pitt 13 the tribune thursday september 22 1972 60 sales register auctions vf rikne classified ads 705 3573270 gerald gra ham cleric 182 45 building trades and household directory electric wiring 45 building trades and household directory n may construction brick stone hoik fireplaces chimneys 46 gardening and supplies well rotted manure for sale dump truck load 895- 346 days 8881712 nights 12tf carpentry work 8t 8517188 northern well drilling ltd 4 wells and up 51tf toronto newmarket 1971397 8952911 gunther lyens construction custom homes commercial and residential additions and alterations custom carpentry kitchen cabinets vanities 50tf for all your building needs call stouffville 6402185 brook designs builder m custom carpentry additions alterations h kitchens trs rec rooms free dulcn estlmatldi claremont s492j59 arts electric for all your electrical services 55 blake st 6404421 2tl free estimates all work guaranteed home improvement service painting decorating carpentry aluminum siding heinz blum rr 1 stouffville telephone 6404712 after 4 pm 42tf larry norton plumbing a- heating for all your plumbing services call evenings by top soil the yard or by load the 174 call jack beach 6402872 48 groceries meats produce for sale 50 miscellaneous canadian cancer society markham unit stouttrille branch for information re gard ng patient ser vices films call stoufftllle president 6401507 service to patients 403244 38tf 1 51 transportation taxis 60 sales register auctions feed potatoes john bos- worth potatoes ltd rr3 newmarket 8955422 12tf fresh killed turkeys for thanksgiving please order row phone 8523760 macintosh apples hand picked or pick your own ralph jones 6495600 custom pressing 25c gal fresh cider by the jug al tona cider stouffville mill rr 3 6402539 163 2 new potatoes 1 per 75 lb bag john bosworth po tatoes ltd rr3 newmar ket 8955422 monfri 8 am 6 pm sat 8 amnoon 23tf trenching with 0 to 8 inches wide and- 48 inches deep phone 6402928 kens electric specializing in rewire of old homes alteration and repairs of wiring farm wiring industrial commercial primarv pole line work 9tf dont delay call today 6402345 j s taylor heating contractor phone stouffville 6401908 furnaces oil burners 24tf duct systems- hot water boilers superior auto body collision repair refinishing 10tf stouffville 6401051 ken jones rr2 markham hwy 48 5 mile n markham gale contracting home improvements general repairs alterations concrete floor finishing 13 church st markham 2942056 28tf garden produce goodwood gardens highway 47 mile east of goodwood closed mon tues open 10- am to dusk 6404852 6402666 res ride wanted return from 5 con of whitchurch to stouffville 730 am to 530 pm adv 8881113 53 personals single parated widowed or di vorced and looking for the right types for dating or marriage try cupid computer it scientifically assesses and matches each individual with the best potentials who are compat ible in character ideals philosophy and interests not a lonely hearts club and therefore not advisable for the very shy or those with other emotional prob lems for rational intelli gent individuals of all ages occupations races and re ligions cupid has different programs guaranteeing reg ular dates andor marriage or money refunds in ac tual computer time it takes only minutes to find dates for most individuals and costs only pennies per day most important cupid computer eliminates the costs frustrations and time required in the usual meth- rods of meeting and dating we have many customer references as proof of past performance dont spend this summer with just any- money back guarantee on nc 50 acnr baler hy duty 120 cultivator 3 fr hfr 12 mounted plows doub le disc 100 mounted pto spreader pto sprayer side rake 40 elevator hay or era also surge milk er bulk eccler tooo bales 1972 early cut hay excel lent quality 2000 bales straw 3000 bus mixed grain note this is only a partial iisi of items for salo this is a sale you wont want to miss the catte are young and big this is in extra good lpt of hay many of he imple ments are like new farm sold refreshments sale 1 pm atkinson and wilson sale mgrs auctioneers complete dispersal 90 head of crossbred hereford and shorthorn cattle 30 cows and 30 calves bal ance yearlings and 2 year olds heifers and steers cattle are all in showing condition cows bred back to a purebred polled here ford bull some with long breeding dates no re serve farm sold the pro perty of ted johnson can- nington sale to be held thurs oct 121 pjn at the woodville livestock auction sale arena locat ed 1h miles east of wood ville 183 all produce 5tf harpers fresh meats halves quarters of beef halves whole figs cut and wrapped for your freezer 