His advice, to them is to check the deed to their property for any stipula- tions. Because the issue isn’t under its jun’s- diction, the town can't enforce any com- plaints when it comes to rogue clothes- users based on distance travelled, tax- ing non-residential parking spaces and allowing municipalities to charge their own fees on vehicle registration. as 'Ibronto has recently done. There are no municipal bylaws pro- hibiting anyone from having a clothes- line outside, senior bylaw enforcement omcer Keith Saunders said. He receives a couple of calls each month fmm residents asking if they can hang up a clothesline. Reaction from York Region residents to the study’s ï¬ndings luve ranged from apathy to the verge of outrage. Most seem to think Mr. Kitchen’s ingredients for healthier infrastructure are a recipe for disaster. One motorist fueling at a Petra-Can- ada station on Yonge Street said the pro- posed tolls and taxes are relatively small. but he’s still not in favour of them, argu- ing the price of ddving is high enough. of Musselman's Lake said. Hisfamilyhasusedaclotheslineas long as he can remember. With rising energy costs and global warming. “every little bit helps," he said. To have the most impact in making a change, municipalities would have to support the he added. He noted that many developers pro- vide washers and dryers to new hom- eowners and that many two-income families have very little time left in the evenings to do things like hang up clothes outside. Councillor Phil Bannon hopes that residents take the opportunity to address their concerns regarding this issue. Check deed before putting clothes out lruhurlngtm.“ “It’s not too much, but it’s not gobd," How do you feel about the ban on clotheslines in some communities? comafljmasonOyrmg. com. Ministry to review new tolls, taxes on driving Fromwl. With Patent Pending Features, Now Available For Your Best Hearing To Date! 1 - Would you like to improve your With Destiny", science brings you closer to natural human hearing than ever before 0 SALES and SERVICE to ALL IAAKES OF HEARING AIDS 0 Tinnitus Theron - ADP, m, DVA AUTHORIZED DISPENSERS 0 H0 CHARGE Al nclrrsm Loss and Dama’lo Insurance-1 year 0 _ m - IIMorn to Geriatric 0 H0 CHARGE All Inclosm Hanutactorors arranty - 2 year: 0 WNW o 350 FollSatIstactton Guarantor: 0 We: III Harm AII Amanda: 0 Assoc atod Vllttr EHT Ear, Hose And Throat) Doctor 0 Wu m Danton: Fl 0 Full Time orlonco CortItIorI AorIIoIoolsts 'MMM- IannrtSvrlrnPIno: DnIIandTo mm She said she doesn’t think the gov- ernment needs to take any more from its citizens. hesaid.â€lhetaxesongasaretooexpen- “No. thank you," she said. with a sive as it is.†laugh. “They take enough of my York Region resident Mike Crock monev." York Region resident Mike Crock agreedexistingtaxesonï¬mlaremore than enough He said he was especially opposed to the idea of charging tolls on highways “Peoplecan’taï¬ordtodriveonmww 407 as it is." hesald. “And all of the other highways were paid for years ago. The federal govem- rnent should be giving more money to the provinces.†New tolls and taxes would be an equally tough sell for motorist Dorothy TIRED OF GUESSING HOUJ MUCH TO Pf-W FOR PHRKING? Thanks to your suggestions, the way you pay for parking at Markham Stouffville Hospital is changing (but unfortunately you will still have to pay). We are upgrading our system so that it meets your needs and is consistent with industry standards. Hospltals lred Our new system will be implemented JANUARY 28, 2008 use parkirzeasT‘r’evm: and is designed to take the guess work out of paying for parking. 5°“: ‘° “Wt Mam-n“. G. AMI“ PROGRGSSIVE 0 COMMUNITV 0 (REG Simplyobhinaï¬cketupmmuyandbepitwidtymdmmg ywrvisiLPdmmmnmingmywrvehidgmkcyaupayman‘ atmofmromvenimflylocatedhymmmrmw PAYMENT In fact. about the closest thing to an endorsement for the study came from one Newmarket motorist who said he rarely drives outside of town. The driver, who didn’t want to give his name, said he probably wouldn't notice new fuel taxes or road tolls. Support’ for the study among politi- cianshasbeen equallyhard to comeby. Nicole Lippa-Gasparro, a spokesper- For the complete article. go to yorkregion.com Hospitals are required to use parking as a me source to suppiernent government funding. All parking proceeds are directed to provide our community with the are It needs. wulw.msh.on.¢o son for Ontario 'Iiansportation ter Jim Bradley, said the ministry will look over the study's recommendations Her response didn't speciï¬cally rule out the possibility of a fuel levy, as those decisions fall under the auspices of the Finance but did clearly state Ontario's existing highways are not about to become toll routes Interested In I lmprovlng PLANNING COMMITTEE wishes to thank all those who helped in any way to make the 2007 Christmas Day dinner at Eastridge Church another success. 1% could not do it without your help. We look forward to your support again next year. A ‘ can the Library at 90 7, HEAD for more info . g: ., AFI’ER SCHOOL CHESS CLUB @ YOUR LIBRARY FINANCING NOW AVAILABLE PAY N0 INTEREST FOR 12 MONTHS V Eoobseculdalrecamollquedelanguefrangalse Renaissance , 700, chomln Bloomingtbn - AURORA WSW-Tribune- Saxwdaxlan. 26.2008 DANS LE MONDE D'AUJOURD'HUI mmwmfesseurdeIarég'mdeYotkUS/n' Markham Stouflvfllo Hearing Services EM 1900 377 Church St, Sultofl 203 Directeur: Monsieur Jean Bouchard WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 30 Burkholder Street, Stouflville, Ontario. L4A 4K1 Telephone: 905-642-READ (7323) Fax: 905â€"640-1384 Toll Free: 1-888-603-4292 ThoAudologycomn 5W1†1333WAVQ.E..WMO “mum EW'M 1243WAVQWTH NORTH YORK 41 6498-41 51 ETOBICOKE 41 5233-8581 Inscrlpuonsotportoouvem- mardl12ï¬vrierdo19hb21h POUR nEussm 905.727.4631 MABKHAMAS PRINCE HOM E S HOW Fairgrounds 005.204.2200 March 1 I. 2. February 29. With School. Markham