-Plan,developandimplementcllnicalprogarnstorthe MarkhamFHT. -Workcolabomtiielywithoomnmnityandhealthcare pamerstoaddesstheneedsottherosteredpatients. 1RegisteredNurse ; oBScNinnursingorRN Diploma (3daysperweek) -Memberingoodstandng ' theCollegeotNursesot ~lnaddtiontoprwidngoomprehensivewretoour _ ' youwildrawonyourlvmledgedavailable resourcesbubringatleasmyearsot experienoeworldngwithanintenisciplinaryteam.as wellaswithpatientsandlamiliesatalldevelopmental stages RNAOmernbershiprequired. ‘All of the above positions require you to be a team player with strong communication and organizational skills. Experience with an electronic medical record an asset. It you are ‘interestedinbeingpartotourteam,pleasesendyourresumetoz The Markham Family Health Team, Attention: Lynne Davies, Executive Director 0 lynne.davies@marlmamtht.oom ortaxto: 905209-1501. 2 Full Time Social Workers The creation oi Family Health Teams in Ontario is a key aspect oi the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care's transformational health care agenda. A key priority is to deliver high quality, team based, accessible primary care through the establishment of Family Health Teams. The vision of the Markham Family Health Team is 'to rovide unparalleled comprehensive primary care'. As a member of this exciting an highly successful multidisciplinary team. you assist the team in achieving our vision, provide; rimary care and be a resource to tami physicians and other allied health protessionalsi _o_ accomplish this, The Markham Fami y Health Team is now accepting resumes tor the‘ 1C|inica|ProgamManager (sdaysperweek) 1 Full Tme Pharmacist Contract ppsitions are available. $10/hr. Typing skills are reqm‘red. mummmmemmmm toopomxflesbasedmmmwfomm. Homing and evening shifts as available For more infonnab’on regarding the job fair, or ifyou are unable to attend. ptease send your resume to thcflonocanadmcom WE ARE HAVING A JOB FAIR! Data Entry, Transaction Processing and Mail Opening Email Help 'o www.cstonecanada.com Toreauitformefoflowingposiflons WMMM “panam- Gmnl Help HegjsteredwimmeomarioColegeofPharmacists. Demushatedetperiemeinamspitamommurï¬ty and/orprimarycamseM. Abililytoworkinanintet-professionalteamenvironment M.S.W.tromanawedtedFawflyotSocialWork. Memberoflheomario dSocialWodmand SocialServioeworkers( 'WSSW). Experiemewihawiderangeofagegï¬psand sihnï¬msaermvidualmoupbsand ilycounseling wouldbeanasset). mangommerrelevantafliedheammnal BadnelorodeemeinPharmacyfmmanaocredited The Comerstone Group of Companies is the leading provider of direct marketing and database management services in Canada. ' *‘hmmmwfmmm u 60ml Help Don't forget to bn‘ng your resume! WHEN: September 16, Sam - 7pm Sepmmber 17, 92am - 7pm WHERE: 111 Granton Drive, Unit 101 Richmond Hill, ON (Leslie and 16th Avenue) Plutonium Rumor Landscape Ltd. Call 905-955-1309 Fax: 905-473-5626 Email: snomelpe synpaï¬ooca is seeking Financial AcMsor Landscape Labourer Required immediate . OPERATOR - SNOW PLOW OWNER] OPERATOR JPG Financial 1] MI Help 0 Mowing duties (walk mowing greens and tees) - Day-toâ€"day golfcouxse maintenance and set up - Mustbcabletoliï¬/pullSOlbsdaily 0 General landscaping duties ' required for evening office cleaning in Stoufl‘ville. Call 905-707-9594 prefenédMust owntools. COOK/HOT TABLE GENERAL HELP Mon-Fri days Immediate, exp. MOTIVATED PEOPLE MECHANIC mum shophMafldwn. Call Jack 905-472-3400 Call Sbfla 416-464-1184 or 416-7260†HOMEWORKERS NEEDED!! To Assemble PM, 'Emebpesnng-Wcmnevmk Up to $1,500McNoexperienoe needed! FREEinfornnflonat Seasonal Help Wanted Mlko Toy Warehouse 60 E. Beaver Creek Rd, Richmond Hill, ON Starts: Mid September 2008 Ends: Mid December2008 ‘ Posltlons: Retail Stock Clerk. Cashiers, Parking Attendant Must be punctual with communication skll s Pay Rate of $9.00/hr. For Interview: please call 905-771 471 4. Resume required. Sat_Sun.