STAFF PHOTO/SJOERD WI‘ITEVEEN Members of the Aurora/Newmarket Chapter of the Canadian Federation of University west of Ballantrae Tuesday. For more on the forest, which straddles Hwy. 48 in northern Women take a hike in the York Region Forest, in the McGowan and Aurora Roads area Whitchurch-Stoufl‘ville, go to yorkca ' year? Stouï¬â€˜ville un -'li'ib une ~ SATURDAYJAN. 19.2008 I SERVINGTHE COMMUNITYOFWHITCHURCHâ€"STOUFFVILLE I 28 PAGES/$1 INCLUDING GST Searching in the right places, being well prepared and having an upbeat attitude and patience are the ingredients for a successful job search, according to the YMCA Stouï¬ville Employment Resource Centre. ~ There are jobs in Whitchurchâ€" Hot Ms 11 mm D., BY HANNELORE VOLPE Staff Writer Looking for work in the new ’Future looks good’for Stouffville job seekers SATURDAY,JAN.19,2008 I SERVINGTHE COMMUNITY OFWHITCHURCHâ€"STOUFFVILLE I 28 PAGES/$1 INCLUDINGGST Dm'topnyouhouuwlummhm MmmthMMIWM- m IMMUN‘WM‘ m 'Whfl mun“. Y 1 K: ï¬gs ,, w. ,L_ . 3 Stouflville, but it's a time of transi- tion as more businesses of various types open. “The future looks good," Karen (Iashin, the centre's employment programs team leader, said. Many people from the Stouffville area have found jobs with the open- ing of new businesses in the Hoover Park big box retail complex on Hwy. 48. More new businesses should be coming to town this year. “In.†WALK (IN THE WILD SIDE More than 1,300 people have come to the employment centre since June and 80 per cent of them have found jobs, Ms Cashin said. Some of them have decided to seek a second career. some are stuâ€" dents looking for summer work, while others of various ages are looking for full-time or part-time employment, preferably close to home. New jobs are anticipated in west Stoul‘fville as more retail space opens, a multi-dealer auto mall on Hwy. 48 north of Stouffville Road opens and lands are developed south of Main Street. With Whitchurch-St()uffville's mix of country and urban areas. there are always jobs in landscap- ing, in nurseries and at horse farms, Ms (Iashin said. While many of the jobs are in reception, in Ofï¬ces, in the hospi- tality and fast-food sectors, many people who have university degrees also come knocking on Ms Cashin's door and they ï¬nd employment that suits them. Because of their skills, people are also ï¬nding work in the health care sectors. The employment centre offers people practical help in writing cover letters and resumes, going SN NEW. [mgr 4