pe 4 tee tribune thursday december 14 1972 cna established 1sss chables il nolan publisher 13 james thomas associate publisher and editor robeet mccausland advertising manager published every thursday by inland publishing co limited at 54 main st stouffville ont tel 6402101 single copies 15c subscriptions s6x0 per year in canada 31000 elsewhere member of audit bureau of circulation canadian community newspapers association and ontario weekly news papers association second class mail registration number 0896 editorial ratepayers must share responsibility many people have expressed surprise and concern in the very small turnout of voters to the polls in the recent municipal election it was not only true of our local municipalities of whitchurch stouffville and markham but in the city of toronto as well it seems odd that the government that is closest to the people draws the smallest interest at the polls federal elections draw the largest interest at the polls federal elections draw around the 70 percent mark with local votes pulling out less than 35 percent one might put forward the excuse that the fact there was no run for mayor kept the vote down nor was there any over all biting controversy which should draw people out however these are thin reasons for such a dismal turnout there has been much comment that councils and school boards should move about the municipalities more to give the residents a better chance to see them in action the idea has some merit since the municipalities are so much larger in area with the new regional setup that residents cannot be expected to travel so far to meetings on the other hand it would not appear that the disenchantment with local government and the widespread lack of interest can be excused as merely a matter of distance or inconvenience what this disinterest has allowed is an abundance of opportunity for the more vocal groups and those with a rabid in terest in certain projects to clamor before council the ensuing results are not always in the best interests of the municipalty as a whole days numbered for local option the days of the local option system as regards to liquor we believe are num bered residents of ontario will be watching with interest for the next round of amendments to the liquor control act which are due to be announced in the next few months while the system might have had some slight merit in the days when the next town was a half days drive away in a horse and buggy it has no relevance today any law which forces people to drive 20 or 30 miles to be able to enjoy an honest drink with their meals cannot last in this day and age v despite the fears of prohibitionists beer parlors are becoming a thing of the past with few licences now being issued for this type of operation which was becoming more and more frowned on by wets and drys alike many changes have taken place in our liquor laws in the past decade but there are a few changes still needed and it is expected that mr clement new liquor board chairman will be taking note of them editaw mail dear mr thomas bye low baby bunting daddys gone a hunting to find a little rabbit skin to wrap his baby bunting in not likely those days are gone even native hunting rights should be obsolete the hunter hunted balance no longer exists and can never be again your anonymous poet says that hunting is not for the kill itself my my the price of meat now when wood lots have numbered days when bulldozers dredgers derricks and slashers saws push back the forests and corner the surviving animals into ever shrinking yards the would be hunter pays dearly for his meat in transportation boats motor toboggans airplanes cars land rovers ah the price goes up so how dare those beastly beasts persist in following the natural pattern set by time and remain carnivors everyone knows only man has predator rights my apologies to the concerned con siderate hunter i know youre out there but its too hard to spot you among those thousands who stand shoulder to shoulder the firing squadron of open season maiming anything that falls within their sites usually with impared vision leaving behind a volley of ammunition which is destroying fowl with lead poisoning that far surpasses the marksman leaving behind bottles and tins so that there is no place where mans monument to himself is not evident garbage when man bequeathed land never his to give to his new god technology he forfeited his right to find himself in a way of life he consciously destroyed leda lewis r r 2 stouffville dear sir when the girls in mrs marilyn pick- fords home ec class at stouffville secondary school studied world nutrition they really started something one of the students heather connelly wrote to oxfam requesting information on its programmes of self help through development from there the girls adopted the idea of a 24 hour hunger strike to raise money for oxfam the fast was held in late october and raised 44810 for oxfams projects the money raised by the students will fund a project in rwanda a tiny country in central africa it will be used there by students at rwandas butare university for raising rabbits these rabbits will be distributed to farmers both for home consumption and for sale the farmers diet is sadly lacking in protein so the project will give them the much needed boost to their diet and help their finances along as well i would like to express my gratitude to heather connelly mrs pickford and the students who supported this imaginative event for all their efforts i hope their concern for others throughout the world will grow and continue to find challenging ways of expressing itself michael e ryan ontario oxfam director to the editor i was interested to learn of the com ments on the dubious value of an airport in attracting industry and providing jobs statements have been made by ontario industrial commissioners whose knowledge would make them well aware of factors which would carry much more influence premier davis however insists that another airport is the perfect answer to the question of how to encourage development east of toronto what a tragedy if the industrial expert is right and the politicians are wrong many homes could be expropriated for nothing brenda davis cherrywood dear sir enclosed please find a money order covering another years subscription to the tribune i look forward to receiving my copy each week alex livingstone kingswell court scarboro booze begets baldae netus hem ti teteatete sugar and spice j squirrels rats andcafs humbug by bill smiley squirrels in the attic and a cat at the door winter is on its way yep the squirrels after about five years of exile have managed to chew their way back into the attic and are happily holding their regular family quarrels wakes weddings bowling games and foot races right overhead there probably arent more than three or four hundred of them to judge from the commotion and im helpless once