~2prrg-8pm. Mammemewnoedappmammbned. mummm Ammonszaapplyhpmonm Hwy.488|oonlnglonfld.,smwlle F/T6days~2pm10pm/PHSaLSun. magnum-mm Only those considered will be contacted for an Email: scottp@céppinwood.com Fax: (905) 649 - 8234 No Phone Calls Please Please contact Soon Pratt, Golf Course Supqrhltendmt: cozmnwgov Greens Department: Reference 2-301 FIRST Choice Hair- cutters- Hairstylist wanted for busy Stoutfvme location. $10.50/hr.+ profit sharing. benefits. paid holidays. equipment supplied. Please call Claire at 905-640- 9555‘ PART Time Truck Dtiver. We are a pump 'wholesaler looking for a candi. date with a clean driv- ing abstract. must be able to handle some heavy (80lb) lifting, ability to speak and communicate in Eng- lish is critical. Email resumes to: brad manpumphouse© bellnetca sap-reuse opus": . Call : fl 905-73 I -0393 12] Drivers CUSTOMER REP Salon Spa Help PT/FT students. svc ms and ASST. Resident Man- ager Couple Required F , 2 person live-in role tor Newmarket property. Duties inc. cleaning, mainte- nance. admin., cus- tomer service. Train- ing provided. Comp. inc. salary. 2 br. apt. benefits, bonuses. Apply on-line www. realstar.ca. fax 416- 923-9815. careersérealstarca OuoteVNEB-001 PIT] F/T Admin] Event Ass't Requires a high de ree of initiative, abi ty to sell manage. Siren communica‘ lion 8 ills. excellent MS Office skills, Ouickbooks an assei, detail oriented, 2 yrs. exp., vehicle pre- ferred. Send resume to AlbeHROymaileom WANTED: Ex erl- onced Banquet am- am, Cooks. Bartend- ers to work week- ends. Fax resume: 905-944-1632. e-mail: W'Ogmailoom flatnan Mm Deadline: Thursday at 5pm Deadline: Wednesday at 2pm Deadline: Wednesday at 12 Noon SATURDAY EDITION Deadline: Tuesday at 5pm Fnday at 12 Noon BHQLDQSS To place your ad, call: Deadline: Deadline Friday at 2pm Gonenl Help Pan-mm Help ELSON/ Feather- stone. Large 2 bdrm basement apt Separ- ate entrance. Laun- dry. $800. inclusive. October1 905-471. 6365 BRIMLEYI Denison- Beautiful 2 bdrm basement. Separate iaundry. enhance. parking. cable, a/c. $850. inclusive Non- smoking/ pets. Must be seen. 416-930- 4705. #1 Sign Franchise has franchise oppor- tunities available. Turn-key operation‘ Flnancin available. 1-888-3 5-8861 or “MONEY†Consoli- date Debts, Mortgag- es to 100%. No in‘- come. Bad credit 0K! The Mortga e Centre 1-800-282-11 BAYVIEW- 407/ HwyW- Luxury 1 bed- room basement, 6 ap- pliances, French doors. Non-smokin professional. $95 (905)764-9199 BmMLEï¬â€˜Mm- $550 1 bdrm bsmnt sep. entrance. Utilities. in- ternet, parking, laun- dry included. 647- 388-5079 BRIMLEY/ Denison -2 spacious bedrooms Separate entrance. Near TTC/ amenities. Utilities included 905- 479- 1 072 BRIMLEY/ Denison- 1 bedroom basement apt. Near amenities. Parking. $675,, Parking. $675. available immediately (905)477-0648‘ (905)477-1730 MAIN Street. Mark- ham. 2 nice offices for lease. Ideal for insu- rance, mortgage bro- kets.416-518-4060 16TH! 9th- New 2 bedroom basement. Fireplace, (1)parking. No smoking/ pe(s. $950. incluswe. Im- mediate. 905-294- 2612 HWY 7 a Kennedy Med/ Prof Bldg One Large Room in 3 Rm 05093054896688 wwwsimaramoom AURORA townhouse. Open house. Sunday 1-6pm. 65 Bilbrough Street. See details at: “alum Fuqu WWW Silo [m * HOME SELLERS W * memmmdommmsoum chunpubrhodustwmmplctum ofamahomesalesandcurrentlistings WWW www.YorkReglonHomePricing.com W Omega Realy (1938) Lu. Bwkerage - on , 2-10webts.$395kmPrivate|ocahons Emmanth Find Out What Your Home is Worth On-Line REMAXMM(1%83W.W mommuaawuam Business Opportunities Mortgage. Loans Indium! Comm. Special attics/Bush»: Arlmnontx F at: For Rent Open Hm or Freeréoordédméssa two-3266582 ID# 14 0 Stouffville Sun-Tribune. Thursday, September 1 I. 2008 160085-5582 IMOSO ACREA§E visit: MCCOWAN/ Deni- son- Spacious 1 bed- room basemeni. sep' arate entrance. 