What does it mean to residents of York Region? W111 it mean more federal money for York Region? We weren’t alone. Liberal support dove across the 905 region. Perhaps the results are a closer reflec- tion of this area’s political roots. Maybe it’s good to have more MP5 on the benches of the party in power. Hopefully, especially when it comes to dollars for jobs, transportation and health care. W111 any of the four MPs be named to Stephen Harper’s cabinet. MPs-elect Kent, Calandra and Van Loan have been mentioned as ministerial material. Hopefully, they can carry the mes- sage to Mr. Harper that if the Conserva- tives in this incarnation ever hope to win a majority they might have to moderate their stances on some issues. Fonunately, they won't become policy because in a minority situation the Con- servatives likely won’t have the votes to push all of their agenda items through. Hopefully, that won’t be anytime quickly. And it shouldn't happen soon if the Conservatives adhere to their stan- dard election date legislation, this time around. Veteran Liberals Lui‘ Temelkovksi, edged by Paul Calandra in Oak Ridges- Markham, and Susan Kadis, ousted by former Toronto candidate/ news anchor Peter Kent, are gone. Former Aurora mayor Tun Jones, was unable to hang onto Belinda Stronach’s Liberal seat in Newmarket-Aurora. By not giving them a majority, again, are Canadians saying they don’t real- ly want to see some of their notions, including incarcerating 14-yearâ€"olds for life, to ever become policy? Our third federal election in four years and what have we leamed,‘York Region? That things can change. That there are fewer safe, Shoo-in rid- ings, especially if you're a Liberal. York Region residents elected four Conservatives and three Liberals Mon- day night. That’s a far cry from two years ago, when York-Simcoe’s Peter Van Loan was the lone Tory electai. Which will lead us to the next elec- tion. a We can all use the break from election spending and promising. That national trends mean something here in the land north of Steeles Avenue and south of Lake Simcoe, even if we’re a little late with them. Both elections saw Conservative minority governments elected nation- ally. Locally, it was a delayed reaction. lETTERS POLICY Editorial More T 013/ MP5, should help region THIS ARTIST ALSO MAKES UNIQUE INSALLNIONS'. The Sun-Tribune welcomes your letters All submissions must be less than 400 words and must include a daytime telephone number, name and address. The Sun~Trihune mrvos the right to publish or not publish and to edit for clarity and space. jmason.yrmg.com StouflWIe Sunâ€"'I‘ribune I Thursday, Oct. 16 2008 Letters to the Editon The Sun-Tribune 6290 Main St. StoufMlle, GM LM IG7 PIN ION INTERACTIVE MEDIA Marketing Advertising Manager I )awna Andrews dandmusï¬â€˜yrmgmm jmmon @yrmg.mm EDITORIAL Editor lim Mason Some of us are bent and a little broken by the forces of life. But through it all, every one of us has done the job that has been expected of us. Some of us are young and shine brightly with youthï¬tl pnde. _ Ode to our rural mail boxes Some of us are old and you can easily see that we are battered, bruised and even a little rusty around the edges. Some of us have weathered life's storms and still stand erect. Some of us are colourful. Others of us are drab. Some of us experience no pain. Creaky hinges deï¬ne others of us. To celebrate the resumption of rural mail deliv- ery, after three long and frustrating years, to our home and to some of the other residents of old RR 3, Newmarket in northern Whitchurch-Stouï¬vifle, loffer: Many of you have driven past us without a sec- ond glance. But those of you who now have, or once have had an intimate relationship with us, appreci- ate us more than words can express. We have been tested by severe cold and unremit- ting heat. Wind, rain, snow and sleet have battered us all. We have worked day after day, week afler week, month after month and year after year with only weekends and holidays off We have no union and no