p2 15 the tribune t ansa house is struck by lightning enp summer in style with k jean leaf buttonville monday afternoon when a brief thun derstorm hit the area lightning struck the kenneth stots home and caused con siderable damage plaster was knocked off walls pictures flew about electrical equipment and ap pliances were damaged and the telephone wire was burned both mr and mrs stots were at home but were not harmed congratulations to bill and lynn robinson on the birth of a baby daughter at york central hospital mrs douglas hood planned to return from saskatchewan on monday of this week mrs hood and isobel motored to unity with mr and mrs jack stephenson marion hood when they returned from a visit here in july isobel flew home two weeks ago the garnet stewart family spent a three w e e k camping vacation in the maritimes the gaspe new brunswick pki where they visited with relatives and nova scotia john stewart will return to l of t next month for his second year in music debby will be back at seneca john and margaret brumwell and their daughters took time off last week for a trip to gananoque and kingston sunday at browns corners united church kev david wilkinson was guest minister with mrs don keesor at the organ new well for park vandokf a new well may soon provide relief for sports fans in the park here at a meeting of council in committee aug 11 members voted to accept a quotation from gor mley well drilling for the project the quoted price based on a 100 foot well at s9 per foot was 1870 in addition the sum includes a submersible pump and some piping kxtra costs to be borne by the town will apply to lateral piping taps and a pump house no starting date for the project was stated leg broke in game offer 36000 for old vandorf school vandokf if the sale of the former vandorf school east of don mills koad is completed aug 31 the price would be among the highest ever recorded for property of this kind york county board of education is said to have accepted an offer to purchase from stanley storimans at a quoted figure of ssooo mr storimans has had his eye on the site for some time he informed whitchurch stoulfville planning committee several weeks ago that if successful he hoped to use the land as an extension to his business the firm produces components for the electronic in dustry previously the board was offered but turned it down bv mrs c miuted gormley jerry- collins had the misfortune to break his left leg during an oasa playoff softball game at vandorf park between vandorf and king city he will be sporting a cast for the next three months sympathy is ex pressed to mr and mrs john meads in the death of his mother at centre grey hospital in markdale sympathy is also expressed to the personnel at don mills steel co mr gordon white one of the partners died sud denly of a heart attack this past week mrs m hines and her mother mrs gorman of england have been visiting mr and mrs michael conroy for three weeks mrs marie duncan has returned from a holiday in wales scotland and a mediterranean cruise several of our travellers are home from holidays in our eastern provinces miss genevieve bruce mr and mrs john bruce and sharon mr and mrs robert petrie mrs norman brown and mrs gertie baycroft misses catriana and elaine gold returned tuesday after a six weeks vacation with relatives in great britain miss kathv doner and mr willy wideman were guests of honour at a miscellaneous shower at the christian and missionary alliance church in unionville mr and mrs howard baker of orillia recently visited his mother mrs delbert baker mr and mrs geoff campey entertained the staff and pupils of the primary dept of the missionary church sunday school at their home on friday evening mrs edward n jones has spent over a month in sunnybrook hospital toronto undergoing tests her room number is 1306 ward id mrs jones would appreciate a card or visit from her gormley neighbours mr arthur hollands for many years a gormley resident but now of scarborough enjoyed a visit recently with relatives in england it was mr hollands first trip back in over fifty years mrs jean mcmullen welcomed her first grandchild a son born to her soninlaw and daughter mr and mrs alvin hall also another great grand child for mrs jos heise mr and mrs metro sudeyko spent sunday with their soninlaw and daughter mr and mrs m crle cnneybeare of lislowel miss feme gamble and mr ken jeffels were presented with a miscellaneous shower on tuesday night at victoria square hall by their gormley friends and neigh bours vacation bible school is being held this week mon to fri from 630 pm to 830 pm in gormley missionary church the closing will be held at 730 pm sunday aug 27 rev e boettger will give an illustrated talk with chalk artist ted riseboro of wilcox lake accompanying him would you like to choose your own 1973 multiyear licence plates ontario 73 keep it beautiful ontario arm11 kay505 xyz999 73 keep it beautiful ontario 73 keep it beautiful the introduction of multiyear automobile licence plates next year will now give every owner of a passenger car or station wagon the opportunity of choosing his or her own combination of three letters and three numbers on