pf k the tribune thursday november 30 19k 60 sales register auctions or beaver beit and am ber ball nippon timoge us germany flow blue bavarian ironstone china pressed glass goblets st johns etched bulls eye etc carnival amethyst rriik depression glass crocks oil lamps currier ives prints pictures sli ver brass copper and pri mitives auctioneers note this is a fine private col lection 01 antiques and collectables with nearly 250 items wont you join us terms cash no reser ve lunch available hen ry kahn auction services ph 6636189 or 2840426 262 education candidates on bussing hot seat consignment horse auction mon evening dec 4th 6 pm at stouffviue stock yards stouttville ont ap- prox 100 registered and grade quarter horses ap paloosas palaminos pintos hunters ponies etc new and used saddles tack cut ters sleigh horse trailers sold by auction preceding horses complete tack shop on location 500 entry fee on horses 5 per cent com mission to consign horses or lor information phone 6404198 w t but sim mon auctioneer tuesday december 5th auction sale of xmas toys and gifts at stouffvuie sales barn giveaways prizes even santa ev eryone welcome sale starts at 6 pm- thursday dec 7 auc tion sale of farm stock im plements hay straw and grain the property of ivan west lot 14 con 12 mari posa twp 3 miles north of oakwood mile west 16 hereford cows calves by side pasture bred 2 ponies 15 suffolk ewes 1 ram 3000 bales of hay 400 bales of straw qu mixed grain mh no 33 tractor mh no 22 tractor mf baler no 3 mccormick seed drill 16 disc on rubber new idea manure spreader 95 bu full line of machinery farm sold terms cash sale at 1230 reg larry johnson auctioneers ph 70 3573270 gerald gra ham clerk thursday dec 7 twi light auction sale of dairy type cattle at stouffvuie sales barn including fresh springing cows heifers open heifers bulls pure bred and grade consign early f bennett 8875570 norm faulkner 6403813 sale time 730 pm 272 stouffville the hottest seats in town friday were occupied by john mcmurray and michael durnan candidates for york county board of education at a whitchurch stouff vuie all candidates meeting in latcham hall residents from ballantrae area who comprised a large part of the audience zeroed in with questions on school bussing have you ever been on a school bus demanded mrs robt gayton i suggest both of you men ride one of our buses make your own decision and get ready to do something the candidates although not com mitting themselves to the ride accepted bussing as a major problem in the ballantrae area that policies on safety routes road and weather conditions should be set by the board and that there should be closer liaison with the rural areas mr gaston directed a question on discipline at the candidates has either of you the courage to go against the trend and give authority back to the teacher mr durnan ven tured there was a happy medium in discipline and that it was necessary to establish protection for the child and the teacher you cant go back to the days of the rod mr mcmurray as an educator faulted parents as much as the school system for students lack of respect discipline has to come back to the school we have to set outlines and they have to be- observed but parents must stand behind us in his individual presentation michael durnan advocated that people be encouraged to come out and see what is happening in the schools that more canadian content be used in educational programs that little schools and classes for handicapped or brilliant children be given sound con sideration john mcmurray commented that he was familiar with various types of education though not advocating open plan systems he suggested that the construction of such schools was cheaper and he pointed out that the little red schoolhouse was the forerunner of this program he con sidered it difficult to decide on locations of schools with shifting growth patterns a prefabricated com plex like the portable classroom that could be set up or taken down as needed he felt was a thought for the future sifipiiy sam visits stouffviile irrwi1iihbiilit cartoon favorite sippity sam participated in stouffviues santa claus parade saturday the entry was by ron and stouffvuie sound and music lois myers of jim thomas wit classified advertising rates articles foit sale livestock fob sale real estate wanteb cars for sale lost found etc caah rate 1c per word lit week e extra eoniecn- live week with minimal of 150 for is wordi let week 125 for extra con- eecgtlve week sloo additional will be charged for use of a box number notices coming events cards of thanks 131 for is worde extra worde 7c each minimal is wenfe dirths deaths engagements marriages 1 for 15 worde extre worda 7e each mlnlmom 15 word in mem0riam8 111 for 15 worde extra twordi 7c each talmam 15 worde display classified 21 per inch with a mini mum of one inch addlttaul roaeeentlre ineertlone at 1 pel inch all claaihted ada touat be in tola office not later thaa tared send each or money order phone mmlut markham wards 3 to 6 where to vote dec 4 fabricdrapery mill outlet chp out far reference s fair awards night markham the annual awards banquet sponsored by the markham agricultural society wiu be held dec l at 7 pm in the markham arena hall presentations wul be made to top prize winners in the markham fair 1972 the president is gerald mann markham on monday dec 4 the electorate in the town of markham wul select five ward councillors two regional coun cillors and five board of education trustees to serve the municipality in 1973 74 mayor tony roman and councillor elect alma walker ward 5 have been accorded acclamations in wards 3 through 6 the polling sub divisions are located as follows ward 3 no 301 buttonviue hall no 302 heemsherk residence 5th line no 303 walton residence 6th line north of 14th avenue no 304 305 vets hall unionviue no 306 307 parkview school unionviue no 308 mark ii school unionviue ward 4 no 401 markham library no 402 404 james robinson school markham no405 dublin apartments no 406 markham arena no 407 roy crosby school markham ward 5 no 501 markham arena no 502 503 wm arm strong school markham no 504 box grove community centre no 505 506 st josephs school markham no 507 franklin school markham no 508 klue residence 22 hamilton hau drive markham ward 6 no 601 buttonviue hall no 602 victoria square hall no 603 markham museum no 604 wm grove residence dicksons hiu no 605 james regional recreation notice to the ratepayers of the corporation of the township of pickering under the new ontario property tax credit plan residential and farm property taxes levied and due in 1972 must be paid by december 31 the payment of these municipal taxes will enable you to receive full credit under the ontario plan on your 1972 income