8'§53§ 14%.] gig at‘sgii 5138:5598: lsliulalatlas igniting: .Elauaalzanif.! use!!! fling 3.313.. agra- inn-5.x 423:3... 88.2888. iii? lain-3.5... gig iggs gig igsiggg. ï¬ggédusim 8338383352. ggésdï¬nsga agsggdxtii. ogagggsï¬ .33_ 3:8 .58.. . 389m "35:82:83. 89828-39! sins-E52 3583888.. 8§§ds§a aaaésgnat lazuli-08.2.83 giggles...- sate-35.825528 gigs-39:23. Missauï¬gifas. Seézï¬snsggi- 333.55... agitï¬s Suites-an .8328?! $4.38an 88.3.3; 8.233;..‘2: .ï¬igggdaag _§.§.5§£§I§ E§§.§§E.s ï¬nisggdegem ,8.§s9§.8§§=!18£ Stouflvifle Sun-1W 20. 2M .39â€sz - ,_ jï¬gMaï¬chsmissbonoHanracï¬on .7 ' ",jokcerakeswmmdtamutrak" Rams)?Kayleflail'chIï¬arowith1-YearSafeandSoundPIanoiPod0 Walnut Momma: Quarter Vent Wmdowswith Deep Tmt Glass A ' INCLUDE: TAKE ADVANTAGE l‘ THIS EXElIlSWEfl .Bl. 4630 Hwy. 7 at Kennedy unlonvlllomotorsmm <4- 2008 PONTIAC V MI NTANA MONTHS' M () "I" () R S PONTIACâ€"BUICK-GMC 2008 65 SEDAN SE STANDARD FEATURES INCLUDE: ASK ABOUT OUR [IO-CHARGE SUNROOF. - W 2.21. 4 Cyl with 148 m ‘Aulomatic Transmission 0 Air Conditioning 0 Powar W, DOOr Locks and Mirrors 0 CD Player with MP3 Playback - iPod'Mdio hpul Jack 0 Remote Keyiess Entry 0 Cruise Control - Spoiler 48 MONTHS WITH $2.850 DOWN 239i.†5.2% SPECIAL EDITION Markham’s ‘ #1 Domestic Car Duchamp 905-477-1666 LEASE APR BUICK BM (2 BY ’08 PANTAUZZI Staff Writer No brothers, one a Whitchurch-Stouffville resi- dent. have been changed with fraud after an Ontario Provin- cial Police probe into a lottery On Feb. 7, the 43-year-old Smuï¬vifle man arrived at the (hmrio Lottery and Gaming Corporation's Toronto prize oï¬ce claiming to be the owner of a winning Pro Line ticket. validated and veriï¬ed to be a winner. During the validation pro- cess to ensure the man was the lawful owner of the ticket, lottery staff became suspi- cious when he wasn't able to give them enough informa- tion about where the ticket was purchased and police were called, according to the OPP. A police investigation revealed the man's brother, Brothers charged in lottery fraud 6 w ‘ 9 ~Hé’aï¬h chetk Up to‘date with shots. Home r " ~ raised with kids and ' ( , N w,‘ other pet. The Rubik’s Cube of the 2lst Century 6384 Main St, StouffVille 41 6-694-5342 (Plenty of parking at rear) Monday - Friday: 10:30 am. - 8 pm. Saturday: 10:30 am. - 6 pm. Sundoyz12 - 5 pm. birds ' Fish ° Sula" Pets ° Reptiles Crickets ' Feeder Fiah’ Wnrms‘ SUDUHU PM me! agreement #40007673 'yorkregion com Contact: j.breeder@yahoo.com a 42-year-old Toronto man was the legitimate owner of the ticket but he had asked the Stouflvflle man to claim the prize. ' While the Toronto man knew his brother was claim- ing the prize on his behalf. the probe determined the Stouï¬ville man did so for a fraudulent purpose, the OPP Both men are charged with fraud under $5,000. it clicks home A 42-year-old Toronto man was the Egitimate owner of the ticket but he had asked the Stouï¬â€˜ville man to claim the prize.