Two new public elementary schools, Harry Bowes and Oscar Peterson, are scheduled to open in Stouï¬ville in Sep- tember. I Robbie McCrossan, Mayor's Award, Tom Tntel Award; Rhea Boettcher, Principal's Award. Par- ents’ Award, history award; Kelvin Yam, math award, science awatd. an award: MGM“ NONI. English award, literacy award. male athlete of year, top intermediate: Dayna 381118“- geography award, female athlete of year, top intermediate; 'ï¬essa Shefï¬eld, music award. Htemcy awald: Madison Chefem. French award; Seung [in Park. most unproved; Andyn Tettmar, female athlete of year. Petra Harding. history award; Wylla Jury Standish. geography award; Jessica Mao. math award. top academic award; Krista Bradshaw, English award; Daniel Wyzynski Leonard. French award: Richard Ormmd French immersion award; Colton Garrick. Science award; Nicole Ali. an award; Hunter Strupp, music award; Jordan Barkey, drama award: Cody Nelson. male athlete, most improved; Brooke Naim. female athlete award; Ietfrey Blizzard, exceptional children award: Alexandra Smith. Mayor’s Citizenship Award; Mackenn'e Mayer, Principal's Leadership Award: and Caleb Winters, valedicton'an. St. Brigid Catholic School Lucy bombardo, valedictorian, athletic award; Abby Farrell. valédictorian, academic award, Payton Gariough. academic; Dhiviyan Valentine. academic; John Pehar, academic; Reed Pbteira, axhletic award; Joanna Rosano, merit award; Tyler Buchowsky. merit: Jessica Lewis. literacy award: and Sarah Stefoï¬, OECI'A Award. St. Mark Catholic School Matthew Stobo. history award, French award. academic award. geography award, literacy award. math award. science and technology award: Brittany King history award, award, valedictorian; Elizabeth Miller, visual arts award. Principal's Award, literacy award, community service Award; Heather Judge. ans award, service award; Olivia Roman. French award. service award: Samantha Keen, athletic award, most improved student, service; Marco Mastrangelo, athletic award; Nathalie Kuria. York Catholic Teachers Award, service: Jessica lanuukllo, Tom Tittel Youth Award; Connor McConnick. Tom 'l'ittel Award, service award: Ohan Stamboulian, Principal's Award, Mayor’s Award for Citizenship. service award; lvanna Turco, geography award. math award, valedictorian. service award; Trevor Ophelders, literacy award. science 8: technology award; Mario Pazâ€"Soldan, science 8: technology award, service award; and service awards to Reanne Howard, Tabitha ludge. Jaclyn Raes. Alice Sobiesiak. Nicholas Lacquaniti, Shauna Tanunagara and Jonathon Menechella. sen/ice award. The graduating class of 2008 from Orchard Public School in Stopffyille made history. They are the last class to graduate from the Sunset Boule- vard school, which closed last month. Listings of award-winning graduates from local schools, as supplied by the schools, follow: Glad Park Public School Stouffvllle Christian School Holly Barker, language arts award. French award, math award. science award. school crest. valedictorian; Mark Boston history/geography award, an award. boys athletic award; Kurt Niessl, computer award; Sarah Wells. Bible award; Caitlin Campbell. girls athletic award. Summitview Public School Whltchurch Highlands Public School Ballantrae Public School Cunan Trenouth. math award. Principal's Award. Harry Bowes Award; Haley Vesh. science award; Emma Francis, history award, Tom Tittel Award; Emma Cooke. geography award. Mayor’s Award: Roy Coleshlll, music award: Rachel Blencowe. drama award; lordyn Vesh, an award; Brittany Leonard, female athlete award: Gabriel Hasbun-Peralta. Izzy Award; Stephen Downey. Royal Bank Reading Award; Melissa Noble. Fred Crossen Award: Allison Yakeley, Tom Tmel Award; Connor Strudwick. Lions Club award; Ashley Alexander, Lions Club award. Council Award; Chris Rickman, council award; Holly Clarke, Council Award; Darby Bartley. ludy Fockler Award; Hayden Gibson. Lorne Boadway Award. Nicole Thompson, language arts award, technology award. Izzy Award. top academic Dr. Richardson Award, Harry Bowes Award; Michael Tapiero, French Award. male athlete award; Emil}; Zator, student council award. athletic award, staff award; Lindsay Lubberdink. student council award. athletic award. staff award; Samantha Horton. student Council award, French award, English award, Principal's Leadership Award; Kate Sutton. student council award. visual arts award; Kevin Mitchell. athletic award; Olivia Bolender. visual arts award: Brianne Popovich, French award; Sam Kiatipis. music award; Stephanie Byron, humanities award; Lisa Sanders. humanities award; Clare Alcom. humanities award; Michelle Amelard, English award; Mark (Ihuhbuck. science award; lonah Chao. math award, academic award; ï¬ï¬any law. most improved student award; Andra Gross. Cassie Bonnar Award; Spencer Barker. Mayor's Citimn- ship Award; Cassandra law, Lis Simpson Award; William Milson. valedictorian; laimie Dohson. valedicton'an. Orchard Park Public School Emily lager. an award. Fred Crossen Memorial Award; Katie Stedman and Trevor (larrick, athletes of year. Paul Yoon. English award and valedictorian; Kimberiy Charhonnt‘au. Keith Sutherland Award, valedictorian and Harry Bawes Award; Taylor Goodenough, French award; Alex Popper, history award and Harry Boures Award; Craig Hasler, math avmrd. YRI)SB Dr. Richardson Award. Harry Bowes Award; Sanannah Ryder. music award. Harry Brmrs Award. science award: Yury lphedev, technology award. Harry Bowes Award; Andrew Briggs and Kristy lakin. Student council awards; Ande )eeger and Daryl Thomson. most improved students; Kristy lakin. Harry Bowes Award. Final class graduates from Orchard Park g moo-mm or mm“ Cg This message brought to you as a community service of The Eoonanist/Sm-Tmune 'Leava anonymous tips by phone or online†“Cash rewards for anonymous tips that lead to an arrest†W Sunâ€"Tn'bunel Saturday, July 12, 2008