tax return c e etttarcr bxa trawurercodector township- of prckerlnij unionville harry crisp and bob adams candidates for regional council made their presen tations to ward 3 residents at a meeting in parkview public school nov 23 mr crisp former clerk for the town of markham explained that he had come out of retirement because he wanted to continue to serve the municipality in some way he said that he had found no real issues regional government he felt had growing pains and was top- heavy in ad ministration many people dont know what regional government is mr adams remarked that as a town councillor for the past two years his primary interests lay in promoting recreation facilities in the municipality he stressed the need to do this in all levels of government par ticularly in the development of parks a member of the audience claiming that organized sports had gone too far and were too competitive wanted to know if future plans would include outdoor pleasure rinks where neighborhood children could play councillor adams cowan residence mongoua the polling hours extend from 11 am to 8 pm i inn to assured him that such hockey cushions and rinks were being planned hi lawrie regional counciuor running for reelection was unable to attend the meeting berserk sound system blamed on bell markham many hours of work went into the planning of markham dist high schools com mencement program friday just when everything seemed in order vice principal harold zavitz told the audience later the sound system on stage went wild it was the weirdest psychedelic kind of sound we have ever heard he said prompting staff members and students to call on the skills of the technology department to seek out the problem finally after con siderable searching the trouble was traced to bell telephones new receiver tower erected recently on church street across the road from the school mr christie ac ting principal threatened to blow it up the speaker said the students ap plauded takes a holiday everybody has their troubles so instead of burdening our valuable customers with anymore of ours we sent tiny on a holiday this weekall we have to offer are bargains below are just a few examples 60 lurex brocade crimpknits a vky titaui ii if i si ii i mri oi a couiurm kiuh xkmi ai vihy mjiimani iat savings hmjva1ul iloij vi mil only 95 yd 54 polyester sweater knits aril if i hi i asiamic mil i chase i mi ifairvvrnt t i owinc down 1hi ma1macu ifs f act oisconceh i inc iomi man cny hitc vai he s ii mili- ouilti only phkf 54 bonded orlon knit ll all mi f cm i ck h kins in mixma rflt a i aimicf wl ll he low imohmai seii inc imict hi va mil i out i i i ihtl f only oi vi a49 yd owinc kjjjb hi uown rr drapery by the yard ready madi ohaif vupi lols i e ii v mfef n mh i 111 ni m if itfal hi all v maijrs ai uoiaiovviiiki ii smi i h now i nm sai in hack chi ils siirkahs co ion a poly pfttnis 99 yd hh oca ii s hlimiai fm kinc notice of the ratepayers of the corporation the township of uxbridge under the new ontario property tax credit plan residential and farm property taxes levied and due in 19t2 must be paid by december 31 1972 the payment of these municipal taxes will enable you to receive full credit under the ontario plan on your 1972 income tax return d s kennedy clerk mmhmmmnmiimmm our fabrics are guaranteed top quality our staff fully qualified to advise you about the washability and durability of any of our fabrics and will be pleased to advise you if you are not pleased with the performance of a material purchased from us very unlikely indeed come to us with your problem we love our cus tomers and want you to be happy your problems are not immaterial to us wo joking though you can count on us the original and only fabric end drapery mill outlet with two warehouse locations fr corner hwy 7 and woodbine ave telephone utijjz ir 2160 hwy 7 jiisi ea of keele telephone us- buy fabrics with confidence warehouse hours lnl 10 am lo9 fm sat 9 am to s pm ample free parking chester pattenden service will be held friday at 130 pm in the oneill funeral home stouffviile for mr chester pat tenden market street following his sudden passing nov 28 he was 65 surviving besides his wife the former irene storry are two sons elwood of stouffviile howard of north bay and one daughter mrs mary guerin of orillia interment will be made in stouffviile cemetery in lieu of flowers the family has requested donations be made to the heart i fund viola ramer service will be held thursday today from the dixon funeral home markham for almina viola ramer formerly of peter street following her passing nov 28 in fairview nursing home preston she was 88 gm parts counter man truck experience desirable full line of company benefits ideal working contiditions contact mr ta kirk general motors 1650 the queensway etobicoke 2559141 gmc truck centre notice to electors town of whitchurch stouffviile list of candidates who have qualified to be elected at elections to be held december 4th 1972 palls will be open from the hour of eleven oclock am till eight pm standard time and no longer for mayor one to be elected at large gordon ratcliff acclamation for 3emhers oi council one to be elected from each ward ward one arthur e starr acclamation ward two herbert peach herbert simpson jim wong jack wylie ward three merlyn baker acclamation ward four r f tommy farr catherine p joice ward five june button clara harman ward six eldred king thomas lonergan for york county board of education one member to be elected at large michael durnan john c mcmurray for the york county roman catholic separate school board one trustee to be elected at large from combined area municipalities of the town of whitchurchstouffville and the township of east gwillimbury john mcdermott acclamation for member to be elected by separate school supporters to serve on the york county board of education one to be elected from seven municipalities willis newton john raniowski see proclamation re liquor licence act vote for de scription of polling subdivisions and polling places advance poll there shall be an advance poll on november 27th and december 2nd 1972 which shall be open from the hour of eleven oclock in the forenoon and shall remain open until eight oclock in the evening on each day that i expect to be unable to vote on polling day in the said polling subdivision for which my name appears on the polling list or for which i have been issued by the clerk of the municipality or by the deputy returning officer of this polling subdivision a certificate permitting me to vote that i have not voted at any other advance poll at this election in this municipality advance poll locations for ward 1 ward 2 and ward 3 vandorf hall vandorf for ward 4 ward 5 and ward 6 r e comer returning officer