pae 2 the tribune thursday october 12 1972 hbb ibbm cna established 1sss ciiaules il nolan publisher b james thomas associate publisher and editor bobebt mccalsland advertising manager published every thursday by inland publishing co limited at 54 main st stouffville ont tel 602101 single copies 15e subscriptions 600 per year in canada 51000 elsewhere mmw of audit bureau of circulation v canadian community newspapers association and ontario weekly news- n papers association second class mai registration number 0896 editoriai special laws for cycle clubs the downtown area of stouffville was shaken to its very foundations sunday when a regiment of motorcyclists at tended the funeral of a deceased comrade while the noise created by some fifty highpowered machines was enough to waken the dead it was the personal rather than the material disregard for local laws that must have concerned most bystanders here in town within recent months parking speeding tiresquealing etc have cost motorists dearly in fines but few warnings have been issued and few excuses accepted yet sunday bylaws were flouted left and right not by farmer brown picking up a part for a brokendown plow not by ma perkins on a saturday shopping trip but by a horde of renegade cyclists who could care less about stouffville or its people even this newspaper was asked to co operate and refrain from taking pic tures for fear of inciting a riot we agreed but only out of respect for the officer and no one else we dont blame the police they used discretion besides outnumbered 50 to 1 they had no alternative however it was very obvious to everyone who watched there are laws for the individual and laws for the masses is it fair thats what ma perkins will be asking the next time shes tagged for parking ten inches from a curb buf couldnt you leave gbtyefjng- fo ca under hm g ttiehefzefflevlleanyhay editor 9 mail the enlightened age the reported decision by ad ministrator sam chapman of the york county board of education not to allow the markham dist high school band to play during a visit by canadas prime minister to richmond hill is an action that makes one wince with shame here in this socalled enlightened age when students and staff teachers are encouraged to take advantage of all kinds of extracurricular activities including participation in political clubs the ad ministrator says no to a bands ap pearance before the prime minister of this country such a ruling is hard to believe and difficult to understand mr chapmans reasoning might be comprehensible if the rally was to have included only the ridings member of parliament however it was organized on a much broader scale it might have been understandable too if the band or orchestra to pay members their just dues had been some hastily contrived tin pan alley but theyre not in fact we doubt if theres a better high school band anywhere in york so on this one occasion when markhams student musicians had an opportunity to display their true colors not political the administrator steps in and says uhuh children some parents might not approve we say to hell with the parents if there be any so prejudiced we say let the students show forth their talents be the guest pierre elliott trudeau robert stanfield david lewis or bobby hull and by the way we wonder what the decision had the rally been provincial instead of federal and the visiting dignitary been the education minister instead of the prime minister we wonder all things to all people on the question of the proposed in ternational airport in pickering town ship ontario riding p c candidate frank mcgee is attempting to be all things to all people to win the support of the pop people he valiantly says stop it to win the endorsement of the proport folk he saysgo ahead sell your land and the government you and i will transform the site into a huge industrial park while this may be sound thinking on the part of an astute politician it could well backfire if and when hes called on to produce or else personally we like the approach of liberal norm cafik who said publically saturday if we heed it well take it thats our stand too dear sir markham reminds me of a gangly overgrown teenybopper beginning to grow quickly physically but with the emotional and social outlook of a child on sept 29 the fair board voted to have the markham branch of pop remove their airport information booth for the grounds although the volunteers at the booth had received a very favorable response the board argued it had received several complaints and that due to the con troversial nature of the project they felt it must go i guess there is nothing controversial about premier davis and yet he was invited to the fair mr roman had campaign signs at the front entrance to the fairbut of course that is not controversial several religious denominations had representatives present handing out literature but of course that could not be embarrassing to anyone they say puberty is a very difficult phase of ones life i guess markham is proving it mrs p duist markham dear jim the oct 5 issue of the tribune allowed the writer to put in a free plug for the poor new democratic party while i have no real objection to this i feel the paper would have been well advised to check the mathematical ac curacy of any charts submitted the chart shows we are told the different percentages paid in direct taxation by individuals and corporations in various well chosen years however the percentages never add up stouffville junior c ontario baseball champions 1958 in 1958 stouffville cardinals won the all ontario junior c baseball championship members of that club are shown here front row left to right lynn taylor bob stover harry barber don haynes lawrence wideman gord eckardt rear row left to right murray stewart coach ted suzuki eric barber murray holden john little ross madill harold hodgson coach that was 14 years ago to more than 621 percent 197273 we are not told if the extra 399 percent comes from indirect taxation and if so who pays it the writer further states that only the ndp candidate will reveal the source of his campaign funds the way this party