1 parking. utilities in- cluded. Non-smoking; pets (905)9402442 MCCOWAN/ S1ee|es- spacious 2 bedroom basement. separate enhance. parking. TTC. shops‘ schools, contact (905)910- MIDDLEFIELDI Den nison- Huge 1 bed room basement, sep arate entrance/ Iaun dry. parking. Cable Non-smoking/ pets $750. Immediate (647)618-6017 STOUFFVILLEy 2 bedroom above ground, Own en- trance/ arking. Credit check. eforencere- quirad‘ $1,200. incIu- sive (905)6401087 MARKHAM/ Elsonâ€" Large 2 bedroom basement. private en- trance/ Iaundry/ park- ing/ inclusive. No pefS. (905)2090730 MCCOWAN/16th- 2 bedroom walk-out basement. applianc- es. includin washer/ dryer. $12 0 inclu- sive. Immediately. (905)4752623 Very bright 2 bedroom basement apartment. Own side entrance. $850. Immediately 1116-4207672 JANE/ Rutherford basement apartment, non-smoking! pets. utilities included. $800, references, 905â€"417-2381. MARKHAM- Hwy7/ 9th Line. 1 bedroom, Separate entrance. Near hospital, air con- dition. Nonosmoking/ pets. Immediately. $675 inclusive (905)910-9991 , (416)670-2341 MARKHAW Denison- 2 bdrm basement‘ Separate entrance, $850. inclusive. Non- smoking. Close/ amenities. Immediate- ly.(905)472-0090 MCCOWAN/ 16th HWYfl/ #48- 1 bed room. $995 inclusive Bachelor $595. inclu sive. Parking, non smoker/ pets (416)836-9924 HWYHI Wootten Way- clean. bright, furnished bachelor basement. 5685‘ in- clusive. Oct. 5th. Non- smoking/ pets‘ 416- 948-9691 CORNELL Coach House -1 bdrm available Nov 1. No smoking/ pets. Park- ing, a/c, laundry. ap- pliances and utilities included $950/month. Cail416-529â€"5876 anment: F at: For Rent STOUFFVILLE- Brand new 25005qft. home on wooded lot court 4 bedroom/ bathrooms. yard, fire place. appliances Nov 15! $1900 + utilities 647-403~ 7201. asangehdisa yahoooom 14TH! 9th- 3 bed room. 21/2 baths waikom basement avaiIable immediater $1600 +utilities, Non. smokin / pets (416)707- 696 Angus Glen- Kenne‘ dy/ 16th- 3 bdrm, 2.5 baths. 1700 sq.ft. double garage. $1500,+ utilities. Non- smoking/ pets. (416)298-2450 MARKHAM- beautiful 4 bedroom. near schools/ amenities. Appliances. No base- ment $1450+ utilities. October tst. (905)5540450 MCCOWAN/ Elgin Mills -Large 4 bed- room with ensuites, 4 car garage‘ $3300 +utilities. Immediate. 416-725-2345 St. John's/ Warden- 10 acres w/pond. Country living 3 bed- room. w/ inished basement. Fridge. stove. washer. dryer Double garage Dec, tst. $2.200,+ utilities. Gary. (905)640~1323 (worktt) 16TH Avenue/ Hwy#48.- 4 bedrooms w/professionally fin- ished 2 bedroom basement. Rent to- BRIMLEYI Denison- detached 4 bedroom' 2-car garage, plus 2 bedroom basemem apartment. $2000. 4169610534 BUROAK/ McGowan- 3 bdrm 2100 sq.ft‘ 2,5 baths. double garage. $1700.+ utilities. Non- smoking/ pets. (416)298-2450 www.dianeli‘com Stoufiville~ (North) Tasteful furnished 3 bdrm. Available from Nov. to April. Nego- iiable. Non-smoking/ pets.i$2000.+ utilities. 16TH] Hwy 48 condo. 2 bedroom. applianc- es. parking. $1150 incl water, suits pro- fessionals. 416-826- 4815 STOUFFVILLE- Spa- cious 2 bedroom basemem. Separa‘e entrance, parking. 5925. inclusive. Im- mediatety. Non-smok- nn lpets. Joe 905- 648â€"6674 UNIONVILLE- luxury walkout basement, bright, central air, cable, internet, non- smoking/ pets, suits sin Is. all inclusive .905-513-6193 (905)473-9854 $1550.+ lmmedate. QQBHELL- 3 bedrm mm MAE-73 bedrm. de- tached, fin. Basement, gether. Oct. 15th 647)274-1754 - Semi, fin. basement $1,503.+.Od.1st ALLHAVEC/ARAP- “JAMESGARIGES Pleasemlbrmorede mils: EDS-47116927 ext. 231 LARKHAM Townhouse: For Rom Contaminants For Rent Short-tom Rentals Houses For Rent amnonu a F at: For M