the payment of an extra fee of 2500 all these licence plates will remain in use or at least three years they w ill be issued in the series from aaa 001 to 222 999 however sonic letters and combinations will not be available the letters g i and q are excluded because of possible confusion with oihct letters or numbers objectionable letter combinations are excluded letter groups reserved for government use include ont for ontario cabinet ministers mppfor members of the provincial parliament while the series mda to m02 is reserved for doctors other groups are reserved for various other uses reissue of plates during the multiyear period own choice plates when lost or damaged may be replaced with plates bearing the same number or they may bo rcissued to another vehicle owned by the holder of own choice plates for a service fee of s3 00 in addition to any other registration fee payable before applying for your own choice of licence plates please read carefully the following information annual registration fee all owners will continue to pay the annual registration fee for their vehicles when they obtain their new plates additional fee for own choice pletes owners who choose their own licence plates ate required to pay the registration fee and a separate fee of 2500 for each set this fee covers the period during which the plates will be used a minimum of three years how to get your own choice plates the additional fee of 2500 for each set of plates requested must accompany your application you may apply by letter or send an application form to special plate office ministry of transportation and communications macdonald block queens park toronto 182 print clearly our name and address your 1972 licence plate number and then state your first second and third choice for mulliyev licence plates do not send your car ownership permit send only the application and the own choice fee of 25 00 applications will be processed on a first come first served basis to avoid disappointment send your request now if the plates you request are going to be available you will receive an acknowledgement which will tell you when and how you may obtain them if the plates you request arc not going to be available your payment wllbe returned with a letter of explanation note the option of own choice licence plates is open only to owners of passenger cars and station wagons application for own choice licence plates to sricai pute othc ministry of tranjponaiion and comnumcations macdwjid block queens paik toronto 1 82 qnm ro i plis print clearly i wtjh to acp for lcnce plates with the teller jd nurrbers i have indicated i encfoie payrrent of 25 00 for each jet of licence plate requested money order cheque do not stnd cash make cheque cr noney order payable to provincial trtajuref my 1972 icece pae number is pleaie use block letters uf it tfer mr t u first choice q d md d second ch0ce d dh d thir0 choice l c jz u z d ministry of transportation and communications ontario hon golon crton o c v a t c mcvat douw vn presh chicken 1legs breasts ujmaple leaf sweet pickled jqttagerolls mequaide 2 pies per 80z pkg meat dicc steak chicken memi rlea or petite tourtiere cantaloupes produce of usa no 1 grade ideal with ice cream half cryovac crisp and plump produce of usa thompson seedless grapes 3 98 produce of usa no 1 grade prune plums lb qt 39 49 freshly 4winced beef meaty side 3ide spare ribs maple leaf 16oz vac pack assorted cooked meats 75 qtf australian fancy crushed pineapple 2 itsk 45 purina fcjfc doc chow s 39 iga instant skim milk powder 135 iga homogenized peandt cutter x 65 iga prepared mustard 18 aylmer sweet pickled beets s 29 vineland peaches now available 6 qt 4qt produce of republic of south africa outspan oranges sj9 iga special pepsicola nonreturnable iga special peek frean assorted biscuits your choice of 8 varieties 4ta01 s b pkgs iga 12inch width aluminum foil s 29 9inch size budget white paper plates dill pickles family assorted colors iga pkg of 101 24fl oz jar 60 pkgs of 333 sheets 1 79 33 kleenex napkins 4t1 facelle royale asstd colors facial tissue 3 bakery specials dempsters pkgs of 12 old world rolls 2 75 toastmaster mfg 4c off label coffee delight 45 iga regular low price hospitality hamburg or wiener buns dairy specials local cabbage large heads 19 each igaspeoav iga assorted flavors fruit drinks v 48fl oz tin 27 igaspecial scottowels 49 assorted colors 2 roll pkg pkg of jrmb fraservale frozen food specials tropicana pure grapefruit or orange juice blue bonnet colored margarine mccain fancy crinkle cut french fries hornes regular or onion 16flozbtl jffcjrfc bbq sauce 39 32n oz btl 3lb pkg fancyphs swpjfc 69 49 v 2lb bag humpty dumpty 6 regular or ripple or sjoz salt vinegar flavored potato chips iga specials head shoulders shampoo 88 lotion 34fl oz btl cream 240z jauw w or cream 2j0z tube liquid detergent 4fcfc mir hh jlel ii plastic bus uv h richs oa rich whip 2s45 jjf banana 15 oz or chocolate 14oz each sara lee cakes69 39 iga specials stouffville iga where food features are on sole all week iga choice j jfc peas 19 s 79 kraft cheez whiz stouffuilte igh main st west stouffville open 9 o iri 6 pm thur fri till 9 pm-