supporter does his arithmetic these figures should prove as enlightening to me as the figures on direct taxation dw hill winlane drive stouffville dear sir with reference to the editorial of sept 4 few live election issues it is regrettable that the tribunes myopic gaze carries no further than the boun daries of the riding of yorksimcoe noting that you are aware that the up coming election is a federal one let me assure you that yorksimcoe has yet officially to opt out of confederation that the cost of living is rising un controlled throughout our country is no reason to ignore its immediate effects upon the residents of yorksimcoe or to suggest that they will not ask why it is so unemployment may not loom large in this area but yorksimcoe does not enjoy economic isolation from the economy of the country as a whole your use of fringe to describe the discontent about an airport the coming of which you take as a fait accompli is best ignored finally the election in this area is not a matter of john roberts record for the past four years rather it is a matter of the reexamination and scrupulous re- evaluation by the electorate of the record and policies of the party headed by trudeau of which mr roberts is still but a cog his mailings notwithstanding rf glazin fair view ave stouffville dear jim re 30 mile per hour zones i reside north of hwy 47 at ringwood at times i too have a similar problem as that mentioned recently by councillor tom lonergan extreme difficulty turning out onto the road the difference is there is no 30 mile per hour limit in the area in fact at times i wonder what the speed maximum really is however i would think myself rather selfish and deem it most unfair to request the hundreds yes thousands of drivers to slow to 30 mph for my personal benefit my point is this the section of main street extending east of the tenth line is indeed pasture land country similar to many areas throughout ontario and these are signed at 40 mph not thirty in my opinion the police are taking advantage of a situation by continually utilizing the speed trap at this location and im surprised at the thinking of some government officials in connection with this matter my complaint i feel is legitimate and requires more broad minded thinking claude kerr ringwood toamini ffiuunt memories by mark niblett the above is my last byline for the tribune by the time you read this vicki and i will have left stouffville the first step on a journey which will take us hopefully to south america for those who asked after the wombat no she isnt going with us a the decision has not been an easy one to make ive been around the tribune for about a year and a half now and its been an enjoyable time in my life weve made a lot of new friends in this area and pulling up stakes isnt a casual step actually weve been talking about this trip for almost five years now we feel the time has come to stop talking and start moving where to well to name a few spots we hope to reach san luis potosi mexico city yucatan tegucigalpa managua panama lima cuzco macchu picchu la paz its a long list our means of travel is the magic tortoise a 1966 volkswagen bus which weve converted to a camper ive discovered some unexpected mechanical skills which i hope will see us through the project seems to produce two main reactions one group thinks were stark raving mad to travel into that jungle another group looks wistful and offers to accompany us to the first i can say that places like mexico city merida lima rio de janeiro and so on are a long way from the jungle well probably manage such things as attending opera and or ballet eat in chinese restaurants in lima see first run american movies and generally take part in the life of a pretty civilized part of the world to those who would like to come sorry im still not sure theres enough room in the magic tortoise for the two of us let alone any supercargoes its been a trying period seeing that everything is ready weve both been suffering from multiple stabwounds obtained in the course of an innoculation f series typhus tabt yellow fever smallpox i may not get sick but if i breathe on anybody he could die our special thanks to dr don petrie who wields a skilful needle there are a lot of people to think about i hope no one will be offended by their omission my friends on whitchurch stouffville council them ill miss its going to be a much duller life not being able to watch june button and mayor ken laushway indulge in their little to and fors there are many things ill miss on the other hand there are lots ill be glad to see the last of the york county board of education for example the journalistic equivalent of being sent to the eastern i front except you perish from boredom not exposure the airport is something else ill be glad to escape what else oh ill miss seeing the sun set on bob nesbitts cigar smoke over in uxbridge township the bellows of wrath from dick illingworth at regional council which are sometimes sufficient to wake up ken mctaggart the sight of markham council vanishing into their v little room to thrash out sticky problems ill especially regret missing the municipal elections the federal ones i dont care about a plague on both your houses the thing is theres a whole world out there its a world where people dont speak english they dont follow our customs they eat strange foods we want to at least see that world and we figure its now or never its been a good time working for the tribune and nothing detracts from that u ill bear fond memories of jim thomas charlie nolan the girls in the front office the advertising men in back the people across the street in the plant ill remember the smell of spring in but- tonville after a markham council i meeting the sight of the city lights from hwy 48 at the bloomington road a lot of things we havent ruled out the possibility of returning to canada maybe even to t stouffville who knows i might be in- flicted upon you again but as the song says ive played around and stayed around this old town too long j summers almost gone winters coming on so from the nibletts to stouffville hasta la vista vayan con dios