642-4888 GOLF can wanted. gas Good condition 905 LIVINGROOM furniture. Like new Lazy Boy so- fa. loveseat. ottoman and 3 solid oak tables (coffee table and 2 end tables). Excellent condi- tion. almost new. Ask- in $1089.00 Call 9 5)713-3722 ask for HOT tub/ spa- 2008 model, full loaded. full warranty. aw in plas- tic. Cost $8.000 Sacri- fice $3.900. Call: 416- 779-0563 HOT Tub. Therapy Jets, 220amp, High Effi- ciency, Low Mainte- nance, Deluxe Cabinet $2,995 905-409-5285. Holy Spirit Thou make me see everything and show me the way to reach my ideal. You who give the divine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me and who are in all instances of my life with me. l, in this short dialogue, want to thank You tor everything and confirm once more that i never want to be separated from You no matter how great the material desire may be. I want to be with You and my loved ones in Your perpetual glory. Amen. Person must pray this 3 consecutive days without stating one's wish. After the 3rd day your wish will be granted no matter how difï¬cult it may be. Promise to publish this as somasyourtavorhasbeengranted. lior the serious woodworker, hobbyist, lcollector or handy person. Including a full line of commercial and heavy duty power lequlpment and power tools plus various litems ior the mechanic, plumber, or elec- itricien, and a John Deere STX 5 speed llewnlrsciorheucellerncorutlon. Holy Spirit Thou make me see eve hing and show me the way to reach my ide . You who give the divine gilt to forgive and forget th wrong that is done to me and who are in al instances oi my lite with me. i. in this short dialogue. want to thank You for everything and onl rm once more that I never want to be separated from You no matter how great the material desire may be. I want to be with You and my lovedones in Your perpetual glory. Amen. Person must prey this 3 consecutive days without stating one s wish. After the 3rd da your wish will be granted no matter how di icult it may be. Promise to publish this as soonasmiavorhasbeengranted. (3mm 9. 1. Sum mzemiï¬m WW. 0n. Re: EstateofSam Gelbloom, Deceased requwted to contact David Gelbloom. Banister Solicitor, Anyone having knowledge of a W111 of ’wummmemum BallantmeCommmltyCoMre, 1km.eastothwy480nAurora Rd. theth Saul G'elbloom, 6f the Town of Markham. in the vaince ofOntario, who diedonorabout May 16, 2W8, is IS I or I I UPT 60%-70%OFF RETAIL StomHours: Mlclu Wanted Personals A auction SM. Piéyer To The Holy Spirit Prayer To The ITun (MajorMac404) 2004 635 Infinity 4dr., 49.000km, fully loaded. silver, 4 snows, $21,000. Private. No GST 4165534018 CHOCOLATE Labra- doodles and Cream 8. Black Goldendoodles. Come and enjoy a pup- p cuddle. 705-437- 2 90. DIM! mm Sun. June 22, 1: PM. (Pmiow 12: noon) Thomhill Community Centre 7755 Bayviow Ave., Thomhill mm“ :18] Pmonals 3] Cars tor Sale Pots. Su plies Board no OurWof Gama! C.T. Auto Salvage. Top dollars paid for unwant- ed cars, trucks, vans. Call Chris: 647-881- 7801 CASH for scrap cars 8. trucks. Small demolition jobs. Property clean- up/ residential mini bins. (905)649-3526 A A pays up to $5.000. for scrap cars and trucks. 7/ 24. (416)684-4663. A Reel: Cash for cars, trucks, vans. Call 7 days a week. Mike 416- 717-1785 2003 BMW SSOCI con- vertible/ hardtop. Indiv. package. S ecial Edi- tion. Auto. oaded. No winters. 72K excellent condition. Collector car. 5150.3500. at spot paid for dead or alive vehicles. Pick-up imme- diately. 24/7. Free towv ing.416-500-5050 2002 CONVERTIBLE Mustang- 125.000kms. V-6. Manual, pewter colour, new tires. used one season. $10,500. 416-574-7164 2002 CHRYSLER Neon- clean, running condition. a/c/ cd/ auto, gray, $4700. Excellent condition. 