pension plan Classiï¬ed Manager Bonnie Rondeau hmndmm @Vrmg. mm ADVERTISING Retail Manager Dianne Mahoney n'ma hnanzg mm 'Sii'ï¬i'l'ribune PUBLISHER Ian Proudfoot 6290 Main St. StoufMlle, ON. L4A 167 myomgioncom Letters to the Editor Pnonucnow Team Leader Sherry Day SUN-TRIBUI' We are silent, dependable caretakers on whom hundreds of thousands depend. We hold all of your private information within us. Only when we know that what we hold is meant for others, and that we have unwritten permission to let it go, do we open up and share. digniï¬ed burial and quickly mplacéd by a reason- able look-a-like. Slow down and give us an appreciative nod. We deserve it. Have you been contacted by Canada Post about your speciï¬c rural address and the requirements that must be met for you to resume receiving mail in your rural mailbox? Who are we? We are the rural mailboxes that proudly line the country roads. If not, call 1â€"866-501-1669 and ask to meet with the person responsible for making the ï¬nal deci~ sion about delivery to your rural address. Sroumnua" smoao mun FREE «Os-012412: OCT£86|9 From us and to us, do all things flow. When we die, we are often dumped without a MM b What do you think of this issue? E-mail jmason@yrmg.com A .1 ralflh 4'1"! ",9 Emma IN Cum? Debora Kelly HAVE YOUR SAY ( LIKE mns ONE ? (Zlamif‘m EDITORIAL 905-640â€"261 2 Fax: 905-640â€"8778 ADVERTISING 905-640~2612 u’ï¬cd: 1-800-743-3353 Fax: 905-640â€"8778 DISTRIBUTION 905-640-2612 NANCY PBRESSOTTI WHIT(,‘HURCIIâ€"STOUFFVILLE BUSINESS MANAGER DInBcron. ADVERTISING YORK REGION PRIN'I‘IM; Robert Lazurko I: DISTRIBUTION GENERAL MANAGER Nicole Fletcher 30b Dean A York Region Media Group community ncwspapcr The Sun-Tribune, published every Thursday and Saturday. is a division of the Metroiand Media Group Ltd, a whollyowned subsidiary of Torstar Corporation. Metroiand is comprised of ~100 community publications across Ontario. The York Region Newspaper Group includes The Liberal. sewing Richmond Hill and Thomhill. Vaughan Citizen, Ihe Era-Banner (Newmarket/ Aurora). Markham Economist Sun, Georgina AdvocateYork Region Business Times, North of the City. yorirregioncom and York Region Printing. I literally bumped into a neighbour from a few houses down the crescent. We agreed it was an odd spot to have to meet and chat for the ï¬rst time in a couple of years. It was Election No. l for the spanking new gymnasium at Harry Bowes Public School in northeast Stouï¬ville Tuesday. Its glass basketball boards pulled back and the fresh hardwood reserved for adults only on this school day. The children would stay in the class- rooms, as they did in all 308 ridings across Canada. Liberal Lui Temelkovski beat out Conservative Bob Callow by 6,400 votes in 2006 and 11,252 votes in 2004. These races were over when the ï¬rst ballot box was opened. Save for the virgin setting, it looked pretty much like every other polling sta- tion, every other year. Voting is a pretty regimented event, especially with the new requirement of photo ID or something similar. There's no coffee service or loungers. But, there is a social aspect to something so clinical. A scout leader walked by and extend- ed greetings. Same with a young family I hadn't seen in too long. Welcome to suburban life. What separated this election from the other two in Oak Ridges-Markham was a little thing called drama. The lead see-sawed into the night between Mr. Temelkovski and the (Inn- servative’s new candidate, Paul Calandra. a local father and party veteran. Tens of votes zind percentage points separated them. But, this time. the sea of blue (Ion servative signs across Mï¬tchurch Stouï¬ville meant something. It was after 1 a.m. when Mr. 'l‘emvl- kovski shook MP-elect (lalandra's hand at Boston Pizm in Stouffville. Election over. llm Mason is editor of Tim Sunâ€" 'D‘ibune. Not this time. Many a Whitchurch- Stouffvifle commuter woke up yesterday not knowing who their new MP was. Earlyâ€"morning end to dramatic night in our riding (SW-Tribune with lim Mason Off The Top