.spï¬ springzale “mun... SlmffvilklldlKfllrdde 905-887-565 l mm gamma iani s. '15 Everyone Welcome! SUNDAY JANUARY 11th, 2009 10:30 am WORSHIP SERVICE Children’s Worship and Child Care vaided. 9:00 am - Junior Youth Breakfast Everyone Welcome! puildiug M! 0 Building Lives! Sunday Imuary 11, 2009 9:30 am Sunday School 1 1:00 am bmmm MMRI. M1163 Magma-1mm mmmmnnm Towelnnmmmnmchmw Waldo-(mitocme mmmumm. mummyPSdoCMmasoMy BLOOMINGTON 9. GOSPEL CHURCH 13660 Ninth Linc N. (905) 642-4414 Rev. Peter Pallant LOVES m W9 M'SWSIGIAFIS' mm“? STAPLESMDHOT‘ “0901‘ WM' Morning Service 6:30 pm Evening Service om LEATIEII‘ HAL-HART WHIP 2N1 mono-m 'Suwï¬-Tribune visit flyorlandsa PM MT LTD.‘ I‘IKATS' AI-P'