416-400- 1165 (WW ml.) Cantor 8an Ea Punonals WORRY free home im provements- interior exterior painting, interi or decorating consulta tion. home repairs renovations and more Call (416)843-4388 OPENING Season Spe- cial- Save 30%. Pro- fessional Deck Refin- ishing. Decks sanded. stripped. refinished by hand. (905)251-8860 DECKS, all decks, low- est price guaranteed. 10 yrs. experience. 2 year warranty. Free Es- timate.416-274-8228 DECKS, sheds. con. crete work, Free esti~ mates. 20 years exp. 416-522-8034. 905- 787-0236. Ask for GARAGE Door- New gara 9 door, $500 and up. ervice and repel!- man. Opener installed. Reliable and profes- sional. Excellent prices. www422home.ca 416- ALL kinds of renova- tions and carpentry work. 25 ears exp. Please ca I 905-473- 'M' Maid 2 Clean. Residential. commer- cial. Affordable, reliable professional. For quoted lnformation call: 416M871 "‘A Absofutely Best Cleaning. Crystal Cleaning or homes. of- fices, we bring supplies. Insured, bonded. COOKING, laundry, runnln errands, gro- cet e opping. etc. Coo for your weekend emee. References arkham area. (239)892-2700 Ing lady- will clean your house w/care quality. Satisfaciion uaran- teed. 416- ONTARIO Em onment Agency provi es certi- fied nannies 1or child/ elderly /special needs 416-699â€"6931 No (647)5m-2260 EXPERIENCED clean- HOUBEKEEPER. nan- ny req'd. Legal. drivers Me. a own car. Mon/ Wed/H.905642-6106 a Home Cleaning WWI! ASIAN massage~ de toxifying, relaxation Markham. 3601 Hwy. 7 #103. West of Warden 905-480-1007. Rich mond Hill 905-886 3638. Out call. 647‘ 828-6631 JAPAN Dolls- young. beautiful. No disap- pointment. Escort ser- vice. 24hr. Out calls only. Debit available. 416-818-6888 IINI Bins top soil, tripIe mix, waste remov- al and, !andscape sup- CEDAR Hedging- East- ern Ever reen (Since 1968)- uality farm grown cedar hedging. ick-up, delivered. planted. Guaranteed (905)377-9583 AFFORDABLE mov- ers. Apts- Houses- Of- fices- All truck sizes. 2-3 men avaiIable. For free estimateâ€" 416-873- IIOVING- Houses. of- fices, apartments. ani- cles. Assembling and disassemblin furniture. 29' trucks. f416)627~ pies. (905)392-1953 PARRIS Movers- Iong/ short. big/ small. res:- dentlal/ condos! com- mercial. Quality service. Affordable/ reliable. 905-758-2848, 416- A- Moving trucks for houses, apartments. condos. Small/ large. Local/ long distance. Short notice, n otiable rates. Ken:41 51137 PAINTING- Decorating, Plastering. Professional work uaranteed. Rea- sonabe Rates. Free as- timates. 416-433- 182QSoawebsiw. CHEAPEST garbage bin rentals. Househo d Iunk. renovation waste. Fast. friend! . reliable service. VIS Master- card. 416-984-0044 RESTORING resurfac- ing existing concrete 1/ ' stamping, prints. decorative. Proven sys- tem. Free estimates. (647)237-5959 JUNK a. rubbish remov- al. Great rates. We do all the heavy Iiftin . 416-655-8260 1-88 - qupkboys www.me- I Massages Emottainmem Tree Service WISH!†Masonry Concrete Painting 8- Decanting Steam clean carpets, ceramics, upholstery, gmtlines ' tiles,hardfloorsurtaces. SPE RATESBNPERROOM (MAthoethWNmOOMSANDOVER Main Street Painting Resldontlal-lnbdor and Exterior Fully Insured Dave Dodds 905-640-7624 416-951-6246 cles. Microwave, C puters. much m Rain/ Shine, June ‘ 22nd. Bam-2pm Items. CD Pla ers Shoes. Clothes. xer cise. Kitchen. Antiques Paintings, Suitcases Perfume. Guitars, Bicy cameras. Sour tem, Furniture Items. CD PI Shoes‘ Clothes un THE Ce Charity Gare Sat , June 21: John DexteIPIa 198 Stoufli/ille Sunâ€"'l‘n'bunel Thursday, lune 19, 2008 31 igE $952 (415) 74:33:67,171 1977 ‘ghééh'ulifseamét Drean Sale UNIONVILLE anG mly yar H if tuï¬ \LES ï¬ ht ale an 3f th Rd If