47tf all meat guaranteed and government inspectet 6404761 or 6401818 j cupid computer dating service j17 queen st e suite 237 dept 24c toronto 1 can lehmans painting a decorating interior and exterior 20 years exnerience free es timates 16tf 8815410 and 8873300 nick rohwer construction residential commercial alterations additions farm buildings lie 873 rri claremont ph 6495471 43tf custom built horse barns riding arenas renovations to old barns drainage problems whittaker bros contracting 8881753 33tf ask for a free estimate windows doors awnings railings siding stouffville home improvements ltd 640- 189 51 erie hoover electric alterations repairs custom wiring electric heat hot water tanks new work 12tf kr2 markham phone 6101591 wilsons shingling tree cutting hedge trimming phone 8523680 after 5 oboyles abattoir beef fork by quarter or side cut and wrapped for your freezer all meats government inspected we also do custom killing and curing bus 6401343 27tf 49 pet stock supplies kennels for sale collie pups 294- 2640 pups mother st bernard regd father newfound land s30 8875508 free kitten to good home very healthy checked by vet fully trained 6401351 free to good farm home boxer 5 yrs spayed ex cellent with young child ren 6402091 3640094 13tf 59 lost found found puppy black and white with collar phone 6402154 after 5 60 sales register auctions auctioneers thursday oct 5 auction sale of 40 hesd of angus charolais cattle the prop erty of george mcarthur lot 11 con 11 reach twp mile west of greenbank 1 angus cows fresh or due soon angus cow charolais calf by side due feb 2 charolais heifers due soon holstein cow fresh cas charolais angus bull six years 12 angus rnd char olais steers yearlings to 1000 lbs 5 angus char olais heifers yearlings 5 york and landrace sows due soon sale called due to ill health terms cash sale at 2 pm reg larry johnson auctioneers ph 705 3573270 172 october 5 thursday ev ening 6 pm auction sale of furniture including heintzmah transposing pi ano viking refrigerator viking electric stove mof fat electric dryer 9 pc oak dining room suite motorola tv marconi ra dio and record player chesterfield chair 9x12 beige rug and underpad coffee table antique chest of drawers and dresser occasional chair royal typewriter lamps chairs barbecue set and numer ous other pieces the pro perty of j h fellows 35 blake st in stouffville go south at railway tracks lloyd wilson wd at kinson sale mgrs auc tioneers 182 thusday oct 5 twi light auction sie of dairy type cattle at stouffville sales barn including fresh and springing cows heif ers open heifers bulls purebred and grde con sign early frank bennett 8875570 norm faulkner 6403813 sale time 730 pm 182 w d atkinson stouffville a s farmer phone gormley 8875311 reg johnson sunderland ont florree galt pickering 2847545 we buy or will auction your new or used furniture free estimates stouffville sales barn 6403813 640- 2759 5tf zegil home builders driveways paved concrete floors kitchens remodelled houfc aiding complete hou0 roughed in and finished very reasonable rates free estimates 6l92ns 46 gardening and supplies water wells ltd sod for sale pump sales service 817533 27tf len n phone 2945606 focr seasons aiuminvm sales alumina m a v nine aluminum window julurjft der acres yards delivery full landscaping 8327268 uxbrldce 5025 dog grooming poodles a specialty good stylish clip ping guaranteed pick up s100 6404374 13tf registered doberman pinscher pups direct blood lines of top winning dob erman of canada 1970 1971 show and pet quali ty 6495760 evenings 173 german shepherd pups 10 weeks old registered shots from obedience trai ned parents presently guarding urge equipment display phone 6101621 or 6403i520 r roshan kennels regd 22tf labrador retrievers puppies stud service black yellow doc cats boarded vearround accommodation claremont 6495i1c auction sale hcion- gate country auction ev ery thursday evening at pm located 4 miles north of rouge hills on the altona rd off no 2 high way or 1 mile south of whitevalc on altona rd featuring every week a good selection of antiques fine furniture glass china brass copper and collec- tables etc auctioneers note consignments and es tate selling our specialty henry kahn auction ser vice ph 416 6686189 or 2910426 43tf 50 miscellaneous mums for sale all color by the plant or cut lowers hy the bunch main st e 6102710 bobs nursery sod best quality any quantity open day a week phone jm1jjj 1tf adonis largest selec tion ot adult a- gay books blique m3gizines mailed uiscreetly in plain wrap for monthly catalogue a rite box 1110 station q toronto 7 ont 3tf open now old barn antiques large quantity of glass crocks and furniture north from brougham