10 WMWIW York Region motorists appear, for the most part, to have behaved themselves during the St. Patp’ck’s I_)ay_ weekend. As‘green beer flowed at local watering holes, York Regional Police stepped up RIDE spot checks throughout the region. stopping 3,371 vehicles. ‘ Calls to cops lead to impaired driving charges Of those drivers stopped. 41 were given roadside breath tests, ï¬ve received 12-hour suspensions and two were charged with driving with a blood-alcoâ€" hol level exceeding 80 mg. 7 Meanwhile, 13 other drivers were arrested and charged with impaired driving by regular patrol ofï¬cers. The police service encourages you to call 911 if you spot a suspected impaired driving on the Ovér the weekend, 28 such calls were made to police, resulting in seven of the Community Organizations! Are You looking for Free Materials? Call 911 if you spot a suspected impaired driving on the roads. Check out ReUseful, yorhegioneom’s Free Onlinc Trading Post a for gently used items.