26 Wm-Wlnmmmm Spirit owner hopes recruiting doesn’t extend to hqgkey sï¬gff IfZeekarekhashiswaynen season's mien of the Stoufl'ville Spiritwon'tchangemmh. Them-ownerwatdxedhisteam get emninated byAurora Friday in the North Conference ï¬nal of the ProvkndallnAIbgkeyleague. BY MIKE HAYAKAWA Staff Writer “Sure I’m disappointed that our season Is over," Wexek said while attending Monday's Markham Wen-St. Michael's Buzzers South Conference ï¬nal game. “In our heartswethoughtwehad the team that could go the distance." He hopes head coach Dave D'Ammizio and general manager 'I‘homasMflmretum MflmeojomedtheSpiritpan mymmufllmeseasonmaidhewfll have meetings with Wenek and w- ownerDavid [menthisweek “Ihopetohaveananswerby Sunday. I hope they want me to come back.†Milne said. Werek said discussions will begin tonlght when players and McIntosh are off on NCAA scholarâ€" front omoe personnel assemble for ships Randy Johnston, Corey Ful- the annual year-end photograph. ton, Mark Sullivan and Jonathan “I don’t want to make any chang- Cristini will be too old for’ junior. “I don't Want to make any chang- es." Werek said. “We hope things will remain status quo.†Werek acknowledged the team has big holes to ï¬ll, especially at forward. Corey Trivino and James Recruiting is well under way, Werek said. The lone defenceman exiting is Daniel Spivak, who will attend Rochester Institute of Technology. They hadn’t seen Brampton this year before the ï¬nals started last weekend. “Any team that makes it to the Ontario ï¬nals is a strong team. so it should be a good series,†he said. Ken MacDonald and Joe Lombardo are assisting Sooley behind the bench. The players are goalkeepers Patrick Coutts and Cameron Nowikow and Robbie Arm- strong. Matthew Avoledo, Josh Burkholder, Chris Cadaret, Mat- thew Garrick. Justin Dube, Jack English, Cody Femia, Bobby Lamirande, Owen Pearce, Spen- cer Roberts, Evan Smith, Mitch- ell Smith, En'c Zambri and Chris Jarrett Mike Vandervoort is the trainer and "flish Burkholder and Wendy Ammtrong are managers.