li miles then east on con 7 1 mlc turn north at golf course on dead end road 6193906 saturday sept 30 auc tion sale of household fur niture dining room furni ture bedroom suit com plete china cabinet seve ral rocking chairs sofa chair all kinds of good pie ces furniture qu of silver- ware china glassware large no of picture frames antique oil lrmp ntiquc lamp slvjdcs in the town of richmond hill south a- bout 1 mile second house north of carrvill sideroad on west side o yonge st the property of miss g stevenson terms cash sale at 12 noon alvin s farm er phone 8875311 auction eer gormley ont saturday sept 30 clearing auction for wes ley slack 153 burkholdcr st in stouffville includ ing the complete furnish ing- of the home note- this is an extra good auc tion sale one you wont want to miss see last week paper for complete details property sold sale 1 nm refreshments at kinson nnd wiison sale mpr pnd auctioneers kale dates oct 4 57 12 14 17 is 19 21 25 26 28 2c nov i 4 11 atkinson a wilson silo mcrs and auctioneers thurs oct 5 auction sale of used and antique items at the home of stan baker known us bakers five acres 10th line markham twp 1 mile north of hwy 7 no reserve terms cash sale at 1 pm norm faulk ner auctioneer friday oct 6 auction silo of household furni ture the property of mrs win weldon will be held in the town of sutton just west of the bowling alley frigidaire frig frigidaire stove glass door cupboard d panes chesterfield and one chair 2 oil lamps vi negar cruet sugar shaker antique rocker cocoa pot bavarian compote qu of other dishes lazy boy chnir 2 antique rocking chairs bedroom furniture qu of other furniture will be added to this sale pro perty sold terms cash sale at 1 pm reg larry johnson auctioneers ph 705 gerald gra ham clerk wfdnesday oct 4 clearing farm auction for wm j far on hwy 47 d intle uorll stouffville or 25 miles f of toron to consisting of 50 hol- stcins fresh rows spring ers bred hcifer due oct- nov yearling heifer cal ves also 3 trictors sp combine hajbine 1s72 cut saturday oct 7 auc tion sale of farm stock im- pl ments hay grain and furniture the property of maurice mangan lot 9 con 4 thorah twp 1 mi east of beavrrton 65 head of good hereford angus charolais cattle 21 cows most have calves by side 2 yr old charolais steers heifers hereford steers heifers yrs yearlings ecormck diesel 250 tractor a id loader nh manure spreader pto mccormck 46 baler mf power mower lull line of machinery 2a0 bales of second cut hy 5 tons of mixed grain farm sold terms cash sale at 1230 reg f- larry johnson auc tioneers ph 7053573270 ceroid graham clerk 182 tuesday oct 10 auction sale of farm stock imple ments hay straw and grain the properly of rob ert berry lot 7 con 6 reach twp one mile nor th of manchester 2 miles west 40 hie holstein cattle 18 cows mostly mil king 12 heifers rising 1 yr 2 heifers due soon hereford bul no of veal calves 6000 bales of hay 1000 bales ot siraw 1500 bu grain mf no 90 die sel tractor 3 pt hitch cisc model 300 tractor pannitcr rear end loader cae model d tractor sc- dore snow blower bush hog 10 ft minted disc ac 4 furrow plow 2 cockshutl combines both no 422 ptc jd baler no 24t 4 yrs jd pas hole auger new david brown tandem wheel spreader ac forage harvester full line of machinery farm sold terms cash sale at 12 noon reg larry johnson auctioneers ph i thursday october 12 auction sale of farm ma chinery including 4020 john deere tractor power brakes and power steering cab lite 1971 model 1400 hrs excellent condition john deere 3020 tractor 1966 power brakes and steering kewanee disc harrow 1720 disc ccse 5 furrow 14 plows allied cultivator 136 mckee 720 front end snow blower new holland 469 haybine john deere 24t hay baler john deere seed drill on rubber case seed drill on rubber john deere ham mer mill feed mixer with 60 sales register auctions 3 hp motor rubber tired wagon 5 ton with rack jb and d weed sprayer 21 ft boom 2 sets nozzles gehl forage blower grain box john deere pto man ure spreader rino heavy duty blade 3 pl hitch woods oat roller 2 grain augers 2 bay elevators bale buncher the property of r s webster 1 mile west and mile north of uxbridge on con- 6 this is good modern machinery the farm has been sold and possesion given there are very few small articles so that the machinery will sell earlv sale at 1 pjn lloyd wilson and w d atkinson sale managers and auctioneers 182 cattle kawartha klassic 5th annual consignment sale aberdeenangus breeding stock from 4 prominent herds drynoch carls- way creditdale and mtm stock farm at peterbor ough ontario saturday october 21st 67 lots fea turing bulls cows and calves send for free cata logue to a c mctaggart sale manager box 