they get in you might as well wait until spring when they emerge and you can whack up some tin patches over their entries i like to have black squirrels around the place but not in the place theyre cute and picturesque hopping about on the lawn picking up acorns in their dainty mitts and swivelling their little bright beady eyes about as they chew but when you cant see them and all you can do is hear theyre not so cute the only picture of them i have in winter is of a couple of young buck squirrels gnawing away on the insulation covering my wiring and chatting hey jack this is better than that hole in the oak we lived in last winter right right george it was kinda crowded with the eightyfour of us and no central heating except our own and down to an acorn a day by february this is great lots of room for jogging to keep in shape lots of heat and mmmmm 1 love that electricians tape they remind me of a rat who took over nocturnally in our room in prison camp barracks in the winter of 44 45 one single lousy rat had eighteen grown men in a state of nightly alarums and excursions at first hed wake somebody up with his gnawing it was a cross between the sound of a chain saw and that of a snowmobile it was 2 welcome diversion in the beginning sort of company as though somebody cared we named him packy and talked about him rather fondly for a while t but then the nerves started to wear thin theres something nerve wracking about a huge rat chomping away right in your ear as it seemed it got to the point where nobody could go to sleep wed lie there nerves strumming waiting for packy evening performance to begin each of us clut ching a weapon a boot or a bed board the little devil seemed to know that he had us right where he wanted us one night hed start right after lights out and suddenly stop just when we thought wed located him next night hed lie there chuckling and wed have sworn we could hear the chuckle keeping us in suspense until it was almost unbearable then hed give a couple of zrooms and stop in a few minutes hed start again gnawing steadily and contemptuously at last somebodys nerves would break thered be the flare of a match and eighteen of us would leap out of our bunks flailing at the spot we were sure he was in he never was and its a wonder somebody wasnt killed in the confusion because we all had a different spot well thats enough about squirrels and rats but i know exactly why people use the term squirrelly as a synonym for being abit mental the other manifestation of winter horrors i mentioned was our cat in summer shes lean and tawny a tigress prowling her domain stalking bum blebees and butterflies and birds and shes outside day and night a lovely cat as soon as the first wind comes out of the north she turns into mr hyde she hangs on the screen door howling pitiably she has ruined three screen doors does she want love affection ad miration no she wants in and once in she wants grub i have never kicked an animal but when that pig of a cat lurches in like a hyena scenting a fresh kill and starts rubbing against my legs when im trying to rattle up some breakfast for myself theres a grave temptation to turf her right into the kitchen sink shes an unlovely cat fat and demanding like some wives and she thinks im her husband apparently my un love affair with 4nuunt r the little theatre meets at cfaremont by jim thomas the date was thursday dec 7 1972 the place a 250 seat auditorium in the claremont public school the event a one scene two act per formance by the pickering township little theatre the play entitled simply airport the atmosphere was informal yet tense as the curtain rose the lights dimmed and a lone official more senior in years than had been anticipated strode briskly to centre stage nodded smiled and took a seat he was ac companied by two aides both of which were observed taking notes on lines that had not been repeated a half dozen times before proceedings were held up momen tarily as the adjudicator scanned the two page list of participants this afforded t v crews an opportunity to establish suitable viewing stations which they did with utmost efficiency press critics however were less tastefully treated while two were for tunate to find chairs two others were forced to sit on the floor there were other problems too on occasions and without warning the sound system insisted on blowing up a storm of squeals wails and howls breaking any monotony that might have lulled a few listeners to sleep these faults however were all mechanical costing the actors and ac tresses no points from the very start it was obvious the script writers the makeup men and the color crews had done their work well who but a modern day william shakespeare would liken runways to ribbons of cement or fields of pavement who but a twentieth century alfred lord tennyson would dare to match such words as plane and insane joys and noise solution and pollution the talent some of it imported from such unassociated airport areas as brooklin ashburn and scarboro in serted varying degrees of emotion into their lines there was anger fear sorrow bitterness and mistrust at the conclusion earned or not each was accorded polite applause however at the matinee performance the arranger committed an un- forgiveable error he led off with a legitimate complaint thus wasting this impact at too early an hour hugh millers presentation was killed if the officer allowed it to be included with some of the phony per formances that were to follow hugh miller r r 2 claremont told how the expropriation line if approved would cut his farm in half leaving one portion sterile it could not be rented or sold he told of the propertys historical significance dating back into the 19th century the house was built in 1855 it all adds up to a very interesting place he said modestly a place that should never be destroyed for he concluded if this airport project goes ahead as planned a little bit of canadas history will be buried in the nearest gully hugh miller left the theatrics early to care for his herd of beef cattle and do up the evening chores many others followed to see them selves in person on channel 9 at six oclock yes all the worlds a stage almost all cats has been mentioned before because i have here a letter to the listowel banner from rita dodkin 11 ill quote parts cats are very useful in many different ways than putting them on a calendar they provide lots of company for old and lonely people who cannot have dogs because they cant give them the right exercise they pamper and pet their cats because they enjoy it a i think this is far from turning them into bloated contemptuous parasites as mr smiley said they look so sweet when they sleep on your best chair when they rub your legs i think they are trying to show love our cats always tried to show love- i used to have one but now im getting one next spring rita you might get one long before next spring