dizziness, nausea and vom- iting and electrolyte imbal~ ances. Add alcohol to the mix, and, as Health Canada reported nine times in 2007, critical and lethal reactions can occur. As such, consume enerâ€" sports coache gy drinks with caution, York energy drinks. High doses of cafleine can short circuit your system, causing heart irregularities and palpitations, seizures, Many energy drinks also contain glucuronolactone, a carbohydrate, herbs and tau- rine. Taurine is an amino acid, one of the building blocks of protein. Some energy drink manufacturers claim taurine increases alertness, but there is no current research to sup- port this. A250mlcanofRedBullhas ï¬ve teaspoons of sugar and 80 mg of cafleine. That’s douâ€" ble the cafleine in most soft drinks and half that found in a cup of coffee. Some energy drinks contain up to 300 mg of caffeine per bottle or can. Not to be confused with caffeine-free sports drinks formulated to reâ€"hydrate the body, energy drinks contain excessive caffeine and sugar. A relatively new phenom- enon, they can also make you ill. And, they can kill. Mth names such as Red Bull, Red Rave and SoBe Adrenaline Rush, they’re increasingly popular with young people and less so with York Region health and sport professionals. Found on grocery shelves alongside juice, water and sports drinks, energy drinks are over-the-counter jolts for those who want to stay awake and alert or enhance their prowess, athletically or otherwise. Energy drinks are legal elixirs, supercharged with sugar, caffeine and exotic ingredients designed to pro- vide a quick boost of physi- cal vigour and mental alert- ness. BY CHRIS TRADER . Staff Writer They’re called a buzz in a bottle,akickinacan. Be careful what you drink 1466-4252666 or al-anon.alateen.on.ca Has your life been qfl'ected by solneone else's drinking? If so, Al-Anon or Alateen is for you! elixirs not really good for energy boosts Supercharged To ï¬nd out about meetings in your area or for further information please contact: Knowing France and Den- mark have banned Red Bull after young athletes who ingested the drink died dur- ing competitions, York Region sports coaches aren’t fans of Caffeine’s diuretic effect causes frequent urination and even dehydration, pub- lic health professionals warn. Energy drinks should not be consumed during or after exercise when re-hydration is necessary. Water is most effective for hydrating the These cocktails, often the over-used staple for kids looking to party late into the night, are also the misun- derstood boost of choice for young athletes. In addition to the cafleine, most energy drinks contain ingredients that accelerate the efl‘ect. Taurine increases circulation. Glucuronolac- tone is a diuretic and alters mood. The herbal stimulant guarana is loaded with cafâ€" feine. That’s the amount in two cups of ï¬lter drip coffee. Health Canada stated the stimulant is harder on children, recom- mending the average 10- to 12-year-old limit cafleine to no more than 85 mg daily, the amount found in one SoBe No Fear. “If you look at the (energy drink label) ï¬ne print, there are warnings,†Ms Finkel- stein said. “It’s really doubtful anyone is reading it because, well, the print is so small." Most adults can ingest as much as 400 mg of caï¬eine daily without suffering nasty side eï¬ects. One study, she said, showed those who combine energy drinks and alcohol tend todrinkmore, takemore risks and are more likely to experience harmful conse- quenceswhile drinking. “The side eï¬ects of too much caffeine can include headaches. jitters, insomnia, irritability and heart irregu- larities," she said “If you mix it with alcohol, you’ve got a depressant and a stimulant together. That can mask the intoxicating effect of alco- hol.†Region Community and Health Services public health nutritionist Susan Finkelstein Clay, 5 air, PW, PL PM, traction control, W65 entry plus much more. Stk'l'ZSlM M 78,000lm air, auto, AWD, Medhanseatsjmdmanger, l6'aloy Mmmmmwmfl btxketseatandsomudw more. Slit-#0609 Genloadedwihleaherbudietseatsmmi Grey,78.534kms,Myloadedwimpm Mia Ioadednih air, ledhet budtet mpksmm,MMtharedmw gummaggtggopmlmsmmn. Power group, air, auto, AWD, 16' afloy wheeh ABS brake; timed windows, fully (Baffled, SW 241 IA Silver, manual, air, AM/FM/CD, PW, PL PM, alloy 8. much more. Stk#DS96 2mmssmcr Hockey coach Rick Comacchia says so-called energy drinks such as amp, Full Throttle and Rockstar are not actually energy drinks he recom- mends for sports. You might as well toss them away.