iii c using Wednesday, July 30, {h-o-pâ€"V-Sea-foog Skor Ice Cream B.a!:s______.__ Breyers (Great with Ice Cream and berries!) 5x75ml " '‘ 3 Frencï¬â€˜ï¬Bread My. ; Apollinaris Mastro 3 Mineral Balsamic w Water Vinegar ln-Store Baked Nun-rm 8 315m 12 .' -ll '4 FOUNDATION mswpor‘toroi Bio Best Omega 3 Voyeur! New Zealand Humane Roseman Rack of l Brice SalE Loackot - mm mm » Extra Wrgin $5.00 Olive Oil \ p--...h..g.....__ r’iifï¬ n..-:-1~w 0.... Our all natural paanut but!" coma tram trash. my mam. unaaltad peanuts. We have a special Mina Iocatad ln our hulk food action that will grind the fresh peanuts Into delicious. Inexpensive, W peenuthutterwtthln seconds. What are the heneflte of All natural Peanut Butter (and other all natural nut butters)? 0 No artiï¬cial flavours. colours. preservatives ' No Stabilizers, Extenders or Fillers - Rich in Mono polyunsaturated fat (the good fat) and low in saturated fat (the bad fat) 0 Trans Fat free " Gluten Free ' Cholesterol Free ' Low in sodium Other Peanut Butter Beneï¬ts: - It’s a satiatlng and satisfying, perfect for dieters because it keeps you feeling full for longer. o it helps reduce your risk of heart disease because of its health protective mono 8. poly-unsaturated oil, foiate, Vitamln E, a. magnesium. 0 it’s a reasonable 'source 01 vitamins, minerals, and other health protective food compounds. - ltcontainsflber mummmmnmmmmmmwmuwmmwmmmnmm. {BKLVJW ,Wé‘ï¬lï¬Wfléï¬mm 9 Q I . ' . ’ g 9 ‘ 9 Â¥ v ~2 y 9 SW Sun-Tï¬bune l 294’? “133‘?†0asis100%Pure Juice Blends 48 1kg