123 aurora ontario tel 416 7274923 183 public notice neil patrick president of neil patrick motors ltd is pleased to announce that roy ward has returned to the sales staff roy brings with him many years of sale and service experience in the automotive field roy wishes that all his old friends will drop by the dealership during 1973 model announcement week patrick motors main west stouffville phone 640j450 jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie i urgently needed class a mechanics for leading ford mercury dealer j generous fringe benefits s i applications to be made to bert craig orj bill barclay at 2971476 or6401770 miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ji town of whitchurchstouffville requires sch00l crossing guardj at main street and orchard park boulevard please contact the undersigned f r e corner clerk i 6401900 town of whitchurchstouffville i notice f musselmans lake garbage area commencing the week of october 2nd once a week pickup will be on monday kindly be governed accordingly special garbage collection please take notice that on saturday october 21st 1972 there will be a collection of garbage other than the normal household waste for all residents in the musselmans lake garbage area j r e corner clerk a think snow are you ready 2assrai this weeks special completely reconditioned and looking for good home your ford tractor dealer altona feed supplies co ltd 2 miles e of stouffville claremont 6401621 sales service trade terms senior fastball in town stouffville theres a strong possibility that senior class fastball may come to stouffville next season prime requirements are a sponsor and a coach while intermediate fastball faded out of the sports picture in stouffville this year theres a drive on to revive it on an even stronger scale in 73 several of the towns better players moved down to markham to perform with the aces in the east york a a league that plays out of dieppe park skedgar field 1970 anibavjidor sedan s automatic power steering radio an ideal family car lie 120s5a 1666 1969 meteor montcalm 2 door hardtop beau- i tiful turquoise finish s cyl power steering power brakes radio low mileage lie t9q2a- 1995 1968 chrysler 4 door sedan 8 automatic power equipped radio immaculate through- out lie 939sa 1595 1967 meteor montcalm 4 door s automatic power steering power brakes radio new condition throughout lie 7925a 1295 this weeks demonstrator special 1972 cortina 4 door sedan 2000 cc engine radio reclining seats electric rear window defroster 4 speed transmission lie 7459a reg s2s9s sale price 2398 john roe ford mercury sales and service 394 main st w stouffville 6401770 2971470 grab bags go on sale thursday sept 28 for as long as they last i 727 value 100 a bag one per family fr no phone orders vv supply limited antiphlogistine as3s rub 34 clairol long silky 4 oi facellc royalle facial tissue pocktt pack j j stayfree mini pads 4i juice decanter with lid 64 ox gillette soft x dri 33 ox vicks vakmyptuj 7 cough drops lifesavers tlus candy its breath mint curity absorbent balls toe pohf bog i00 colgate bright side shampoo 10c 3 o idasal asai 39e s or 100 lady patricia lemon mist 12 hair spray 2 ox lh 10 4i 4j jje total vauut 727 sale starts sept 21 runs to sept 30 eno fruit salt 7 oz large with free tumbler sugg list 143 89c sunlight complexion soap jjy it eake or 100 contacc 10s with trial size cough control sugg list 159 97c pro tooth brushes adult hard adult medium youth soft childs double duty sugg list 69c u dozen sylvan i a flashcubes 3 lo card sugg list 177 card 144 card scottowels white sugg list 272e i rolls for 59c ida everyday multiple vitamins bottle of 100s 179 also ida multiple vitamins with iron only 198 quellida decongestant tablets 16s sugg list 139 99c buckleys medicitron hot lemon medicine for colds with vitamin c 12 adult doses per pkg sugg 11st 179 133 44c colgate dental crearri with mfp family size 10c off special regular wlnterfresh sugg list 129 t3c sylvania flashbulbs agl clear 12s aoib blue 12s sugg list s240 pkg 177 pkg vicks clearasil 12 oz skintone or 12 oz vanishing formula sugg lisl 113 107 soap sugg im 37c chocks multiple vitamins 100s sugg list si49 288 ida heating pad 1 year guarantee asst colors 499 vicks vaporub 3 oz sugg list 129 93 29c neilsons chocolate bars individual value 110 4 bars for k i lysol air freshener disinfectant v oz sugg list 179 1h confidets sanitary napkins 12s sugg list 69o 2 99c ida utility hot water bottle 2 year guarantee v sugg list 289 188 listerine antiseptic mouthwash and gargle 18 oz sugg list s199 123 alberto balsam hair spray 13 oz sugg ijt 208 227 plus other unadvertised specials aikens d a pharmacy 6401722 6402153